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[FEATURE] Train Robbery/Money Transport Job


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This event is conceived as complete analogous of Bank Rob and focused on increasing amount of players being involved in police side and team work among squads.

Police Side

In order to start delivering, official squad has to arrive at the available train station in the amount of 4+ players, after which train with money will get spawned. Armed police should defend load all the way from Point A to Point B

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Squad that starts delivering, has unlimited respawn inside the first carriage. Other cops are available to join mission, entering the markers outside, also there is an opportunity for police to get up on the roof

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Train will stop at every station. The more money delivered the more money defenders get

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Criminal Side

Challenge for criminals is to complete 8/8 robbery. Location will be displayed on map. In order to begin robbery, criminals need to get inside the last carriage cracking the door


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Amount of money they get, depends on how close cracked wagon is placed to the uptrain respawn

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  • Train needs 12 minutes to make full circle around the map at the speed of 100 km/h

  • No vehicles only map objects used

  • Full coordinates of the railway paths can be used for scripting models path


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Not at the moment, as we've been sorting other changes and recruitment out first.

We also have to look into the sync issue with trains, to make sure this has been fully resolved.

It's not been forgotten about.

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can make fund raising??, pretty sure this is a lot of programming to do, my point is just to give motivation to the developer. this type of features are realistic.

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I voted positively a year and half ago, I'd still say the idea itself is looking great, but it surely looked greater a year ago. Thats simply because the playerbase has dropped.

In my opinion, there are enough different kind of robberies at this point. Lets keep in mind server's peaks are 50-60, barely reaching 90 in weekends. We have different kind of SRs (which was a great way to improve it), BR (even new locations were added, which I honestly find pointless), CR, VIP and Money Transport.

I really think thats enough, I highly doubt adding any new kind of robbery would improve the server's activity in any way. What might buff the server though is improving what we currently have.

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It's not. I've been looking into trains and how they work with MTA these days as they used to be quiet buggy, so will be looking at a solution for this soon.

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Sometimes those are indeed, but if you guys manage to foresee and fix all potential problems, this will be more important than any of the other changes being discussed

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