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-Date: 30/07/2021
i was finishing my job on a costumer car that day , i take a break and lighted a cigarettes when suddenly yassinos come to the shop he looks in hurry he said he need me to repair he's car as fast as i can because he was about to race with it in a local race so i pick my tools and start working thankfully the problem was easy it didint took me mush time just 2 bad wheels
when i finish the job he thank me a lot and drove he's car away
-Participants: @Yassinos


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-Activity Type: Impounding Illegal parked cars Around SA
-CC member : @Niklaus and @Rick
-Duration: 30min


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-Date: 15/08/2021
I was about to light a cigarette and chill in the shop when Mr. Anas come to me and ask me to complete his job on a costumer car and he was kind of test to see my skills improvement So without any doubt i pick my stuff and start working it was all about changing front lights and repair some broken parts its wasn't that hard .
Later after i finished the job Mr. Anas come and see what i do he was very happy with the job that i done and said that i am improving well
-Participants: @Anas_


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-Date: 15/08/2021
3 years ago , it was my first day at my new work as a mechanic , i was kinda nervous because i dont know everybody , there i meet Mr marksman there , he wanted to test my skills so he bring a costumer car and tell me to make a check up for it so i picked my stuff and start working , i find some broken parts around and some cuts on the wheels so fix them and call Mr marksman to take a look he was very satisfying with the job then he take the car and return it to the client
-Participants: @MarksMan




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@marksman said in Cuban Cars - Media Archive:

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Activity Typ: CC Internship
Participants: @Youssef
Date: 15/08/2021
Story: We opened it again! the well known CC Garage on SF-LV Highway near Bone Country. As you know it's vacation time so we worked only few hours. Client of mine called me to check his 2 cars because he went on Vacation with plane. Sultan was everything ok, we did normal check with Youssef and the Admiral had car accident, we had to change the front bumper, windscreen and etc. I drived them back to his house and took my car from there. We had to close the Garage early because no Clients at all.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vGxByl3

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-Date: 20/08/2021

@senpai said in Senpai's CC Activities:

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^[Roleplay Number : 9 ]
^[Characters: @Youssef-1 ]
^[Story :]
It was morning in the San Andreas city. I just woke up and eat my breakfast. and after, I went to the garage with my partner Mr.Youssef, I took a cigar from my pants and light it up. After some minutes we got a phone call from a costumer in a trouble with his car so i picked up my stuffs and I went to him alone, In the middle of the road suddenly, my wheels shocked in a tree, and I forget to took my tools from the garage, then I remembered my partner on duty, So I called him to come to help me out. After a couple of hours he came to me with a spare wheel, So he fixed it and everything were good.
^[Screenshots :]


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