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The Blood Brothers MC - Level 2


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First Part

Nickname: Neggroist
Account Name: Neggro
Gender: Male
Age: 21 years old
Nationality: Ukraine
Primary Language: Ukrainian
Secondry Language(s): Russian, English and Portuguese.
How long have you been playing SAES: Joined: December 9, 2012
How many hours do you have (Use TAB): 8 hours, but its new accout.
Previous G/S/C :

    1. Thuga Thugs ~ Left because i wanted to create my own gang.

    1. Hooligans ~ They disbaned.

    1. The Breed Mc ~ Same as above.

    1. Mongols Mc ~ Kiked because at the time my english skill were not the best.

    1. Vagos Mc ~ Die.

    1. CripZ ~ Left to help my friend with another gang.

    1. Yakuza ~ They disbaned.

    1. Nuestra Familia ~ Die.

    1. Urban Gangsters ~ Die.

Second Part:

What is roleplay means?: Roleplaying is acting or performing as an another character
What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) : (DM) is the act where a player kills another with no reason. Example: Im going with my bike for Los Santos and see someone AFK. Its a Cop.. and them kill him.
What is the difference about PBR and BR ?:

PBR its Public Bank Rop wen everyone go to the bank for make money.
BR its the same but only with a gang members.

Tell us 2 BR rules :

  1. Don't start bank rob alone.

  2. Don't camp near the main door.

Tell us 2 Turf war rules:

  1. Don't spown with medic to help your team.

  2. Don't turf inside in the car.

What is avoid arrest ?: Is the act where a player that is being chased by a cop disconnects from the server or kills himself so that he doesn't get arrested.

Third Part:

Why do you want to join us?: I'm Friendly, and skilled boy and i want to joing because i like the idea of the gang, the theme overall, in my opinion it's an important factor. Because if i don't like what i roleplay it just gets boring, i also like the fact that the playersare active and friendly and i think i'll have good time.
Why should we accept you?: Because i think I'm a loyal player and I have good skills. Because I am a friendly and active player. Because I am a professional of all professionals.
Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who): No.
(Post your favorite bike in a spoiler) Dont have.

Thank you for attention !

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@Chief You have successfully completed the application stage. ~[Accepted]~(lime,lime). Talk to any HQ within the game for your test Good Luck.
@FoxZilla You passed your tests successfully. Welcome to our family. Please contact our HQ team for the check-in process. ~[Accepted]~(lime,lime).
@Neggroist You have successfully completed the application stage. ~[Accepted]~(lime,lime). Talk to any HQ within the game for your test Good Luck.

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First Part:
Account Name:StarDust
Gender:Git Men
Nationality:Of Turkey
Primary Language:Turkey
Secondry Language(s):ingilsh
How long have you been playing SAES:3 years
How many hours do you have (Use TAB):349:27:18
Previous G/S/C :VLA s Closed.
Second Part:
What is roleplay means? :Roleplay mean that do something like in real life and im able to do it my skills in RP is
What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) :Deathmatching mean kill some one or destroyed his Car with out reason and
it's not allowd if some one DM you ...
you must relax and report him cz it's not allowd to revange
What is the difference about PBR and BR ?:well bank robberies mean a lot of Criminal go to one of the Three Bank at LS / LV / SF and Rob it to get money ....
well Gang BR only the gang who start the BR can go inside but the other criminals must stay outside and deff well they gonna also get Money ....
and the PBR mean public it's for all Criminals from an official gang or
normals Criminals they can rob it but they need 13 Criminals to start the
Tell us 2 BR rules : During gang bank rob,
members of gang which is robbing the bank can kill any player inside
bank they are robbing if they dont want that player on their bank robs
Tell us 2 Turf war rules:Gaining health is allowed only via respawning,
health from a medic who is not in your gang, or eating food
What is avoid arrest ?:Killing yourself or suicide while you are wanted and cop's are trying to catch you.
Third Part:
Why do you want to join us?:Players I've Seen In My Daily Life
Why should we accept you?:I saw all my old friends in this family and
I understood that we will do good business with them ..
Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who):No.

