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TXN ID: 4GY8975069985223F

Donation Amount: 40.00GBP

Requested Awards:

Vehicle Type: Comet 1, Police LS 2, and Dodo.
Vehicle Colour: wrap 1 Como, 2 wrap Jamesmpf_2
Specify any upgrades: Wheels Black and whithe
Usernames to lock: Samuel3021
Where you want it placed: 10_lil_ Jatt Street and BC aiport

For any help with rewards, please check this topic.



Donation confirmed by SAES' Discord bot, thanks for donating!

When you've some free time please edit your donation's topic and request the donation's rewards.



  • PolLS & PolLV @ LV, Dodo @ BCAP


  • 10 GBP (gang_HLS wrap is not available for players)

  • Any interiors for this donation

  • $4m

Contact a SAHA or another admin to sort the rest and have them reply to this topic or edit my post.


@samuel3021 "gang_HLS" is a private group wrap that belongs to HLS (as you already might understand by its name) and so can't be requested.

Be aware that using HLS logo/name on your private Emergency vehicle is ~[not allowed]~(red) as you're not an HLS member, so don't bother creating your own custom HLS wrap using our logo/name, please.

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