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In the beginning, we were just a bunch of fools trying to make a living in the southern suburbs of Las Venturas. Close, yet so far from the strip of vices. We were not hardline criminals, neither were we some important guys, but we wanted to make a name for ourselves.
We started selling drugs in the suburbs. It was not very profitable, but it earned us a name. People started referring to us as The Blazers not only because weed was the main thing we sold, but that we were smoking it worse than a tractor.

The city was caught in a war between rival gangs, The Mafia and The Corpos over the drug and arms trade. We realized it would be suicide to continue on this path. Yet, we also realized that the waging wars between the various drugs and arms factions left an illegal domain uncontrolled the prostitution.

After doing a few jobs for the organizations that had a say in the city, we were allowed to continue deeper into the strip with our plans, giving that we kept out of their war, and that we would offer a discount to their mafiosos when they would request our girls. We knew they would not backstab us, since they were too busy fighting each other, and shifting their focus on us meant a possible surprise strike from behind. In fact, we were even allowed to operate in the northern part of the city.

We found a depot there, moved in and started the operation. Luring in the girls was an easy task, most of them fell for the loverboy trick. They came in from other cities, and some even from abroad. In no time, all the gangs in the city were calling us to deliver some of our girls for their well-deserved parties that they got from the victories of the turf wars.

Nicknames do stick like glue, and even though we do not sell that much weed, and we certainly do not reside in the southern part of the city anymore, we started to be known as the South Side Blazers.

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South Side Blazers is a criminal organization that is heavily involved into prostitution, human trafficking and illegal pornography. We take our girls to rich customers, people who sell their life savings to afford taking off their virginity, and parties that usually are hosted by known groups.

Most of our girls are shipped off from countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Sudan, Sierra Leone, where the poverty is just too much for their families to bear, and sell their daughters to us, or where prostitution is rampant. There is also the chance that some girl will fall in love to one of our loverboys, who will happily trick her into coming abroad.

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Full Name: South Side Blazers
Tags: SSB|
Panel Creation Date: 4/01/2022 (4th of January 2022)
Honored: Slaine, Boston
Leader: blizzard
Vice Leader: rivals
Color Code: ~[#E71B1B]~(#E71B1B)
Gang Level: 1
Gang Money: ~[$60.000.000]~(118C4F )
Motto: "Sins & Chicks"
Discord: ~[Click Here]~(#E71B1B)
Media Archive: ~[Click Here]~(#E71B1B)

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South Side Blazers follows a policy of neutrality towards all the other criminal organizations in San Andreas. We consider that it is in our best interest to have successful business operations with the associates we may find fit at the specific moment.

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The Boss (8)
~[The man in charge of the organization. Runs all the operations across the state through his subordinates.]~(#808080)

:romania: blizzard ~[(dopeblizz)]~(#808080)

The Underboss (7)
~[Leader's right hand man. Represents his interests in person and attends in his place wherever it is needed.]~(#808080)

:angola: rivals ~[(nobita354)]~(#808080)

King Pimps (6)
~[Highest ranked mobsters. Each King Pimp is in charge of a region or city.]~(#808080)

:netherlands: mellow ~[(koenmeby)]~(#808080)
:estonia: Vadim ~[(thatthug)]~(#808080)
:portugal: rykila ~[(rycas)]~(#808080)
:slovenia: Marso ~[(marso)]~(#808080)
:netherlands: Twenta (~[tristan012)]~(#808080)
:bulgaria: bobo ~[(ganev69)]~(#808080)

Barons (5)
~[Mob's finest. Most of them are either heavily respected or retired top dogs.]~(#808080)

:scotland: Slaine ~[(slaine97)]~(#808080) ~[[Honored]]~(2e2a33)
:israel: Rake ~[(ryn0r)]~(#808080)
:saudi_arabia: Nishki ~[(bluelive122)]~(#808080)
:rainbow_flag: Omar ~[(lplp)]~(#808080)

Enforcers (4)
~[The heavy muscle and the hitmen. Usually they can be seen around the Barons and King Pimps, guarding them, when they are not sent in to lynch someone.]~(#808080)

:estonia: Icecold ~[(kaseke123)]~(#808080)

Fixers (3)
~[Lead a city's district. They take orders from the King Pimps through the Enforcers. They are also in charge of the human trafficking imports that come from other countries.]~(#808080)

:estonia: Markus ~[(kalevipoeg)]~(#808080)
:finland: T0NZ ~[(tonzza13)]~(#808080)

Street Sharks (2)
~[As the name implies, are in charge of the hoods of a city. They command the Henchmen and the Loverboys and take direct jobs from the Fixers.]~(#808080)

:tunisia: Note ~[(kafon)]~(#808080)
:croatia: Kodiak ~[(syzz)]~(#808080)
:tunisia: Tritosh ~[(aymen000)]~(#808080)

Henchmen (1)
~[The muscle of the organization. They are usually sent in to tackle any violent problem.]~(#808080)

:saudi_arabia: Tenorashi ~[(tenorashi)]~(#808080)
:united_kingdom: amora ~[(quasimodo)]~(#808080)
:netherlands: Haas ~[(kaaskoekjes)]~(#808080)
:netherlands: Duivel90 ~[(duivel90)]~(#808080)
:portugal: Pozzo ~[(pozzokiller)]~(#808080)
:netherlands: Lincoln ~[(abdivdbf)]~(#808080)
:latvia: TheStyle ~[(thestyle)]~(#808080)
:netherlands: Moses ~[(perkymoses)]~(#808080)
:netherlands: Frannie ~[(onlymelee)]~(#808080)
:tunisia: Barras ~[(barras)]~(#808080)
:brazil: Nelymay ~[(nelymay)]~(#808080)
:argentina: Joakito ~[(joacoBorasi)]~(#808080)
:tunisia: XpooKs ~[(chadi147)]~(#808080)
:serbia: Knele ~[(sw3dy)]~(#808080)
:france: Deep ~[(deeeep)]~(#808080)
:france: Buck ~[(buck)]~(#808080)
:tunisia: k2hrym ~[(icecream69)]~(#808080)

Loverboys (0)
~[Lowest ranked members, their job is to lure in girls into the prostitution business.]~(#808080)

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  1. Respect all the server rules.

  2. Represent the interests of our organizaton.

  3. Have fun.

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If you are interested in our organization and think you would fit in, complete the application format below and wait for an answer from our HQ.

Keep in mind, we are a strict gang when it comes to recruitment.

**Real Name:**
**In-Game Name:**
**Account Name:**
**Spoken Languages:**

**Previous gangs/squads and leaving reasons:**
**Tell us about yourself and why do you want to join:**
**What makes you think you would fit in?:**

**Your favourite porn website, category and actress:**
**Do you watch anime?**

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