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Application Format
First Part
Nickname: FastYounq
Account Name: general4234
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Nationality: Turkey
Primary Language: Turkish
Secondry Language(s): English
How long have you been playing SAES: 8 years
How many hours do you have (Use TAB): 1044 hour
Previous G/S/C :
Sons Of Anarchy
Arms Assassins
UnderGround Empire
Black Syndicate
Varrios Los Aztecas
The Strike Team

Second Part:
What is roleplay means? : In the game is to make a real life role.
What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) : Killing someone for no reason.
**What is the difference about PBR and BR ?:**Only official gangs can make BR. And The PBR starts when there are 20 players in the bank.
Tell us 2 BR rules :
-It is forbidden to jump from the roof of the bank without parachute.
-It is forbidden to make markerkill.
Tell us 2 Turf war rules:

  • CLO / DE / CEM Spawn is forbidden.

  • Medic and police are forbidden to be spawn.
    What is avoid arrest ?: Suicide is forbidden when the police try to catch me.
    Third Part:
    Why do you want to join us?: I want to do my best to improve the BBMC gang.
    Why should we accept you?: Because I've been in many good gangs in SAES and I know what to do to develop a gang.
    Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who): Leonidas
    (Post your favorite bike in a spoiler)
    alt text

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@StarDust need to improve your English about this game. If you still interest in BBMC feel free to reapply one month later. ~[Denied]~(red,red).
@FastYounq You passed your tests successfully. Welcome to our family. Please contact our HQ team for the check-in process. ~[Accepted]~(lime,lime).

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![First Part:
Account Name:tiqrego
Primary Language:Turkish
Secondry Language(s):English
How long have you been playing SAES:I played for 6 years, but I took 2 years break.
How many hours do you have (Use TAB):t has been reset I think.Now 46 hours.
Previous G/S/C :Rebels---Gypsy Joker Motorcycle Club(GJMC)

Second Part:

What is roleplay means? :
take on the role of a character in the game. To act like him.
Choose a character and live like it and act like it.

What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) :Kill someone unfairly.And fighting with them.

Tell us 2 BR rules :
Suicide after BR is not allowed.
You are not allowed to do Markerkill.
A gang allowed to do only 2 BR's per day.

Tell us 2 Turf war rules:
Dont shoot outside the marker
Dont Spawn kill When u started a war
Dont Use the Nearest spawn to turf when u got killed, hospital is still allowed.
Dont Camp On any roofs, even those you can climb on
Dont Spawn at your house if the house is located in the turf zone
Dont Let your members Spawn COPS / Medic to assist you inside the turf War,
Dont Provoke other people in the turf to attack you
Dont turf on a bike.

What is avoid arrest ?:Doing some actions maybe using animations,suiciding,or go swim? abusing bugs to avoid arrest.

Third Part:
Why do you want to join us?:I want to enjoy the game and love motor gangs.my old crew was a motor gang.

Why should we accept you?:I'm an experienced and good player. My communication to people is very good.
i like to help.
I Follow the rules.
I'm a good team-mate.

Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes I'm an experienced and good player.mention who):Chemist

(Post your favorite bike in a spoiler)



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First Part:
Account Name:Sup22|Zoot
Primary Language:English
Secondry Language(s):Afrikaans
How long have you been playing SAES: few weeks
How many hours do you have (Use TAB):62
Previous G/S/C :I was helper in WA
Second Part:
What is roleplay means? :To act out or perform the part of a person or character, for example as a technique in training or psychotherapy.
What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) :To kill someone for no reason. For example a cop killing an unwanted criminal. Also attacking a vechicle for no reason.
What is the difference about PBR and BR ?:PBR is public and u need 20 people to start it whereas the BR u need an offical gang to start it.
Tell us 2 BR rules : U need more than one person to start BR. U can only gain health from respawning.
Tell us 2 Turf war rules:No going on unclimbable rooftops. U can only gain health from respawning.
What is avoid arrest ?:To reconnect/kys while being chased by police to avoid arrest.
Third Part:
Why do you want to join us?:You are nice clan and i want to be in it.
Why should we accept you?:Because ia m good, and i was invited.
Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who):Yes by soulfyprez.
(Post your favorite bike in a spoiler)




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First Part:
Account Name:tiqrego
Primary Language:Turkish
Secondry Language(s):English
How long have you been playing SAES:I played for 6 years, but I took 2 years break.
How many hours do you have (Use TAB):t has been reset I think.Now 46 hours.
Previous G/S/C :Rebels---Gypsy Joker Motorcycle Club(GJMC)

Second Part:

What is roleplay means? :
Roleplay means acting like in real life

What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) :Killing someone without any reason

Tell us 2 BR rules :
After br is done , suicide is not allowed
You are not allowed to kill anyone who is in the blue marker area.

