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Dear applicant;

@Mr-Leon and @JaKeL In the game please take care to hang out with BBMC members, because submitting is just a process but we want to get to know more about who the new members are in BBMC.


First Part:
Account Name:hunterb1
Primary Language:Hungarian
Secondry Language(s):Romanian,English
How long have you been playing SAES:I started to play MTA and SAES in the same time, in 2013, 5 years ago.
How many hours do you have (Use TAB):350+
Previous G/S/C :SAFP (San Andreas Federal Police), ALT (All Load Trucking)
Second Part:
What is roleplay means? :To do things like in the real life, to use anims,speak more and don't just have fun.
What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) :To kill somebody without reason. (it's a rulebreak)
What is the difference about PBR and BR ?:PBR is Public bank robbery when already started, and BR is Bank robbery when is starting.
Tell us 2 BR rules :Don't marker kill, don't kill other criminals.
Tell us 2 Turf war rules:Don't use real nick, don't use special weapons.
What is avoid arrest ?:To get suicide while a cop wants to arrest you.
Third Part:
Why do you want to join us?:Because a member asked to join us, and I like this gang.
Why should we accept you?:I'm experienced because I was in SAFP,so there I got trained well, and in ALT I learnt more RP and other skills.
Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who):Yes, I think Andre will.
(Post your favorite bike in a spoiler)alt text


@JaKeL , We are sorry to inform you that you are ~[Denied]~(red), You didn't hang with any BBMC member, and when we gave you another chance you showed us a so bad attitude. You can re-apply in 1 week.


Nickname: Hash
Account Name: olp
Gender: male
Age: 19
Nationality: tunisian
Primary Language: arabic
Secondry Language(s): englis,french and some spanish .
How long have you been playing SAES: 3 years but I wasn't active .
How many hours do you have (Use TAB): 613
Previous G/S/C : SAPA
Second Part:
What is roleplay means? : a role play means to act like real life .
What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) : deathmatching is to kill someone for no reason .
What is the difference about PBR and BR ? the difference between PBR and BR is the BR is for the offical gangs but pbr is for all the criminals.
Tell us 2 BR rules : 1- a Gang is only allowed to do only 2 bank robs per day 2- spawn as medic or pizza boy to help your teammates during a bank rob is not allowed .
Tell us 2 Turf war rules: 1- you are not allowed to camp on the roof aor inside houes, 2/ spawing as police or criminal in truf doesn't count as deathmatching .
What is avoid arrest ?Avoid arresting is suiciding or disconnect while there is a cop running behind you and he want to arrest .
Third Part:
Why do you want to join us?: first of all I do love motorbikes second I belive the BBMC will be such a great gang in the future and because being around BBMC makes me feel like I am between my family .
Why should we accept you?: well, because I will do all my best to improve my skills and help my teammates as possible as I can .. besides I have enough skills of shooting and driving .
Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who): No


@Hash and @SpEEdY You are both ~[Under review]~(gray), keep hanging with BBMC members, we will give you the final result so soon.


@Hash We met you ingame, and we saw your skills ect ... and we think you are good enough to join BBMC, Welcome to our family you are ~[Accepted]~(lime), search for any HQ ingame for your test.


@SpEEdY You are ~[Denied]~(red), You removed the helpers tag and you told me that you changed your opinion, next time make sure, wich G/S/C you want to join, Good luck.


@Daliiii Your application questions are wrong, edit the application post you have posted and answer the correct application questions below.

First Part:
Account Name:
Primary Language:
Secondry Language(s):
How long have you been playing SAES:
How many hours do you have (Use TAB):
Previous G/S/C :
Second Part:
What is roleplay means? :
What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) :
What is the difference about PBR and BR ?:
Tell us 2 BR rules :
Tell us 2 Turf war rules:
What is avoid arrest ?:
Third Part:
Why do you want to join us?:
Why should we accept you?:
Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who):
(Post your favorite bike in a spoiler)


