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~[Number of the event:]~(beige) #1
~[Type:]~(beige) True or False
~[Prize:]~(beige) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(beige) @LalaStrala
~[LWS]~(beige) @Bisollini


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~[Number of activity:]~(#BFAA8C) #1
~[Date]~(#BFAA8C): 04/08/2021
~[Participants]~(#BFAA8C): ~[[B~B]Faysal]~(#ff4500) - ~[[B~B]Swindler]~(ff4500) - ~[Z|Deagle]~(82AB3C) - ~[[TT]Youssef]~(#C34A2C) - ~[UE|Cena]~(#500000) -~[[HS]MeRo]~(blueviolet) - ~[[HS]SweetGSF]~(blueviolet) - ~[[DDT]Garcia]~(#BFAA8C) - ~[[DDT]Lorch]~(#BFAA8C) - ~[[DDT]Bisollini]~(#BFAA8C)
~[Description]~(#BFAA8C): Basically, it was more like a free-roleplay, without any scenario, we went to a secret location & we, DDT, letted them use their creativity there (Drunk & Disorderly Terrorists (DDT) members participated in the activity as well.)


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~[Number of the event:]~(beige) #2
~[Type:]~(beige) Sniper 1vs1 Championship (Tournament)
~[Prize:]~(beige) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(beige) @Zinyak
~[LWS]~(beige) @Bisollini

~[Number of the event:]~(beige) #3
~[Type:]~(beige) Rhino Shooter
~[Prize:]~(beige) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(beige) O|Shaggy
~[LWS]~(beige) @Bisollini

~[Number of the event:]~(beige) #4
~[Type:]~(beige) Hunter Shooter
~[Prize:]~(beige) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(beige) @LalaStrala
~[LWS]~(beige) @Bisollini

~[Number of the event:]~(beige) #5
~[Type:]~(beige) Hydra Shooter
~[Prize:]~(beige) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(beige) @Lou-2
~[LWS]~(beige) @Bisollini

~[Number of the event:]~(beige) #6
~[Type:]~(beige) Player Unknown Battle Grounds (PUBG)
~[Prize:]~(beige) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(beige) 420|Karlimuox
~[LWS]~(beige) @Bisollini



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~[Number of the event:]~(beige) #7
~[Type:]~(beige) CarShow
~[Prize:]~(beige) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(beige) @nvidia @Mannan @Youssef-1
~[LWS]~(beige) @Bisollini

~[Number of the event:]~(beige) #8
~[Type:]~(beige) I'm Different
~[Prize:]~(beige) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(beige) @police
~[LWS]~(beige) @Bisollini



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~[Number of activity:]~(#BFAA8C) #2
~[Date]~(#BFAA8C): 09/08/2021
~[Participants]~(#BFAA8C): ~[[B~B]Swindler]~(ff4500) - ~[Z|Deagle]~(82AB3C) - ~[[TT]Youssef]~(#C34A2C) - ~[[HS]MeRo]~(blueviolet) - ~[[DDT]Bisollini]~(#BFAA8C)
~[Description]~(#BFAA8C): Basically, it was more like a free-roleplay, without any scenario, we went to Desert Eagles (DE) Navy Base at San Fierro & we, DDT, letted them use their creativity there (Drunk & Disorderly Terrorists (DDT) members participated in the activity as well)

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~[Number of roleplay:]~(#BFAA8C) #1
~[Date]~(#BFAA8C): 10/08/2021
~[Participants]~(#BFAA8C): ~[[B~B]Swindler]~(ff4500) - ~[Z|Deagle]~(82AB3C) - ~[UE|Cena]~(#500000) - ~[[HS]MeRo]~(blueviolet) - ~[[DDT]Bisollini]~(#BFAA8C)
~[Description]~(#BFAA8C): Assasination of a Very Important Person (V.I.P.) who's being escorted by Secret Service Agents.

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~[Number of roleplay:]~(#BFAA8C) #2
~[Date]~(#BFAA8C): 13/08/2021
~[Participants]~(#BFAA8C): A lot of people that I would like to thank personally, along with cops who helped us.
^[The Heist]
All the Agents gathered in San Fierro in order to regroup for the mission. Some weren't able to come but the others gladly made it safe since it's dangerous for DDT to walk around San Andreas for the time being. We have our vehicles ready thanks to Agent B who provided us with the perfect ones for the Heist, the rest were able to get the proper weapons such as AK-47 as our main weapon. Then, we hopped into our cars and drove to the place.

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After an hour we were able to reach the place, It was almost night time and we knew security guards will be more so we had to be careful. We parked our cars near the place and had our sniper team to take out two guards that were infront of the casino. Then we parked our cars infront of the door to use them later as our getaway vehicles. The plan was simple, go in. kill many guards as possible, reach the safe room, take all and out. Agent B and S took out the bombs from the car and were ready to set them when we reach a certain point. And that's where we broke into the Casino and the heist started.