Tell us 2 Turf war rules:
You are not allowed to spawn another character for helping your teammates (for example medic ,pizza boy)
If you have any prop located in the turf zone you are not allowed to spawn at there .

What is avoid arrest ?:While a cop chasing you , trying to avoid with killing yourself or doing something towards to rules

Third Part:
Why do you want to join us?:I want to enjoy the game and love motor gangs.my old crew was a motor gang.

Why should we accept you?:I'm an experienced and good player. My communication to people is very good.
i like to help.
I Follow the rules.
I'm a good team-mate.

Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes I'm an experienced and good player.mention who):Chemist , Soulfyprez

(Post your favorite bike in a spoiler)



But in game:FREEWAY

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Account Name:Pro7
Primary Language:Arbic
Secondry Language(s):English,Frensh,Arbic
How long have you been playing SAES:24Hours
How many hours do you have (Use TAB):24:11:3Hours
Previous G/S/C :Nope
Second Part:
What is roleplay means?: Is the interpretation of a given role in real life
What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) :As against rules killing someone without any reason
What is the difference about PBR and BR ?:as it's name its open to public all criminals
Tell us 2 BR rules :1 gang can rob 2 banks in one day , assisting your gang as paramedic or pizzaboy is not allowed
Tell us 2 Turf war rules:1 only allowed for gang spawn or hospital spawn 2 not allowed to camping on rooftops.
What is avoid arrest ?:Killing yourself while cop's are trying to catch you
Third Part:
Why do you want to join us?:BBMC This Gang is have a lot of Turkish player
Why should we accept you?:Because I'm a good player I can do good roleplays
Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who):Soulfiy
(Post your favorite bike in a spoiler)

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@TiqReGo61 You passed your tests successfully. Welcome to our family. Please contact our HQ team for the check-in process. ~[Accepted]~(lime,lime).
@zootthattoot You passed your tests successfully. Welcome to our family. Please contact our HQ team for the check-in process. ~[Accepted]~(lime).

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Application Format

First Part: 2.0!
Account Name:rottatokje
Nationality: norway
Secondry Language(s):
How long have you been playing SAES:bout 8 yrs
How many hours do you have (Use TAB):3600+
Previous G/S/C : O, SoA
Second Part:
What is roleplay means? :good sex
What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) :killing nanobob when he afk
What is the difference about PBR and BR ?:public n gang
Tell us 2 BR rules :no DM no spawn kill
Tell us 2 Turf war rules:no roof kills no private house spawning
What is avoid arrest ?:jumping into ur own nade ++
Third Part:
Why do you want to join us?:bj soulfly
Why should we accept you?: BC im mad gangster!
Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who): your mom!
(Post your favorite bike in a spoiler) LINDA! ull se it ingame its green :D hahahaha

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First Part

Nickname: makelove
Account Name: cano97
Gender: Non-binary
Age: 21
Nationality: World
Primary Language: Turkish
Secondry Language(s): German, English
For how long have you been playing SAES? : For 7 years.
How many hours have you spent in server? (Use TAB): I've spent about 1500 hours.
Which G/S/C have you been in? : ALT
Why did you leave (or were you kicked from) your previous G/S/C? : From now on ALT is a group.
Have you ever been kicked/banned by any admin? If yes, why? : No, I haven't.

Second Part

What does roleplay mean? : Roleplay means acting as if you are busy with a real life occupation. For example obeying the traffic rules and interacting with others while you are playing as a driver/civilian.
What does deathmatching mean?(explain with an example) : Deathmatching is to kill someone without any reason which is accepted by the rules. To be more clear let's imagine a police officer on the road. If that officer shoots down any criminal who doesn't have a wanted star and isn't causing danger against the public, then it's a deathmatch.
What is the difference between PBR and BR ?:
Tell us 2 BR rules :
Tell us 2 Turf war rules:
What is avoid arrest ?: Getting rid of any law enforcer who is trying to arrest you in ways which are banned in rules section can be considered as avoid arrest.

