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Activity number: 75
Date: 20.05.2021
Information: Patrolling and Repairing with @Nishki and @Marso around SA
CC members: @Nishki @Marso
Other members: @Senpai


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Activity number: 76
Date: 24.05.2021
Information: Internship Program on LS-LV Highway GARAGE

I was in a good mood today. When I driving around San fierro, I found myself at SF CC garage and I called some Cuban Cars members. Finally, I reached one of them, he was sir @marksman. I told that I need job to gain experience and enjoy and I asked can he open any garage for it to him. He said ofcourse as every CC members said. He was also driving around SF and was close to garage. He took me from SF garage and drove to SF-LV highway Garage in the hope that more customers might come. When we arrived there he called other interns and customers. Sadly there was no customer and we came to the SF-lv garage for nothing. When I thinking that, sir marksman towed a car to garage. He received an urgent call from a castaway customer and brought the car to garage with his towtruck. When he came to the garage he assigned rezzy to fix the towed car, and he assigned me to fix the tow of tow truck. When I started to check it, I directly looked at is there any hole for seepage because generally this trouble caused by some seepage. I removed the hydraulic piston from its area by using allen screw. After removing I checked the piston on my desk in my garage to find seepage holes. I found the some little seepage holes and repair them with weld. Last of all, I set up the piston again and test it. It was working good finally.

CC members: @MarksMan
Other members: @ReZzYBG


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Activity number: 77
Date: 28.05.2021
Information: Gang vehicle maintenance

It was a good summer evening. I was working at my desk in Cuban Cars Las Venturas Garage. While I dealing with the vehicle registration works, I received a phone call from a @medellin member was called as @ncov. He told to me that their gang vehicles need maintenance. I invited him to the garage. I called some Cuban Cars members, finally I reached out sir @Anas_ . After some time, he came our garage with his gang mate @dzc and we waited sir @anas_ to come. After a short while, he came and opened the garage. I lifted the car with a lift machine and asked the trouble to sir @ncov. He said that an unknown voice comming from engine. After I heard that, I thought possibilities that can cause the noise. The first possibility that I thought of was the oil filter. I opened the hood of car and started to check oil filter. It was looking good so probably the trouble was related with another reason. Then I thought that it can be related with bearing oil channel. I checked the bearing oil channel. It was broken as I thought. Probably it's about the oil which is using on bearing is too thin. I told sir Ncov that this car part had to be changed because it was impossible to repair, and I got to work. I removed the old bearing oil channel and take new one from new part area. Lastly, I set up the new one to its place. I deliveried the car to owner of the car and received the payment from him. End of the day, I was pleased from my payment.

CC members: @Anas_
Other members: @nCov @Dzc



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Activity number: 78
Date: 03.06.2021
Information: A gang car that ran out of gas

It was a hot summer morning. I was liying down at my my big brother @zaza 's home. He moved his house to Los Santos and he gave up its keys to me. While I was reading classic rides magazine, I remembered to check clock. When I checked the clock, I understood to get late. Immediately, I prepared and out from house. The house is really close to my work area Las Venturas X, so I arrived there in three minute and set to work. After some repairing, I got call from a @hell-soldiers member who called as Mrs.Khaled. She said that "My car stopped suddenly, I didn't see the warning lamp. It gave warn but I didn't see. I wait you at Los Santos Airport." When I heard that, I got my towtruck and on my way. After ten minutes, I arrived the airport. Firstly I talked with Mrs. @mr.khaled about the trouble again. Then I checked on the engine if there was any dripping. There was no trouble at engine, it was looking good. Probably it was simple, the trouble was looking like about inattention. In this reason, I talked with Mrs. Khaled and towed the car to closest gas station. She got fuel for her car and checked the car. Everything was good, she asked the cost of service. I said there is no need money but she insisted. Lastly I took 50$ from her and leave her alone. It was a profitable and good work.

