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Dear Citizens,

As another month has come to an end we must yet again reflect on the crime rate in San Andreas, specifically in the area of Bank Robberies.

Over the course of March there were a total of 167 incidents at Banks across San Andreas. This is a 47% decrease in the same incidents from April 2021.

The Intelligence Unit of Homeland Security has been hard at work identifying the major players in these incidents and have discovered that the most likely culprit is @The_Outfit with 28 attempted robberies throughout the month of April.

Due to the unusually low number of robberies in April, @The_Outfit are the most succesful organization with a number of robberies greter than 10. Only 6 organizations orchastrated 10 or more robberies with @The_Company close behind with a success rate of just 0.4% lower.

The organisation with the most amount of failed attempted Bank Robberies was @Medelln-Cartel with the lowest % chance of success going to @Grove-Street-Family with a miserly 50% success rate over 8 robberies. This is tied with both @Arms-Assassins and @Organization-Zero with 50% each also, however over a much smaller sample size of robberies.

The Intelligence Division also delved into the time of these robberies.

6.59% of all attempted robberies took place in the AM, from 00:00 -> 12:00. This is a 0.10% drop from last month.

For a full breakdown of the findings of the Intelligence Division please see below;


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We have also been able to determine the impact on each individual branch.

We can say with certainty that the most commonly attacked bank is the branch located in Roca Escalante, Las Venturas for a fourth month running.

This branch was attacked a total of 34 times in April with 30 of those attacks resulting in no suspects apprehended. The likelihood of stopping an ongoing incident by Law Enforcement in Las Venturas is only 11.76% This is a better result than the previous month.

Law Enforcement's luck turned up more in Fort Carson, Bone County where we managed to apprehend suspects participating in 11 of the 28 incidents in April.

Overall the success rate of these incidents has decreased by 9.35% compared to April. It is now 76.05% likely on average that a bank robbery attempt will succeed.

For a full breakdown please see below;


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These ongoing incidents are continually being monitored and all possible actions are being put in place to ensure the safety of the Citizens of San Andreas.

We will continue to update you on any developments.

TL:DR; Bank Robberies success decreased by 9.35%. Amount of BR's dropped from 315 in March to 167 in April.


TL:DR; Bank Robberies success decreased by 9.35%. Amount of BR's dropped from 315 in March to 167 in April.

Wow, I wonder why? It's almost as if someone with no idea of the community's desires decided to go rogue, and ruin BRs without consulting with the community first? Naaaah, that can't be the case, such things would never happen on a democratic server like SAES. Let's direct our attention to the copside instead, that'll fit the narrative of a flawless management better. Ok that's it for now, see you next month.

Also, I would like to thank @Kain for being our savior. Without him, there would've been less than a 100 BRs in April. Thanks Kain, we love you


TL:DR; Bank Robberies success decreased by 9.35%. Amount of BR's dropped from 315 in March to 167 in April.

What you expect after no jb cause new trash jail and bugs lags
and no BRS because it's hard for normal and new gangs but even if you got crackers hard to get helpers while all day we do only srs and vip server is BORING AF while we try to ask to add more actions you're trying to kill it and next month will be low mount of BRS.

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Using this topic every month just to shit post and flame decisions made by the people who run the server, be those decisions right or wrong, is going to just make me stop going through the effort of making them. If you want to make suggestions do it in the suggestions section of the forum or I'll just post these and lock the topics.

Also some of you need to step up your game, some awful attempts at being funny here.


Just a reminder to the community, if you want to shit post and flame rather than give proper feedback, you'll find yourself without posting privileges.

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