Third Part

What is your motivation to join BBMC? : I like your effort to become something unique and i would like to help.
What can you bring to the gang? : I can bring friendly hugs and all kinds of good relations. However i can't bring a cold blooded killer.
Did anyone suggest you to apply for BBMC? If yes mention who : BBMC
Post your favorite bike in a spoiler to be considered:
alt text

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Application Format
First Part
Account Name:yassin75
Primary Language:Arabic
Secondry Language(s):Frensh and English
For how long have you been playing SAES? :3years
How many hours have you spent in server? (Use TAB):53 hours
Which G/S/C have you been in? :N/A
Why did you leave (or were you kicked from) your previous G/S/C? :N/A
Have you ever been kicked/banned by any admin? If yes, why? :Yes , i get banne because i play with multi-accounting

Second Part
What does roleplay mean? :Play like in real life
What does deathmatching mean?(explain with an example) :Deathmatching is killing people for nothing not allwoed
What is the difference between PBR and BR ?::He gathered 13 criminals in a red area to open the bank/BR: Only the gangs open and we help them by killing the police
Tell us 2 BR rules ::one gang allowed to do man 2 gang robper day- helping your team as cop not allowed
Tell us 2 Turf war rules: If you are killed in a turf, where turf war is going on, and you're spawned as a cop or criminal, its not counted as deathmatching. This is just part of the war.-) You can only use your gang's spawn or the hospital spawn when a turf war is going on. You are not allowed to spawn as medic or cop to assist your gang in a turfwar.
What is avoid arrest ?:When the police are behind you, you throw a bomb to kill the police and survive

Third Part
What is your motivation to join BBMC? :i like this gang and his member is actives and good in playing
What can you bring to the gang? :Provide some help
Did anyone suggest you to apply for BBMC? If yes mention who :yes, AK-47
Post your favorite bike in a spoiler to be considered(spoiler):
thnx for reading :relaxed:

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First Part
Nickname: TheDevil37
Account Name: TheDevil37
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Nationality: Turkish
Primary Language: Turkish
Secondry Language(s): English
For how long have you been playing SAES? : I played for 6 years so i'm an old member but i wasn't active and i took a lot of breaks in that time.
How many hours have you spent in server? (Use TAB): 13 hours.
Which G/S/C have you been in? : None
Why did you leave (or were you kicked from) your previous G/S/C? : None
Have you ever been kicked/banned by any admin? If yes, why? : None

Second Part
What does roleplay mean? : acting as a character
What does deathmatching mean?(explain with an example) : Killing someone for no reason, without a purpose of defending.
What is the difference between PBR and BR ?: BR can only create by official gangs but PBR can created by any public criminal.
Tell us 2 BR rules : Gang's are allowed to do 2 bank robs per day, can't start a BR alone
Tell us 2 Turf war rules: Don't spawn as a medic, don't shoot people from unclimble roofs.
What is avoid arrest ?: You are not allowed to use suicide ways or exit from the game while cops are chasing you.

Third Part
What is your motivation to join BBMC? : I think BBMC can be great gang in the future and i liked the members of the gang.
What can you bring to the gang? : Like i said i really think this gang have a bright future and i m a loyal&leader type of person so i think i can help BBMC to get better.
Did anyone suggest you to apply for BBMC? If yes mention who : Yes, @FoxZilla
Post your favorite bike in a spoiler to be considered(spoiler):




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First Part
Account Name:MrTrem
Primary Language:Turkish
Secondry Language(s):English
For how long have you been playing SAES? :3 Years
How many hours have you spent in server? (Use TAB):28 Hours
Which G/S/C have you been in? :Vla
Why did you leave (or were you kicked from) your previous G/S/C? :Group is closed
Have you ever been kicked/banned by any admin? If yes, why? :No

Second Part
What does roleplay mean? :In game make a real life role
What does deathmatching mean?(explain with an example) : Killing someone for no reason ( if you have 0 stars to be shooting car by the police )
What is the difference between PBR and BR ?: Only offical gangs can make BR. And PBR can make by Public criminals
Tell us 2 BR rules : Don't start bank rob alone. Don't camp near the door
Tell us 2 Turf war rules: Dont spawn with medic to help your friend. Dont camp on any roofs
What is avoid arrest ?: if you suicide or disconnect game while there is a cop running behind you and he want to arrest.
Third Part
What is your motivation to join BBMC? : Because i trust BBMC Family, they have good teamwork, real family . they are trying to help everyone.
What can you bring to the gang? : I think i can help BBMC to get better
Did anyone suggest you to apply for BBMC? If yes mention who : DarkSideR
Post your favorite bike in a spoiler to be considered(spoiler):Dont have

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@yassin50 you never hung out with us and didn't show any interest. ~[Denied]~(red).
@thedevil37 You have successfully completed the application stage. ~[Pending]~(orange,orange). Talk to any HQ within the game for your test Good Luck.
@MrTrem You have successfully completed the application stage. ~[Pending]~(orange). Talk to any HQ within the game for your test Good Luck.

