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Activity number : #26 - #27
T.R.A Agents Present: Cappo,Jasper,Sunrise,Axestos,Bora
Date and Time: 17-04-2021


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Date and Time : 17-04-2021
Event Number: #6
Event Type: Chicken Arrest
Prize: $1.000.000
LWS: @Judyes
Winner: @senseii


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Date and Time : 17-04-2021
Event Number #7
Event Type: Chicken Shooter
Prize : $1.000.000
LWS: @Judyes
Winner @TripleX


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^[Date: 18th April 2021]

^[The message]

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It was early in the morning, around 9 AM, when I was sitting on my bureau, doing stuff on the computer. The rest of the agents were still not awake, as each one of them worked hard during yesterday. Surprisingly, I got a message regarding an area in Los Santos, an area, in which there might be drug selling and production going on, according to the message, there has been a gang base in the past. Even though it seemed a bit risky, I decided to go alone, even though the T.R.A. agents are well known to raid that kind of areas, I wanted to have a confirmation. I quickly got off my seat and took a car from Las Venturas Police Departement, then I drove to the given address.
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Once there, I parked the vehicle so it blocks the road, making sure none leaves the area just yet, as I didn't plan on using lethal force. I slowly entered the area and started searching for a sign that'd show some kind of illegal activity.
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After some just peaceful walking around and searching, I noticed a paper behind some old wheels and some other stuff, I picked it up and carefully read it. It was some information about some well known drug dealers, gangs and what not all around San Andreas. In the little note there were exact addresses and names, as well as addresses of places, where the gangs usually fight. I carefully got the note in my vehicle and drove back to Las Venturas.

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I carefully placed the little note in in Police Departement, making sure it's safe. Apparently the note could be used for T.R.A.'s raids, which are surely already happening.


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^[Morning activity]

Activity number: #28 & #29
T.R.A Agents Present: Jasper, fenter90, Cappo, Alferdo and Sunrise
Date and time: 4/18/2021


^[SR 1]

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^[Mid-day activity]

Activity Number: #30
T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Sunrise, Rick.
Date: 04/18/2021


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^[SR #1]

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Date and Time : 18-04-2021
Event Number : #9
Event Type: LMS
Prize : $1.000.000
Winner : Sir @Bodo420
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Date and Time : 18-04-2021
Event Number : #10
Event Type: Free Fire (PUBG)
Prize : $1.000.000
Winner : @Aveyro @reket
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^[Evening activity]

Activity Number: #31
T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Rick, Jasper, Fenter, Alfred.
Date: 18/04/2021


^[VIP #1]

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^[The first raid organized by T.R.A. agents]

Activity Number: #32
T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Jasper, Rick, Alfred, Fenter.
T.R.A. collaborators: @Fox-Operations-X , @Federal-Bureau-of-Investigation , DIA & SWAT members; some other cops took part as well.
The raid's main idea: Raiding and shutting down the high criminal activity going on in JK's base.


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Here are two short videos:
https://streamable.com/ngq61u (lmao failed so bad in the second one, the rest did some great arrests though)


Extra information: We're very happy to see that a good amount of the cops are willing to do that kind of somewhat unique and quite interesting activities, even though this one was tough, considering that we were strongly outnumbered, the area was quite tough to take control of as well, especially when the only option is to do so by the air only.
Every single cop that came did their best and deserves to be respected for that. Well done.
T.R.A. will continue organizing that kind of unique activities.


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^[19th April 2021]

^[The Snitch]

19-04-2021.Sunny day in Las Venturas.We got an intel that somebody is selling drugs in streets.They can be individual or a gang. So I left the PD and I head to streets to check whats going on.I started to investigate people,they didn't tell me something useful for me.They seem me afraid.They were avoiding my questions and sliding over them. So I come to this conclusion,dealers can't be individual if people from that street are afraid from something,they should be a local gang.

