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[LWS-STAFF] RedStar's Events


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~[E]~(8db600)vent : 074
~[M]~(8db600)y own event type : Freight Train Flatbed
~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo
~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $
~[W]~(8db600)inner : @Rick
~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) :


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~[D]~(8db600)escription :

Railroad racing, well enough for us car races events, which became boring at times, so I wanted to do an event with trains. And really that was so much fun ( More exciting, more fun ). Also this race is an IQ test because it differs from auto racing, so you must be aware of how fast the train is when turning, except that it was left or right, and any small mistake will get you off the railway, meaning that you lost the race.

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~[E]~(8db600)vent : 075
~[T]~(8db600)ype : Escape The Rhino Using Baggage Trailer's (Uncovered)
~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo

~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $
~[W]~(8db600)inner(s) : @Witti
~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) :


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~[E]~(8db600)vent : 076
~[T]~(8db600)ype : GT KINGS ( 2 vs 2 )
~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Hotfire
~[R]~(8db600)eward : 2.000.000 $
~[W]~(8db600)inner(s) : Jefe team ( @Zodiac - @brotherhoodman )
~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) :


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  • 3 weeks later...

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~[E]~(8db600)vent : 077
~[T]~(8db600)ype : 1 vs 1 Weed
~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo
~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $
~[W]~(8db600)inner : @Yassinos
~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) :


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Description : it's a race between two participants with an ability ( movement speed )

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~[E]~(8db600)vent : 078
~[T]~(8db600)ype : DD v2
~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo
~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $
~[W]~(8db600)inner : @Judyes
~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) :


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Description : Destruction derby with pads (Speed / Nitro / Repair) Excitement and fun you must control the cars as much as possible (driving skills)

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~[E]~(8db600)vent : 079
~[T]~(8db600)ype : Street fight
~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo
~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $
~[W]~(8db600)inner : @Razor
~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) :


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Description : It's a war without weapons between the participants by using their fighting skills in order to survive.

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~[E]~(8db600)vent : 080
~[M]~(8db600)y own event type : Grab my car (cargobob)
~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo
~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $
~[W]~(8db600)inner : @Orten1
~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) :


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~[D]~(8db600)escription :

The event's idea based on trying to take over my car by ( cargobob) and that by using ''x'' and the first one who keep me away from the other players and put me in a safe place will win

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~[E]~(8db600)vent : 083
~[M]~(8db600)y own event type : Kiss or Slap
~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo
~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $
~[W]~(8db600)inner : @Tema
~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) :


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~[D]~(8db600)escription :

Kiss or slap, I think most of you might know that name on Youtube and that's a challenge and I decided to host it on SAES.
How does the event concept work ? : Well I made a party chat with the friendly LWS aka Colobria and I write a kiss or slap before the event starts and whoever made the right move (kiss2 / slapass) he passes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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~[E]~(8db600)vent : 090
~[T]~(8db600)ype : Last ~[Thugs]~(red) Standing
~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Avanger

~[R]~(8db600)eward : 2.000.000 $
~[W]~(8db600)inners : @fadi-semre12 - @Orten1

~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) :

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Decription =

So basically it's like a 2 members per team they need to choose a Driver of the team to protect the car from the other teams, so they will have to drive around and shooting from the car. if the driver of the team gets killed, both will automatically get kicked out from the event. The last driver stays wins with his teammate.

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~[E]~(8db600)vent : 094
~[T]~(8db600)ype : Group Game ( GG )
~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Garcia

~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $ ( 500k each )
~[W]~(8db600)inners : @ZoRo & @Ahron
~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) :


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It's one of the enjoyable events I've hosted, this event is a simple and fun game that requires teaming, at the begin LWS will start a cd and during that time he wrote a number ( 2;3;4;5..) and participants should make a team with that number facing each other and using anime /shake 6, last who stays alone will get kicked.

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~[E]~(8db600)vent : 095
~[T]~(8db600)ype : The Imposters Event ( Among US )
~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Garcia
~[R]~(8db600)eward : ~[3.000.000 $]~(green)
~[W]~(8db600)inner : @Proton
~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) :


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The concept is like among us, There are two imposters between the participants only LWS & hoster know them, and they'll try to kill the participants one by one and all you have to do staying in a safe place or staying with more than 2 participants because the imposters they'll kill only a player who was alone ( every single player will get killed by the imposters )
~[Event Rules]~(black): Using anims not allowed
~[Event spawn :]~(black) Los santons > Civ > EP

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Special thanks to my lovely imposters @PaiN500 & @M7mDGr7 for their efforts.

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~[E]~(8db600)vent : 097
~[T]~(8db600)ype : Cave Fight
~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Garcia

~[R]~(8db600)eward : ~[3.000.000 $]~(green)
~[W]~(8db600)inner : AA :p team led by : @cobra
~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) :


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Decription : In a cave in the BC city, we decided to host an event, it's simply a team vs team fight but as event participants and with some low ammo weapons to make it more fun, the idea came from making an enjoyable event that is a bit different than the usual places and types.

Event Spawn = BC > civ > EP
Event idea : @Hetler - @Garcia

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~[E]~(8db600)vent ****: 098
~[T]~(8db600)ype : TDM ( only deagle )
~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Curny - @Brondy
~[R]~(8db600)eward : ~[1.000.000 $]~(green)
~[W]~(8db600)inner : @Judyes & @Cristian

~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) :


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