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Jail - Community Feedback

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From what I've seen, breaking your friend out of the jail is equally difficult in both jails and I guess everyone would agree with that. The actual center of the discussion is organized jailbreaks and I think as the leader of OB I have heard enough opinions to speak on behalf of most of the group. I would also like to see @Outbreak-Organization members state their individual opinions and point out details that I may have overlooked.

The idea of a new, more challenging, and more complex jail sounded good at first, and people did like the mapping Zwolle had made but after all, nobody was given the opportunity to live-test it and most likely couldn't have given too. Hence I think we should consider the past couple of months as a sort of live-testing and this shouldn't be demotivating for anyone, people can change their thoughts about a product after they have had the opportunity to see what it brings and what it takes. So far, from a criminal's point of view, it has brought more challenge, as it was intended to, as well as the requirement of more teamwork, but most importantly it has taken away the key elements of the jailbreaks we all liked to see. The activity, passion, and bit of legal DM.

Maybe it was just not a good decision to touch the jail once again, it was us who had voted countless times to return to the historical LS jail after all the different jails we've had. Most of us thought it was due to its location, but if a new jail in the same location did not work too then it looks like we were all mistaken. Perhaps it's all due to its simple mapping which makes it possible to spend more time in it and have a long-lasting activity.

But if you wish to touch it once again, please do not do any major changes. Return the old mapping and keep the key elements as they are. Minor changes I see fit could be widening the corridors a bit, and creating a small space for cops near the inside warden-spawn marker for them to be able to use corner shooting just as criminals can do. And not to forget, moving the warden spawn to where it is right now was also not a good idea in my opinion, I think it could stay where it originally was.

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The point is that people want to DM. Crims sometimes have the turfwars and can DM there but cops have pretty limited opportunities in that matter. The old jail was perfect for that because the crims were being easily isolated by the cops in a way that for both sides it is hard to end the activity and everybody liked it. Crims had fun killing cops and cops had fun killing crims, earning money and respawning 5 seconds away from the conflict zone. So yeah, bring the old jail back (mostly because I dont wanna read law's retarded preaches about it). People will always complain but the current jail (even though more balanced) is boring and you either get arrested pretty fast or just dip out for seconds.

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Well, The new jail is good but as Zaza said it's kinda hard and complicated , bring the old jail back with some updates would be a good idea.

The updates can be:
Change the time/speed of the doors and make it little bit faster to make it fast for cops and crims to enter the doors , i've noticed that cops/crims most of time can be killed/arrested before they enter the door.

Add a wall + door infront of the second door of jail (back one) to avoid being killed in marker.

Remove restaurant or change the place of it so crims won't camp there and kill every cop that enter the marker.

That's it, it was just my suggestions, feel free to add more suggestions to make it better.

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Since we add this new jail,No OB activities No big jails etc,The jail has alot of doors helping cops to down the Jail Break too fast. So i Vote Yes for the Old Jail and 90% of SAES players didn't like this one . #OLDJAIL

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@bigmike said in Jail - Community Feedback:

If only bringing GIMP back was an option, those were the good days.

This could be a good idea as a timed event, perhaps for a day or two. I wouldn't mind seeing how it works with the current meta of everyone having access to aircraft of some sort. Though if that was done, then I guess they'd also have to re-enable global blip visibility, which was fun too.

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Well, the old jail seems very good to me, but I only didn't like one thing, although the "marker protection" script has been modified, it is still not enough when there are 5-12 criminals shooting at the marker, nor you even manage to aim and you're dead.

Ronseal was working on a modification to solve that problem, it was a wall to prevent criminals from killing in the marker, I think that was a solution and it worked well in its trial period

Adding a rule that allows a maximum of 5 criminals shooting the marker would seem like a secondary solution to me.

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the old jail is simple. that's why its attractive to people. as homeless said, people want to DM; sorry, its 2021 and none isn't really interested in roleplaying (because its extremely cringe), people want action.

the old jail was balanced. it became unbalanced after 120 gang members were actively online, while there were 10-15 squad members. at this ratio, everything becomes unbalanced, so thats why the old jail looked definitely unbalaned and somewhat broken. right now, as we can all see, the player base is low, cops aren't as inactive as before, if the cop groups get their interest a bit more towards securing the jail, i can assure you that the old jail can be extremely successful without any changes.

i mentioned it in other topic, simply get back the old jail with no changes. if the things go wrong and there are 130 gang members and 10 squad members, start giving small bonuses to the cops, but nothing too broken. changing the whole jail to a weird looking like lws dm type of a build, with short corridors (which can't be camped, huge minus for criminals; sorry, but we like to camp corridors, cops like getting the money, so it's a win-win situation), obviously it will result in a fail.

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idk if someone suggested this, but there has to be a wall covering the marker where cops can be killed in marker and also they can kill with the marker immunity easily, it's just unfair for both so better just disallow marker killing there and add a wall to make sure cops can neither be killed or abuse immunity

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First of all, i want to say that the old jail is better(why?).
The old jail was very funny and good for 2 sides also we make funny times in the old jail, but the new jail have 3 ways for cops to fail JB easy (how they fail jb easy) crims have to stay in 3 sides to deff and also there is no cover for crims in the 2 doors and they cant shoot and deff cops from the 2red doors also they have the room and the gate of only cops opening next to the cracking room of the vent and close to control room so they can reash control room easy to fail the JB. Thats why JBs numbers get down a lot.
So we need to bring back the old jail to bring back fun to JBs again and also make fun for crims and cops need to tryhard to fail th JB like what crims do to avoid fail, and to make it fair to both sides (cop side and crim side).

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@brophy said in Jail - Community Feedback:

@sky-911 said in Jail - Community Feedback:

We didnt have a problem at all with the other jail.

You say this but this was the poll for the current jail:


@sky-911 said in Jail - Community Feedback:

what if we dont like it?

That's the whole purpose of having a discussion, trying, testing and giving feedback.

personally i don't have problem with interiors building , actually the real problem that handful of complainers looking only for advantage in both side and sadly people only follow public opinion without any thought

btw in the current jail is cops have 3 positions + little gate in the middle so that give em insanly movement , while criminals still use 1 pricipal way cuz others aren't suitable

.. so why criminals never enjoy in the current jail ?? simply because u give special permissions to cops like new spawn near marker .. new stairs with permission to open roof .. special gate .. such a good timing for respawn back & that really terrible

so i'd like to say there is big difference between updating something for the community and following complaints or talkative veterans taste bcz if saes continue like that ., we ll stay in this circle .. ( routin complaints )

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