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Juanes's Application For Community Staff


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Your ingame username: juanes12
Your ingame alias: [AA]Juanes12
Your year of birth: 31/03/2004
Your gender: Male

Nationality: Colombian

Country of residence: I live in Colombia

How long you have been playing SAES: I have been playing since 2019, but that year I was inactive and I returned at the end of 2020 and I have been playing for quite a few hours

Qualities you can offer: I can help all the people who need it, I can also spend a large part of the day on the server, and if I cannot be I am always willing to help in discord

Your weaknesses: the truth is I do not consider myself a person with specific weaknesses, I could say that I get stressed when I try to do the same thing and it goes wrong every time

Do you have Discord Installed: yes

Reason for application: I would like to help the server, being a person who may be advising new players and giving them server recommendations so that they stay playing.

Server Memberships:
-Arms Assassins



-ALT-Mechanic probie

-Race Tech-Racer

Additional information: well, before I start, my name is Juan Esteban, I'm from Colombia and I love the server, a large part of my time I play saes, in my old days I dedicate myself to doing other things like learning To program, I am a very good person with everyone on the server and I have several friends, I always try to be the friendliest with everyone.

Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I only got a mute like 3 or 4 months ago for spamming the local chat, the word that spam is '' NO ''
Previous (legitimate) bans: I never got any bans from the server

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After reviewing playtime data from all of our applicants throughout the last couple of months, I regret to inform you that your activity has been on the lower end of the spectrum that is desired for this role and as a result you have not been successful during this recruitment.

May I recommend that you try and maintain consistent activity if you wish to apply for positions within the SAES Team in the future.

Best of luck next time!

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