CC members:
Other members: @Mr-Khaled



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Activity number: 79
Date: 04.06.2021
Information: Helping to @Anas_ for patrol

It was a bad day. At the morning, I learned that my uncle got cancer. When I heard that, I went to hospital to check and see him. His color was changed. When I see him, I became really sad. I couldn't wait him cause if I wait him, I would be worse. Anyway, I got out from hospital and went to Las Venturas Cuban Cars Garage to do my few paper works. When I arrived there, I got call from Cuban Cars member who is sir Anas. He was needed help with patrolling. Before I could finish my work, I took my towtruck and went through to sir Anas. I jumped into the driver's seat of his DFT and started to patrol with him. Firstly, I drew a road map on my head and headed off according to this map. Sadly, I didn't check fuel level of the DFT. Because of the news that I got this morning, my head was so full, I couldn't stop thinking about my uncle. At the end, when we were patrolling, ran out of fuel. Happily the DFT had an extra fuel tank for this situations. I pressed the extra fuel tank button and continue to my way. I went to nearest gas station which is on my way and tank up. After some time we finished the patrolling at Las Venturas Garage cause sir Anas had some works. Anyway it was good opportunity to forget bad news.

CC members: @Anas_
Other members:


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Activity number: 80
Date: 10.06.2021
Information: Car accident

Today was not a special day. I was repairing cars at my location which was Las Venturas X. After some repairing, I got a call from a @Medelln-Cartel member who was @dzc. He said that "I crashed my cheetah to column of the underpass which is near to Las Venturas Car shop. Now I'm going to hospital to check-up. Can you towed my car and repair it. I will came to got it after hospital." I said "Of course sir." to him. Then I got my tow truck and got on my way. In a minute, I arrived the accident area and towed the car to nearest garage. I parked the car and started to check it. An unknown gas was coming from the engine of the car. So I started to repair from engine. I opened the trunk of the car and check it. The gas was coming from the exhaust manifold. Some oil was leaked from the valve cover gasket and it came to manifold then it causes to smoke. Probably the valve cover gasket was unwind cause of sudden crash. Then I changed it with new one and closed the trunk. After that I looked the hood of car. Its shape changed cause of sudden crash. Firstly I removed it from its place and refashion it with hammer. Then I painted it with auto paint to its original color and left it to dry. After waiting some time, I checked it. It was dry then I fix it to its place. After all, I checked the all parts of car from outside. It was looking good. I called the owner of the car who was sir Dzc. He came to the garage and we talked with him some time about the accident. Then he paid the cost of the repairing and I send him. It was again good day like all the time.

CC members:
Other members: @Dzc


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Activity number: 81
Date: 11.06.2021
Information: Patrolling and Repairing with @Anas_ @Judyes around SA
CC members: @anas @Judyes
Other members:


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Activity number: 82
Date: 11.06.2021
Information: Patrolling and Repairing with @afufu and @beauty around SA
CC members: @Afufu and @beauty
Other members:

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Activity number: 84
Date: 11.06.2021
Information: Car modifying

It was really tiring day, I did patrol with Cuban Cars Members as twice. After patrols, I came my work area and started to repair cars at Las Venturas X. After some cars, one @Royal-Flush member called me who was @Karagiannis. Firstly we talked some time about old days. He is my old friend from high school. Anyway after these talkings, he said that "I have a savanna and I want to change the color of rims of wheels. But I don't have time to bring it to you. I will left the keys of the car to hidden place. Can you take the car and do it for me? ". I said "Of course bro!". I hang up the phone and got on my way with my towtruck. After five minutes, I arrived the Los Santos Santa Maria Beach park area which is near to CripZ base. Then I towed the car to Los Santos Modifying Garage. Firstly I walked around the car and checked the all parts of the car from outside. There was no trouble so I started to rip off the rims of wheels. After four or five minutes, I finished all removings. Then, I started to paint them with auto car paint. I needed to wait them to dry out so I went to outside of the garage and light up a cigarette. The drying took about five minutes, the paint was lacquer so dry out fast. After that, I set up the dried rims of wheels to wheels. Lastly, I called the owner of the car and started to wait him at outside of the garage. He came to the garage in a minute. We talked with him about the car and he checked the car. Last of all, he paid the cost of the painting and went to his house.