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At first, the Casino was weirdly empty, we didn't face any guards as if they were prepared for us. We began searching the place hoping to find something interesting before heading to the big shot. Again, we weren't able to find cops guarding rooms but dirty money and drugs. After couple of minutes, Agent F found another staircase that leads even more down. As soon as he tried to check the place he heared shooting guns. It was the cops and they knew something was off. And that's where we had to make a plan.

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We gathered around behind the wall and tried to make a quick plan, most of us suggested to rush since we are too many and we probably outnumber them. Also, we know that we are strong together and we had the proper weapons. Agent B agreed to the plan and immediately we rushed together, the cops weren't too much luckily so we were able to take them down pretty quickly, some of us got shot but it wasn't too bad injuries. Then, we quickly rushed into the underground safes and grabbed as much money as possible, then quickly left the Casino. On our way back we faced many cops but we managed to take them off and escape.

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~[Number of roleplay:]~(BFAA8C)#3
~[Date: ]~(BFAA8C)8/17/2021
~[Participants:]~(BFAA8C) ~[[DDT]Youssef-[DDT]MeRo-[DDT]Faysal-[DDT]Meverick-[HS]Lorch[DDT]-[DDT]Swindler-[T]Evans-[T]EKko-[T]YanKaTa-[T]Mohamed]~(BFAA8C)

^[Mission 2-Petrol Truck]

All Agents gathered in Bone County Bridge in order to regroup for another mission. But we need many strong and expensive weapons in this mission so we decided to rob the huge Ammo-Nation store in Los Santos. We get in our cars and headed to the place.
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After about 2 hours we reached the store. We parked our cars outside and our plan was ready so we just started and broke into the shop. There was only in the store the seller guy we aimed at him with our pistols then we killed him and started taking all the weapons and ammo that are needed. Then we got out and started putting everything we stole in our van (Burrito).

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Then we headed to petrol truck road and started to chase the truck and stop it. There was only the trucker man and his assistant only in the truck. They were afraid of us as we had our guns pulled out. We aimed on the driver and his assistant to get out of the truck. Then we killed both of them and took the truck.

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We had the driver to take the truck and deliver it to our farm along with the others securung the road for him and then we hide the truck to put the weapons we stole in it and keep them for our upcoming missions.

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~[RP Video:]~(BFAA8C)https://youtu.be/d782MSilnkc


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~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #10
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Sniper 1v1
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @joakito
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Garcia

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #11
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) LMS
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) :@Miltingary
~[LWS:]~(BFAA8C) @Garcia



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~[Number of activity:]~(#BFAA8C) #2
~[Date]~(#BFAA8C): 18/08/2021
~[Participants]~(#BFAA8C): ~[[DDT]Bisollini - [DDT]MeRo - [DDT]Deagle - [T]YanKaTa - [T]Mohamed - [T]EKko - [T]Liberty - [T]Evans - [T]Cena]~(#BFAA8C)
~[Description]~(#BFAA8C): This time it was more like a training course. Firstly, we trained our troops, hosting three rounds of Team Death Match (TDM) in order to check their combat, teamwork & leading skills. Secondary, we made a "High Altitude High Opening" (HAHO) jump with a target San Fierro (SF) rooftop. We met with those who successeeded inside the bank.


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~[Number of roleplay:]~(#BFAA8C) #4
~[Date]~(#BFAA8C): 19/08/2021
~[Participants]~(#BFAA8C): ~[[DDT]Deagle- [DDT]MeRo - [T]Russell - [T]YanKaTa - [T]Mohamed - [T]EKko - [T]Reggi - [T]Evans]~(#BFAA8C)
~[Description]~(#BFAA8C): It all started when Deagle woke up in the morning. He got the phone call from the one of their spys. The phone call were very disturbing. Deagle had found that there is somekind of snitch who were working as lawyer wanted to bring DDT members in to the court and bring their type justice to our members. Afternoon Deagle desided that now is the best time to take an action. They regrouped in Los Santos near Train Station that is the place where Mero and Deagle spoke about future of that lawyer and his children.
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After a big dialogue Deagle and Mero desided that they and the helpers will make a school shooting and later blow the bus into the sky. Reggi the future DDT member and good terrorist desided to also throw molotov to make sure everything is burned and dead.
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After we killed the lawyer two kids. We notice that now is perfect time to kidnap him and later on kill him. We lined front of the courthouse and we raided it fast as possible. We tied his hands and throw at the floor of our burrito. Sametime Deagle desided that now is good time to make him suffer so he desided to hit the lawyer with Deagle-handgun in to the head. They bringed the Lawyer into the old house what was used for sometime at hideout place. There they made the lawyer beg for his life. Deagle ended his life by cutting the snitch throat and later by taking the the head of that lawyer off with katana. He showed it into the other members and warned them of consequences what result into betraying them. After killing the lawyer Deagle ordered that Reggi once again could burn the house down.
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Same night Deagle found off that the Cuban Cars is coperating with Cuban Liberation Organisation. So he desided to rob the Cuban Cars base in San-Fierro and also take the all the fuel from Cuban Cars gas station. By searching Mohamed found a poster where was writen about the Cuban Liberation Organisation and Cuban Cars coperation. Deagle said that he were right from beggining. After everything got loaded into burritos he desided that now is best time to go to his private plane and load the burritos empty into plane and fly into DezZolation Island where hot goods store. At the island Deagle opened one of the garage door and transfering begone after everything were loaded boys flew back into home and their ways separated.
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~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #12
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Box All VS All
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @doom
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @hessan210