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alt text

~[First Part]~(red,red,red,red)
Nickname: Sup22|Prometheus
Account Name: prometeus
Gender: Masculine
Age: 14
Nationality: Chilean
Primary Language: Spanish
Secondry Language(s): English
For how long have you been playing SAES? : 3-4 months
How many hours have you spent in server? (Use TAB): 517 hrs
Which G/S/C have you been in? : ~[SAFP]~(blue) ~[ICE]~(cyan,cyan) ~[CDC]~(#87102a,#87102a) ~[STF]~(navy,navy)
Why did you leave (or were you kicked from) your previous G/S/C? : ~[SAFP]~(blue,blue) : It was my first very comfortable squadron but I quit because of personal problems after that I was invited back but the VL kicked me because I should have been on the blacklist.
~[ICE]~(cyan,cyan) It was a good squad I left to join the criminal side specifically to apply to ~[CDC.]~(#87102a,#87102a,#87102a)
~[CDC]~(#87102a,#87102a,#87102a): It was my first gang I learned a lot about the criminal side to there I was in 2 times in the first time I was kicked because I attended a turf as a policeman (I didn't want to help just make money $ ) After that I was invited back but I left it up to date because of my bad reputation and complaints against me because I did a lot of DM to ~[CDC]~(#87102a,#87102a) members.
~[STF:]~(navy,navy) Private reason (if you need to know PM me.)
Have you ever been kicked/banned by any admin? If yes, why? : I was only banned from SAES 1 time and for 1 day for having been mute and still talking to the players with the command of (/give.)

~[Second Part]~(red)
What does roleplay mean? : RP is roleplaying you chose a character and pretend your something your not could be a cop or criminal and then you try living up to your idear of the role your playing
What does deathmatching mean?(explain with an example) : death matching its killing other players without a valid reason its iligal against saes rules and damaging their cars is also dming (If I kill a player for no reason, it's DM.)
What is the difference between PBR and BR ?: The PBR is a robbery of a public bank all crack and in the BR is a specific gang where only the gang that is robbing the bank is cracking.
Tell us 2 BR rules : 1 It is totally forbidden to reconnect just to regenerate life.
2 It is strictly forbidden to start a BR Solo with 1 gang member.
Tell us 2 Turf war rules: 1: That it is not allowed to kill a criminal or police officer who is not part of the war.
2 It is totally forbidden to do paramedic Spawn simply to help your gang or to do police spawn to arrest your rivals and thus help your gang.
What is avoid arrest ?: It's when I disconnect or kill myself so the cop won't arrest me.

~[Third Part]~(red,red,red)
What is your motivation to join BBMC? : I am motivated to progress in SAES and BBMC as I move up in rank and contribute.
What can you bring to the gang? : My activity, ideas, rps, events and my support in the good and bad moments of BBMC.
Did anyone suggest you to apply for BBMC? If yes mention who : yes SoulFly
Post your favorite bike in a spoiler to be considered(spoiler):


Spoiler Text


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Account Name:Nitro
Primary Language:Arbic
Secondry Language(s):English,Frensh,Arbic
How long have you been playing SAES:10Hours
How many hours do you have (Use TAB):10.09.03Hours
Previous G/S/C :N/A
Second Part:
What is roleplay means?:A role play means to act like real life
What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) :As against rules killing someone without any reason
What is the difference about PBR and BR ?:as it's name its open to public all Crim
Tell us 2 BR rules :1 gang can rob 2 banks in one day , assisting your gang as paramedic or pizzaboy is not allowed
Tell us 2 Turf war rules:1 only allowed for gang spawn or hospital spawn 2 not allowed to camping on rooftops
What is avoid arrest ?:Suicide is forbidden when the police try to catch me . Killing yourself while cop's are trying to catch you
Third Part:
Why do you want to join us?:first of all I do love motorbikes second I belive the BBMC will be such a great gang in the future
Why should we accept you?:Because I'm A Good player 1vs1 And good Active
Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who):Yes SoulFly
(Post your favorite bike in a spoiler)

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