CC members:
Other members: @Karagiannis


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Activity number: 85
Date: 13.06.2021
Information: Patrolling and Repairing with @Ardron @Anas_ around SA
CC members: @Ardron @anas
Other members:

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Activity number: 86
Date: 14.06.2021
Information: SF GARAGE

Yesterday was a tiring day. I started to day by doing patrol with Cuban Cars HQs @ardron and @anas_. After one or two hour we finished the patrol and we left to do our jobs. I did some paperworks at my office till the evening. I didn't understand how time passes. While I was so focused on my job like that, my phone rang. The caller was a Cuban Cars member that is sir @hetler. He was calling me to San Fierro Cuban Cars Garage as soon as possible. I got my car fast and got on my way. When I arrived there, Sir @crash who is a Cuban Cars Impounder was also at the garage. He looks like was preparing to start to patrol but when I entered the garage he said that "My dft needs a new front dump. Can you help me with this work". I said of course and got to work on it. Firstly I checked the dump and thought about it. When I checked it, I saw it was broken and became unusable like sir @Crash said. After that I started to remove the old broken dump by using control stick. Then I put it to ground slowly and walked through to the new part shelves to take new dump. When I got to where the shelves were, I bended down and picked up the new piece and then went back to dft. I placed the new dump to its place and fixed it with window glue. Lastly I checked it from an external perspective. Then I called to sir Crash to check on the DFT. He checked his DFT, took it and started to patrol. He was looking pleased. After he left from the garage, I began to wait for my bosses, Sir Anas and sir Hetler's orders. While I was waiting their orders, my colleague @PaiN500 came to the garage. After that, Sir Anas started talking about the job he wanted us to do. He was mentioning about the car which was involved a traffic accident. According to his words, the car hit another car from behind so its engine and windows took damage. The unknown smoke was also comming from the engine. We talked with my colleague PaiN about the work. He wanted to deal with the engine, I didnt object to him, so it was up to me to change the windows. Before the start to change windows, I revolved around the car. There was no trouble except the troubles which we thought. In this reason, I started to work on the windows starting at front window. First of all, I removed the all old and broken windows by using window removal tool, and dropped them to away. Then, took the new windows from the new part shelves by going twice. I went to back the car and started to placed them to their places. After placing, I checked them with kit before fixing them. Then I fixed them by using window glue. My job was looks like done. I did my checkings one last time, everything was okay. Last of all, we recieved feed-back about our some little mistakes from our bosses. It was excellent day like others.

CC members: @Anas_ @Hetler @Crash
Other members: @PaiN500

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Activity number: 87
Date: 14.06.2021
Information: Patrolling and Repairing with @Velo, @Versace @rykila @Rainy around SA
CC members: @Velo, @Versace @rykila @Rainy

Other members: @Jean75002



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Activity number: 88
Date: 17.06.2021
Information: Patrolling and Repairing with @Niklaus around SA
CC members: @Niklaus
Other members:


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Activity number: 89
Date: 18.06.2021
Information: Patrolling and Repairing with @Darius around SA
CC members: @Darius
Other members:


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Activity number: 90
Date: 20.06.2021
Information: Car repairing after patrol

