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September Giveaway!


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Everyone is invited!

In October we will be holding a raffle where EVERYONE with over 48 hours played in September will be entered. You will also get an additional entry for every second (literally) you played during the month.

This means the more you play the more entries you get. You do not need to be actively playing to be counted, just logged into your account and alive on the server. We will not be punishing people or not counting people for being afk, it's as much in the spirit of it as anything else.

So TL:DR, play at least 48 hours in total and everything past that massively increases your chances of success!

The prize* for the raffle will be a top tier SAHA business located in the pristine downtown SF area near the bank with a icon value of $15,000,000 and likely 5x that at auction!

The property in question can be seen here and here.

Get logging in!

*prize subject to change but will not reduce in value

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