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Hey everyone,

As you may be aware, when the Group Management team took on the mantle of facilitating a functioning government on SAES and facilitating elections for that government we announced that there would be a new election cycle every 4 months.

This has unfortunately not happened for the last number of months, due to a lack of active parties willing to pariticpate.

However we now have it on good authority at least two full parties will partake in the upcoming election cycle.

This means that anyone who intends on taking part in the upcoming elections/government cycle should have a quick read of this topic and register either yourself, or a candidate, prior to the time given on the topic.


Registration for the election will close on September 22nd at 23:59 server time.

The polls will open on September 24th at a time yet to be determined and run until September 29th at 6pm server time.

I would encourage everyone who wishes to participate, to do so.

If you need any further information on what the government is or what it does please check out some of the links below;

https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7329/the-saes-government - All the details about the government, including rules and regulations.

https://saesrpg.uk/gov - Handy link to the government area of the site

As a personal note;

I would encourage everyone who is interested to run but please be willing to put as much (if not more) effort into actually running the government, than running for the government.

Any ideas and initiatives you have will be supported in any way we can. If you wish to leverage our assistance, it's there.

Best of luck,



After a long time, I'll be running as an independent senator.

I will raise current issues of the people in the Senate and use my senate vote to implement them.

People can drop me a message stating their current issues which they are facing in San Andreas.

You can also suggest new changes you would like to introduce in our San Andreas by dropping me a message.

With the power of your vote on me, Together We will bring new Change to San Andreas.



Booths are now opened.


  1. Advertising a political party in the main chat will get you muted for 20 minutes. Repeat offenses could have repercussions for your party.

  2. Do not build constructions near polling booths for any reason

  3. Do not camp at polling booths influencing people how to vote. This will have votes deducted from you. SS will also kill you.

  4. All other forms of advertising (Discord, /ad, forums, etc. are permitted and encouraged)


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