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@schwaring said in 300 Capital:

What is your age? 18

What is your SAES username? shiroi36
How good is your english? 7/10 Good enough.

Are you a active player? Yes Im active in SAES

Why do you want to join 300 Capital? I like the history annd roles , i would like to help and I believe i can help the group grow

Do you use discord? Yes. schwaring35#1476

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Thanks for your interest in joining 300 Capital.
Your application is currently under review and pending.
Please be patient until the final decision is made.
You mentioned that you could help us grow, feel free to tell me how you would help us grow via discord or in-game to help your application results. Thanks.


What is your SAES username?: Juanes12

How good is your english?: It's good but I can't say it's excellent

Are you a active player?: Yes

Why do you want to join 300 Capital?: Because I like the role that can be generated in this group and be able to help all its members

Do you use discord?: yes ,Juanes12#2529


What is your age? 18

What is your SAES username? ratatui

How good is your english? regular

Are you a active player? 24/7

Why do you want to join 300 Capital? I see that it is a new group, therefore I am willing to help them in whatever they need, and I like their role history

Do you use discord? Yes, CHAPO#9365


What is your age? I am 15 years old.

What is your SAES username? moemen12

How good is your english? My english is good 6/10.

Are you a active player? Yes

Why do you want to join 300 Capital? I want join this group because I have skills in teamworking and I am also a really helpful player.I would always try my best to help them.

Do you use discord? Yes


What is your age? I am 17 years old

What is your SAES username? 89517800248

How good is your english? I think 6.5/10

Are you a active player? Yes,i playing everyday

Why do you want to join 300 Capital?: Because is good group , nice RP stroy, your RP role for me, and u have strong team.

Do you use discord? Ofc


Hello @CHAPO , @Orten1 and @Stalin

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Thanks for your interest in joining 300 Capital.
Your application is currently under review and pending.
Please be patient until the final decision is made.

300 Capital Discord: https://discord.gg/Ez98P3By


What is your age? I am 18 years old (turning 19 after a week)

What is your SAES username?: JoseFrags

How good is your english?: Good

Are you a active player?: Yes

Why do you want to join 300 Capital?: i liked 300 rp role, its very interesting idea and i would like to help

Do you use discord?: yes ,JoseFrags#4038


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Hello, @juanes12 your request is accepted.
~[Welcome to the capital, we believe you fit the criteria to be apart of this elite organization. Don't disappoint us.]~(lime)

Hello, @JoseFrags

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Thanks for your interest in joining 300 Capital.
Your application is currently under review and pending.
Please be patient until the final decision is made.

300 Capital Discord: https://discord.gg/Ez98P3By


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@Orten1 @CHAPO @Mafiot @Luis @NEUTRO @Stalin

~[Welcome to the capital, we believe you fit the criteria to be apart of this elite organization. Don't disappoint us.]~(lime)

300 Capital Discord: https://discord.gg/Ez98P3By

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