Nickname: freezy
Accountname : mohamed44
Languages spoken: Arabic and English
7How long have you been playing on SAES: 7months
Tell us who are BBMC and their roleplay(One sentence): BBMC is a group of bikers that is selling arms and trading with their own tactics and law
Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): ThC (didnt get on well with the HQ team)
Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: none(just some adminjails in my beginings)
Name 3 BR rules: Max 2 BRs a day, We can start just with more than 1 member, Camping the entrance when a BR already started is not allowed
Name 3 GR rules:Grenades are not allowed; its not allowed to rob alone, Squads are permitted to arrest
Name 3 Turf rules:Dont shoot from unclimbable roofs, Gaining heath is only allowed via respawning, we can only use gang spawn or hospital
What is Roleplay?: is the stories we play as if its was a real story
What is Deathmatching?: DM is killing people and fighting with them
What is avoid arresting ? Doesnt getting arrested by with legal ways (without damaging server rules)
Someone DMs you. What do you do?: it depends on the gang rules ;but mostlikely we contact superior HQs before reporting
Why should we accept you ? I can give much as i can take
Convince us for you(TEXT): Im not much experienced in this server but i learnt things in a small tile that can help a gang like yours in leveling up


@Mr-Leon You are ~[denied]~(red), I think you should read the server rules on F1 and you have to respect the HQ team. if you still interested to join BBMC apply in 2 weeks starting from today.


First Part:
Nickname: DarkSideR
Account Name: reeth34
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Nationality: Turkish
Primary Language: Turkish
Secondry Language(s): English
How long have you been playing SAES: 7 year 2011-2018 but 2016-2017 inactive.
How many hours do you have (Use TAB): 66 hour
Previous G/S/C : Nomad, Rebels MC, GJMC, CripZ, RDMC/ BS, FBI, MI-6, DEA, / -
Second Part:
What is roleplay means? : acting like in real life
What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) : kill someone for no reason(if you have 0 stars to be shooting car by the police)
What is the difference about PBR and BR ?: PBR: You need 13 criminal to do. BR:gangs before do defence after take money.
Tell us 2 BR rules : Dont do marker killing,dont jump off the roof after the BR.
Tell us 2 Turf war rules: Don't help your team as medic/cop, don't spawn at your house.
What is avoid arrest ?: if you suicide or disconnect game while there is a cop running behind you and he want to arrest.
Third Part:
Why do you want to join us?: before i love motorbikes. I love BBMC because have big family, good members, funny, action, everything.. I trust and believe it will be a successful gang.
Why should we accept you?: I will do all my best to improve my skills and help my teammates as possible as I can. i trust myself, I have enough i have good skill. drive bike, drive car, drive helicopter, and weapon skill shoot.
Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who): My own choice
(Post your favorite bike in a spoiler


@DarkSideR You are ~[Under review]~(gray), keep hanging with BBMC members, we will give you the final result so soon, Good luck.


First Part:
Nickname: Smoke
Account Name: klmpoiuyt
gender: Male
Age: 16
Nationality: tunisia
Primary Language: arabic
Secondry Language(s): english and frensh
How long have you been playing SAES: january 2018
How many hours do you have (Use TAB): 250 HOURS
Previous G/S/C : [CMC] the chosen few MC
Second Part:
What is roleplay means? : Role play is the act of imitating the character and behaviour of someone who is different from yourself, for example as a training exercise.
What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) : kill someone for no reason(if you have 0 stars to be shooting car by the police)
What is the difference about PBR and BR ?: 1. PBR: it s formed buy gang members 2.BR: it s formedbuy gangs members or criminals
Tell us 2 BR rules : one gangis allowed to do maximum of 2 gangs bank robs per day
camping theentrance of a bank once a BR has started is not allowed
Tell us 2 Turf war rules: you are not allowed to camp on unclimbable rooftops climable houses are allowed
if you re killed in a turf where a turfwar is going on,and you re spawned as a cop or criminal, it s not
counted as detmatching , this is just part of war
What is avoid arrest ?: i can run or i kill them
Third Part:
Why do you want to join us?: i want to join BBMC because i can help you guys with my ideas . i am also very active
Why should we accept you?: you should accept me because i am motivate to be with you i love BBMC because it s a very nice gangs and i shoor that i can add to the gang many ideas and help
Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who): yes andre because he know me and he want my experiance



Dear @Smoke , some of the questions have to be answered. Meet HQ team in-game to talk about these topics and interview. For now ~[UNDER-REVIEW]~(gray).

Dear @DarkSideR , Your apply has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime). Meet with our HQ team in the game for your test.


@Freezy You are ~[denied]~(red) for many reasons, first one is that you've never hanged with any BBMC member and you've never used the helpers tag which is '' Sup22 '', Second you said that you joined ThC, and I'm sure that's not true, I asked some old ThC members and they told me that they have never heard about your name, plus after I checked your profile and all the other gangs that you applied for, you mentioned that you've never been in any gang, 3rd, you got -4 REPUTATION in your forum profile so that means your attitude is so bad and we don't need members with that reputation, you can re-apply in 1month.

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