Next day,I was hoping for find a guy from that organization.One person would be enough to expose whole organization. So again I went to streets with a hope of find a guy from organizaton.This time I wanted to patrol on foot because patrolling with police car gets attention and everyone avoids the thing which they do.I started to walk in narrows and luckily I saw a guy who sells drugs.I found him red-handed and it was enough reason to put him jail for over 5 years.His customer ran away and he surrendered.

I got him in my car and brought him to PD.I started to question him,he was strong-willed but when he realised there is no escape he gave up.I asked him is he alone or is he part of any organization. As I guessed he was in a local gang named Wolves.I asked him the central place of their organization,and he gave it.I sent him to jail.I know where they are,this week we are gonna raid them and capture whole criminal instruments with drugs.

Roleplay #4
Participants: @Remp @Aveyro
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Activity Number: #33
T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Jasper, Alfred, Fenter, Sunrise.
Date: 19/04/2021


^[SR #1]

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Activity Number: #34
T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Jasper, Axestos.
Date: 19/04/2021


^[SR #1]

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Activity Number: #35
T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Rick, Axestos
Date: 19/04/2021


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Activity Number: #36
T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Fenter, Alfred
Date: 17/04/2021



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Activity Number: #37
T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Jasper, Fenter
Date: 17/04/2021


^[Money Transport securing]

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^[Patroling, Securing the VIPs and Responding to SR]

Activity Number: #38
T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Fenter, Alfred and Rick
Date: 04/20/2021


^[VIP 1]

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^[VIP 2]

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^[Patrolling, stopping SRs, securing VIP.]

Activity Number: #39
T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Fenter, Rick, Axestos, Sunrise
Date: 21/04/2021


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^[22nd April 2021]

^[The Snitch - Part ll]

Last week,I investigated people to find the drug distributor.The name of the gang is Wolves.With a quick investigation I found out their base.Today I am gonna observe their base from long distance and count how many are they.I left PD and went to autopark to get police car and took my way to Wolves Base.I went there and tried to find a better spot to spy them.I get to the spot and pulled out my binoculars to check them.Two guy was talking with each other and other two was drinking,and getting high.After 1 hour of observation,some period of time other two guy leaving the base and two guy was staying in there.They were changing their watch each hour.

So I took off to PD for planning how to raid their base.I decided that I can't raid them alone so I assigned one of my colleague to raid the base.Finally we started to plan how we raid the base. So we can't attack when they are 4,its risky and we don't want any casualties so we gotta attack them when one group leave the base and that two guy on watch. It'd good if we can get that two guy who is high and drink a lot. Plan was simple,there is no option as fail.I took my colleague and went to the spot for checking the base one last time.

We went to the spot and pulled out my binoculars.Two guy was leaving the base and luckily high and drunkard was watching the base. It was the right time to attack the base.We went down and entered to the place. Me and my colleague got cover,my colleague was waiting for my sign to attack them.I gave my sign and I yelled to put down their guns and surrender,of course they didn't surrender and opened fire on us.I had to shoot one of them from his leg,when his friend saw it he surrendered. We took them to police car and arrived to PD,sent another group to the Wolves Base and took other gang members aswell.

Roleplay #5
Participants: @sohayb @Razak @AndreaS
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^[Patrolling, stopping a SR]

Activity Number: #40
T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Jasper, BORA
Date: 25/04/2021


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^[Patrolling, stopping a SR and securing a VIP]

Activity Number: #41
T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Axestos, Rick
Date: 26/04/2021


^[SR #1]

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^[VIP #1]

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^[Patrolling and stopping SRs]

Activity Number: #42
T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Sunrise, Rick
Date: 26/04/2021


^[SR #1]

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^[SR #2]

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Event Number:11
Event Type : Chicken Arrest
Prize : 1.000.000 $$
Date: 03/05/2021
Winner: Bloodz>Witti
Lws Member : @zaza





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Event Number:12
Event Type : Chicken Arrest
Prize : 1.000.000 $$
Date: 07/05/2021
Winner: NavM>Ambosh
Lws Member : [TT]Colobria




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