xBlue Posted December 22, 2021 Author Posted December 22, 2021 This is an automated postTXN ID: 66U76460TP975730NDonation Amount: 62.50GBPLink to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28692/donation-point-balance-xblue/1Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format belowVehicle Type: Shamal (with spawn icon)Vehicle Colour: -Specify any upgrades: -Usernames to lock: talkingWhere you want it placed: LS APVehicle Type: Shamal (with spawn icon)Vehicle Colour: -Specify any upgrades: -Usernames to lock: talkingWhere you want it placed: LV APVehicle Type: Shamal (with spawn icon)Vehicle Colour: -Specify any upgrades: -Usernames to lock: talkingWhere you want it placed: BC APVehicle Type: HR v1Vehicle Colour: -Specify any upgrades: -Usernames to lock: talkingWhere you want it placed: 4a Donut Road (my LV house)Vehicle Type: HR v2Vehicle Colour: -Specify any upgrades: -Usernames to lock: talkingWhere you want it placed: 4a Donut Road (my LV house)Vehicle Type: Super GTVehicle Colour: -Specify any upgrades: -Usernames to lock: talkingWhere you want it placed: 4a Donut Road (my LV house)Vehicle Type: TurismoVehicle Colour: -Specify any upgrades: -Usernames to lock: talkingWhere you want it placed: 4a Donut Road (my LV house)Vehicle Type: AlphaVehicle Colour: -Specify any upgrades: -Usernames to lock: talkingWhere you want it placed: 4a Donut Road (my LV house)Vehicle Type: InfernusVehicle Colour: -Specify any upgrades: -Usernames to lock: talkingWhere you want it placed: 4a Donut Road (my LV house)Vehicle Type: BulletVehicle Colour: -Specify any upgrades: -Usernames to lock: talkingWhere you want it placed: 4a Donut Road (my LV house)Vehicle Type: CheetahVehicle Colour: -Specify any upgrades: -Usernames to lock: talkingWhere you want it placed: 4a Donut Road (my LV house)Vehicle Type: NRG-500Vehicle Colour: -Specify any upgrades: -Usernames to lock: talkingWhere you want it placed: LV Housefront (my LV bank prop)Vehicle Type: NRG-500Vehicle Colour: -Specify any upgrades: -Usernames to lock: talkingWhere you want it placed: San Fierro Library (my SF bank prop)Note that 5 points have been used from donation [3] (check my donation tracking topic for more details)For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
Element Posted December 22, 2021 Posted December 22, 2021 Donation confirmed by SAES Discord bot.As part of the special Christmas bonus/deal, you are entitled to a total of 125 points! :christmas_tree:Thanks for donating. :harriot:
Tilong Posted December 23, 2021 Posted December 23, 2021 5 points unused from past donations.Money rewarded (Bonus money)Hoting Racer addedHotring Racer 2 addedSuper GT addedTurismo addedAlpha addedInfernus addedBullet addedCheetah addedNRG-500 addedNRG-500 addedShamal addedShamal addedShamal added~Sorted
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