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ZIP - Aveyro's Portfolio

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^[alt text]

~[M]~(orange)y Current Rank is: Work~[er]~(orange)
~[M]~(orange)y Name is: Avey~[ro]~(orange)^
~[M]~(orange)y Account name is: sayebelpropyakhra~[123]~(orange)
~[N]~(orange)umber of constructions: ~[2]~(orange)

#### **Construction Title**
**Number of objects:**
**Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing):**
**Link to the Album:**


~[C]~(orange)onstruction Titl~[e]~(orange): Homer simpson's fac~[e]~(orange)
~[C]~(orange)onstruction N: ~[1]~(orange)
~[N]~(orange)umber of objects: 22~[8]~(orange)
~[L]~(orange)ink to the Album: The spoiler below~[!]~(orange)


^[alt text]

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alt text

alt text

alt text


  • 3 months later...

~[C]~(orange)onstruction Titl~[e]~(orange): A Gym Hous~[e]~(orange)
~[C]~(orange)onstruction N: ~[2]~(orange)
~[N]~(orange)umber of objects: 55~[0]~(orange)
~[L]~(orange)ink to the Album: The spoiler below~[!]~(orange)





~[C]~(orange)onstruction Titl~[e]~(orange): { Event Building } > Island LMS Map [ Made In Water ~[]]~(orange)
~[C]~(orange)onstruction N: ~[3]~(orange)
~[N]~(orange)umber of objects: 18~[3]~(orange)
~[L]~(orange)ink to the Album: The spoiler below~[!]~(orange)




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