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Hello and welcome to my Cuban Cars topic. I will post my activities here such as hangouts, roleplays, activities and much more.
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Activity number: 1
Date: 30.01.2021
Information: Impounding with @AdemBygt around the SA
CC members: @AdemBygt
Other members: @Mr-Alfred , @zaza


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Activity number: 2
Date: 30.01.2021
Information: Impounding with @SkulioN around the SA
CC members: @SkulioN
Other members: @Mr-Alfred @nCovv


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Activity number: 3
Date: 31.01.2021
Information: Internship Program on SF GARAGE

We got an opportunity about internship for Cuban Cars. We went to SF garage and followed the commands which gave from Cuban Cars Members. Firstly, we divided into 2 groups. I was group with Alfred. We gave a service about controlling and changing the tires and engine oils of the car. Cuban Cars members Anas and Hetler helped us a lot.

CC members: @Hetler, @Anas_
Other members: @Mr-Alfred @zaza @ZoRo


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Activity number: 4
Date: 31.01.2021
Information: Patroling with @Hetler around the LV and BC
CC members: @Hetler
Other members: @Mr-Alfred , @zaza


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Activity number: 5
Date: 31.01.2021
Information: Intrenship Program at LV-SF Hghway

Sir Marksman opened the LV-SF Hghway and He called us (Me and Alfred). When we took that call, we took the road. When we arrived there some time later @Duff came the garage with him car and he said us that his car has an trouble. We took the key from him and then lift that car. After that we looked at it for a while and check it. Alfred found a problem in central locking system and I found some trouble in engine system. After that we repaired the problems. We gave up the car to @Duff. After Duff's car another car came us and we also looked and repaired that car. The owner of the car gave 500 $ tip to me. Lastly Sir Marksman wanted us to look him Monster Car and said that has a race after 2 weeks so we must did maintenance that car. For this reason we checked the car as a detailed but we did not find any trouble. Thanks to help sir @MarksMan.

CC members: @MarksMan , @Jim

Other members: @Mr-Alfred @Niklaus


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Activity number: 6
Date: 31.01.2021
Information: Impounding and patrolling with @ALIJR007 around the SF and LV
CC members: @ALIJR007
Other members:


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Activity number: 7
Date: 03.02.2021
Information: Impounding and patrolling with @ALIJR007 around SA
CC members: @Leonard

Other members: @Mr-Alfred


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Activity number: 9
Date: 10.02.2021
Information: Impounding and patrolling with [TT[Cali around LV
CC members: [TT]Cali
Other members:



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Activity number: 10
Date: 12.01.2021
Information: Patrolling with @Nishki around LV
CC members: @Nishki
Other members:

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Activity number: 12
Date: 14.01.2021
Information: LV X Garage
CC members: @kipt @Blue @MarksMan

Other members: @Niklaus

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  • 4 weeks later...

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Activity number: 16
Date: 20.03.2021
Information: Traffic accidient

I was having a good day in Las Venturas CC office and I got a call from ZAZA who is the founder of CripZ gang. His voice was really worried and he couldn't speak clean and also he stumbled. He was tried to tell the situation to me and said his location. When I arrived at there, I found ZAZA as worried. Firstly I calm ZAZA down and looked the his car. Since I left the office in a hurry, I forgot my all tools in office. I took the car with my towtruck and went to LV CC garage. After that I down the car and parked it in lift. I check the engine and found some troubles about filters. I changed them with new ones and look another parts of engine. When zaza crashed the car, some parts of the engine broke. I looked them and thought that how can I fixed it with low price. Last of all, I found that way and fixed it. Zaza thanked me and I got my paid from him. It was a good experience. Thanks a lot @zaza

CC members:

Other members: @zaza



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Activity number: 17
Date: 20.03.2021
Information: Internship Program on LV GARAGE

When I repair ZAZA's car, I saw the sir beauty in LV garage. He helped me on repair ZAZA's car. After that he opened the garage for an internship program. Earlier I got an opportunity this internship programs for Cuban Cars. After the Beauty's call, alfred and killa came the garage and we looked the car with together. Sir Beauty divided us for repairing some different parts of vehicle. Alfred looked the tires, killa looked the filters and I looked the engine part of vehicle. We found the troubles and fixed them. I had an urgent call from different customer so I had to left from garage early. .

CC members: @beauty
Other members: @Mr-Alfred @killa



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Activity number: 18
Date: 22.03.2021
Information: Patrolling with @SWT around LV
CC members: @SWT
Other members:



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Activity number: 19
Date: 22.03.2021
Information: Attending CC Activity
CC members: @SWT @Jasper @Brondy @Henry @Leonard @ColdPlay @beauty @Darius
Other members:




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Activity number: 21
Date: 24.03.2021
Information: Cleaning roads around LV

Today I took a call from one guy. He said that there are lots of cars which parked in center of road in around LV. After this call, I took my tow truck which is in LV and started to check to roads. I found some cars and impound them to LV garage. In the last car, owner of the car who is @3ko called me and wanted to unimpound his car. He came to LV garage and I talked him about why I impound it. Last of all, he paid the unimpound money to me and took his car. It was a good day cause I earned experience and some money.

CC members:
Other members: @3KO



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Activity number: 22
Date: 26.03.2021
Information: Patroling with @Gal around the LV, BC, RC and SF
CC members: @Gal

Other members: @ReZzY



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Activity number: 24
Date: 29.03.2021
Information: Internship Program on SF GARAGE

It was an sunny winter evening. I got an call from sir @beauty and he said that I need some intern to SF Garage. When I got that call, I got my car and went to SF Garage. When I arrived there sir @beauty and, intern @pain welcomed me. Beauty told us the troubles that he saw. I looked the smoke trouble which comes from hood. I found some broken parts in engine and the smoke comes from that parts. I decided to change the broken parts cause they can't be fixed. After changing the parts, I look other parts of hood and found new trouble. The wiper water pipe was broken also so I changed it. After all controls, sir Beauty said that "Can you test the car please?". I got the car and drive around the SF garage, the engine sounds good. Wheels, brakes and nitros also worked good. It was an excellent experience like others. Thanks to help sir @beauty.

CC members: @beauty
Other members: @pain


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