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #13
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Fallout
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Westbrook

~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @hessan210

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #14
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Window Shooter
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Yamielbeast
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @hessan210



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~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #15
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Hydra Shooter
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @ryns
~[LWS:]~(BFAA8C) @garcia

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #16
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Rhino Shooter
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @durby
~[LWS:]~(BFAA8C) @curny

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #17
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Player Unknown Battle Grounds (PUBG) Solo/Duo
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 2.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @fadi-semre12
~[LWS:]~(BFAA8C) @curny



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~[Number of the event:]~(bfaa8c) #18
~[Type:]~(bfaa8c) Sawed-off LMS
~[Prize]~(bfaa8c): 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(bfaa8c) @Latinoo
~[LWS:]~(bfaa8c) @Curny


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~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #19
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Chicken Shooter
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @SniperLyfe
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Zinyak

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #20
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Car Show
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.750.000$
~[Winners:]~(BFAA8C) ~[1st]~(BFAA8C) @Zac ~[2nd]~(BFAA8C) @tokiits ~[3rd]~(BFAA8C) @GamerZ450
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Zinyak

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #21
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Swiming Marathon
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @nulgath
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Zinyak



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~[Number of roleplay:]~(BFAA8C)#5
~[Date: ]~(BFAA8C)8/21/2021
~[Participants:]~(BFAA8C) ~[[DDT]Youssef-[DDT]MeRo-[DDT]Faysal-[HS]Lorch[DDT]-[T]YanKaTa]-[T]Liberty[RP]-[T]Russel[RP]~(BFAA8C)

^[Mission 3-The Bank]

After our last missions Our Emirs discussed about the upcoming missions and found that they want money to finance more missions.
in this mission we will rob LS bank. All agents gathered in BC bridge in order to head to the bank we will rob. But we found that our vehicles need fuel. We headed first to a fuel station. After we finished. We started head to our place.
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After about 3 hours we arrived to the bank and started to attack it. Luckily the Bank manager was in the bank and there was no guards in the bank and this thing will help us to move out of the bank after we finish. We started aiming on him and the people working in bank. and rob the bank taking all money in it. After we finished we took the hostage and money. And started moving out of the bank and put the money bags in our van (Burrito).
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We start leaving the country we was in (Los Santos) and deliver the money and the Bank manager to our warehouse. We found that there's 2 police cars chasing us and started trying stop our cars. We start shooting on thier cars and fire it. After we have arrived to the ware house we start talking to each other and found that we should kill this hostage because he know now everything about us. We started shooting on him untill he died. Then we took the money.
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~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #22
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Chinatown LMS
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Cha
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Curny

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #23
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Attacers VS Deffenders (AvD)
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 2.000.000
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Razak Team
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Curny



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~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #24
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Destruction Derby
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @DarkSideR
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Judyes

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #25
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Chicken Arrest
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Kodigo
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Judyes

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #26
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Lucky Nade
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Friction
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Judyes

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #27
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) 1 V 1 Sniper
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Zodiac
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Judyes

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #28
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) All vs All Box
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Griffin
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Judyes



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~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #29
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Fallout
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Youssef-1
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Judyes

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #30
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Rhino Shooter
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Youssef-1

~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Judyes

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #31
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Hunter Shooter
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Youssef-1
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Judyes

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #32
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Land On My Bus (2 Winners 500k each)
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @tokiits and @SheraP
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Judyes

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #33
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Chicken Shooter
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Ryns
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Judyes



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~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #34!
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) LMS Face2Face
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Curny
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @hessan210

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #35
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Kill The LWS
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @shrekgucci
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @hessan210

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #36
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) BC Marathon
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Rivals
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @XpooKs

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #37
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) LMS Jefferson Motel
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @xBlue
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Judyes

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #38
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Chicken Shooter
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Garcia
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @hessan210



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~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #39
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) HeadShot Sniper 3 Rounds
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) 1st: @nCov 2nd: @Troones 3rd: @V1BE
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Garcia

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #40
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) LMS (Deagle Only)
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Disaster
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Garcia

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #41
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Fallout
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @YankaTa
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @hessan210

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #42
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) All vs All Box
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Hayder
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @hessan210

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #43
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Rhino Shooter
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) Splited between @Curny and @Erints
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @hessan210

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #44
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Hydra Sooter, Chnged to Face2Face LMS
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Griffin
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @Curny



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~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #45
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Destruction Derby (DD)
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Killer
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @hessan210

~[Number of the event:]~(BFAA8C) #46
~[Type:]~(BFAA8C) Chicken Nader
~[Prize:]~(BFAA8C) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(BFAA8C) @Fatroucha
~[LWS :]~(BFAA8C) @hessan210



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