I woke up at 9 am at my brother's house. Yesterday, I really tired due to mountain hiking. I was on leave cause of exams. After two exams, I went to mountain hiking to be relax but it was really tired me. I could not go to my home, and stayed at my brother's house. Anyway, after woke up, I did my breakfast and went back to my job. After some time, I called sir @anas_ to ask what he was doing. He said "I am just driving around. If you want, you can join me." Then, when I heard it, I took my DFT and went to him joyfully. We patrolled some time and impounded some car for the reason of wrong parking. After patrolling we took sir @ardron from his home and went to San fierro Turning Tricks Driving School. In there, sir @jasper and @zac welcomed us. They were planning to create a parkour for DFT. Firstly, sir Ardron tried something but the parkour needed to little changings and he determined the errors and corrected them with sir Anas. While they were dealing with the parkour, sir @afufu and some squad members from SAFP came the area. Sir afufu asked me to repair his car, I checked his car and repaired it quickly. After the quick repairing, sir @niklaus and @Lala also came there. Lala had some cars which needed repairing hereby he asked me for help. I went to nearby garage with him and started to check his cars. His first car was a cheetah which looks really perfect. I checked its engine and tires. The engine water was missing a little. I wanted water from him and add it to engine. As I said before, the car was looking really perfect so there was no other breakdown. After cheetah we dealt with his hotring racer and landstalker. I checked both of them the landstalker's tires were deflated. When I saw it, I took my pump and inflated them. After inflating, I switched to his hotring racer. The car had no trouble, I just did some checkings but did not find anything. After all, I took my payment to my bank account. He sent me $20.000 instead of $2.000 by mistake so I sent back his $18000. After some time sir @calibre also visit us. His car needed to check quickly so I did it according to his requests. At the end of the checking, I went my house which is near to area and lie down to rest. It was good morn.

CC members: @Ardron @Anas_ @Jasper @Zac @Calibre @Niklaus @Afufu
Other members: @LALA


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Activity number: 91
Date: 20.06.2021
Information: Patrolling and Repairing with @Judyes @Niklaus around SA 2 hour
CC members: @Judyes @Niklaus
Other members:


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Activity number: 92
Date: 23.06.2021
Information: Gang vehicle maintenance

On a beautiful summer day, I was taking care of my business as usual. When I went out of garage for smoking, I got a call from a @cripz member who is sir @aoxi. He introduced himself to me and told the what he need. He was the responsible man from dealing with gang cars of @CripZ gang and he said "Our some gang vehicles needed annual engine maintenance. Can you come to our base and do this maintenance for us. I can not bring all cars to you." I said that, we can do it on your base but its cost could be more than we thought cause I did not see the cars. Then I closed the phone and got on my way to CripZ base. When I arrived there, he welcomed me and opened three doors for me. The base was located on a large and protected land on the coast of Santa Maria Beach. Anyways we started to talk with him about the cars. He showed the vehicles which needed annual engine maintenance and I started to work on them. First of all, I dealt with a glendale. I checked it's engine, it was looking good better than the cars that is same generation. Probably it's annual maintenance was well done and a newly modified engine. There was nothing wrong at this engine. I switched to another car, it was a cheetah. I wanted sir aoxi to open the trunk. When he opened the trunk, I encountered a really mishandled engine. Probably, the person or persons who usually drive this car could be unconscious cause normal people can easily realize that this car have some trouble. If I had not checked, it could soon start burning in the middle of traffic. The engine cover was starting to melt up cause of overheating. I directly checked cooling water storage. As I estimated, it was related with it. The cooling water was about to empty so I filled it with water. Then I wanted sir Aoxi to test the car. After he tested the car, there was no overheating so it was all good. When the car came, I checked other storages. They were in good condition so I switched to the last car which was savanna. While I was starting to check it's engine sir @schwaring also came to base to control me. On one hand, I was checking the engine of the car, on the other hand speaking with sir schwaring about the cars. The car was also looking good like glendale. While I shut down the hood, I thought my father needs a car like that. Then I turned around the car and checked it with an outside eye. While I was looking the sliding roof of the car. I realized the tear of cover then I took the super glue and a rag from my towtruck to repair it. I repaired it by using super glue an a rag. After all, I took my payment to my bank account and went back to my house to little rest.

CC members:
Other members: @schwaring @aoxi



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Activity number: 93
Date: 23.06.2021
Information: Patrolling and Repairing with @Ardron @Zac and @beauty around SA
CC members: @Ardron @Zac and @beauty
Other members:


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Activity number: 94
Date: 24.06.2021
Information: Patrolling and Repairing with @Niklaus @Zac around SA 2 hour
CC members: @Niklaus @Zac

Other members:


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Activity number: 96
Date: 24.06.2021
Information: An ALT Member who is stranded.

It was a hard work day, I was doing some paperworks at my Las Venturas Cuban Cars Office. There were lots of new car parts that were waiting me to put on the record. While I was dealing with this job, I got an urgent call from an @All-Load-Trucking member who was @schwaring. He said that " I dont know what is happened but probably my truck was run out of fuel. The truck stopped suddenly. I checked the fuel gauge, still seen there is fuel like half of storage but probably its broken but I did not realize it before. Now I left in the middle of the street with my big prefabric house delivery. I need to deliver this prefabric house as soon as possible so I need your help urgently." When I heard that, I took my towtruck and arrived there in 5 minutes. Firstly, we talked with him and after that I checked the fuel storage of the truck. It was looking empty and also the extra storage was also about to finish. Probably the engine of the truck stopped itself to get rid off bigger troubles. After I realized it, I took my fuel can from my towtruck and added some fuel to schwaring's truck's storage. Then I towed the truck to nearest fuel station with my towtruck. It was really hard since the truck and its delivery have about 6 Tons weight. It took some time in despite of the fuel station was really close the area. I waited him while he was buying fuel to his truck and light a cigarette while waiting him. Then he tested the truck, it was working good. He payed to me and he told his pleased about me. I did the job like that once again. Its cost was about 50 dollars but in this one I took 200 dollars with tip. I became overjoy.
CC members:
Other members: @schwaring


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Activity number: 97
Date: 01.07.2021
Information: An ALT Member who is stranded.

Today, I woke up at my big brother @zaza's home that is close to Las Venturas X. When I woke up, I saw my girlfriend's and our photos that are near the bed. After a few moments of sadness, I composed oneself and walked down to do breakfast. I did my breakfast in front of the TV and watched some documentary about cars during the breakfast time. Then I took my towtruck to go my office which was in the Las Venturas Cuban Cars garage. When I arrived there, I parked my towtruck and then lighted a cigarette. After cigarette finished, I walked inside the garage. In the garage, there was a car that have broken doors a and broken hood. For a few minutes I thought about that start from where and then decided to start from hood of the car. The hood and doors were really broken so I should change both of them. Then I started to work on the car. Firstly, I removed the broken hood from car and left it to ground. I walked through to the new car parts area to take new hood from there. Then I chose the new hood that was approprite. After taking hood, I walked back to the car and started to set up it to the car. I placed the new hood to its place and screwed the screws with a wrench and controlled it. It was not working correctly probably it was about imperfect lubrication. Then I took the oil box and oilled all screws. Now, it was working good. After hood changing, I switched to doors of the car. I removed old and broken doors from the car and took new doors from new part area to emplaced it. I placed the doors to its place and fixed them with screws by using screw wrench. After doors placing I checked the car from outside. It was looking perfect now. It was a helpful repairing to me.
CC members:
Other members:


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*Activity number: 98
Date: 08.07.2021
Information: Car Modifying

Today, I had a off-day. It was a sunny summer day. I woke up at my house and did a little breakfast. After breakfast I went on a walk on Los Santos Santa Maria Beach. It was really relaxing activity for me. I did some plan about car modifying. Then I went to my garage at Los Santos to do modify my bmw M3. I parked my car to inside the garage and went out to smoke a cigarette. I lighted my cigarette with my lighter and enjoyed with my cigarette. Then I started to work by changing wheel rims. Firstly, I lifted the car by using lifting jack and I removed the all old wheels and disconnected the rims from wheels. After that I chose new rims to wear them on wheels and brought them to near the car. I fixated them to wheels and pumped up the tires and fixed them to the car. After fixing the tires, I lowered the car and removed the lifting jack from car. Then I switched to spoiler. The old spoiler was looked like old fashioned so I decided to change it. I removed the old spoiler by using screwdriver and dropped it to ground. Then I went to car part shop to choose and buy new spoiler. I chose the ideal spoiler and bought it. After bought the spoiler,I went back to garage to fix it to the car. It was a new addition X-flow bumper. I fixed it by using screwdriver to the baggage and looked at it from outside. It was looking perfect now.

CC members:
Other members:
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Activity number: 99
Date: 11.07.2021
Information: Patrolling and Repairing with @Afufu around SA
CC members: @Afufu
Other members: @Sharlock

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