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It was Monday nothing to do since our leader traveled to Russia to make some deals there. I didnt find anything to do until someone who I can count as an old friend called me when I was having a rest. He ordered me to get for him some crates of M4/AK-47/sniper. Well I got accepted without any doubts. Then I went to our safe of arms where I started loading 20 crates of the recommended guns in the trunk of the secure car. After that, I called him back told him that its ready then I sent him a location where we can meet safely without even thinking that we will get interrupted. Within 1.23H, I reached the location where I found the guy waiting. We had a little chat then we fought about the price. He was saying 1.000$ for each crates and I was saying 2.000. Finally we agreed at 1.750$. So I got the money from him and I gave him the crates.


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Participants: @Hoodie
Story: In after noon I got a call from Hoodie, he told me he needs guns, since everyone was so lazy that day. I drove to Hoodie, he asked me if he needs guns or other Overdose Crime service from him, I told well we need drugs if you have any, Hoodie told me sure, but I need to check out what guns you brought. I open my trunk to check is everything is in their place, he check his trunk. We took all the drugs and guns for a trade, maybe price wasn't the same, but we dealt anyways, since we have enough money and we need supplies only. Then we talked about relationships, after an hour I left the place.




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today was, as usual, nothing bothering us but it was boring at the same time. I didnt like this so I got permission to have the next deal or mission from the leader who accepted without any doubts. After that, I stayed in my office doing something. During this time, the leader had a long conversation with a Russian businessman who wants to have some of our modded bikes. He started by introducing himself then he described where it needs to get delivered and at what time. Before he accepted to do this deal, he called me to his office, described the mission. I accepted without even thinking. Whatever, I had to load The bikes in our truck the next day. Within 15 minutes I got already. Then, I got on my way to the meeting location. When I reached there, I got paid by the man.


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Last night, I was doing some stuff at our base, I've received a call from one of the trusted members in Underground empire, Steve_John. I talked to him.
-Hello, Can I know who are you?
-Hi, I'm Steve_John from the trustworthy members in Underground empire, I'm well-known as Mr.Black as well.
-Well, Nice to meet you, I'm James_Rivala from OrganiZation Zero, I'm well-known as Mr. Zebra as well. Whatever, can I know the reason for this phone call?
-Unfortunately, lastly, we had some wars against a lot of cops. our bikes are well-damaged, I think you are the best with this business, I'm really in need of your service.
-Okay, Grab all the damaged bikes to our headquarters. If you want you can come now.
-Okay, On my way.
Within 2 Hours, he reached it, I looked at the bikes, It was as he described.
Whatever, I told him to come after 1 week. Then I started working at the first bike.
After 1 week, all of the bikes were ready so the guy paid me then we shook hands wishing the best of luck to each other.


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Today, when I was watching some movies in my officer since I got nothing to do, The leader sent me a text saying, "hello mr, James Im sorry if I interrupted your rest time. I think we might need you in a mission which is in a special class. Thats why Im calling you today. As I knew from a reporter which works with us, there is a modded bike waiting for you. It is parked near Los Santos pizza shop. It is really a dangerous one so be careful. Regards, john." After i finished reading the text, I felt with some sort of motivation. Whatever, I took my car, headed to Los Santos after I came out with the recommended stuff to make the jack. When I got there within 2 minutes, the bike was mine.


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I was basically doing nothing, just chilling around the headquarters until flappy called me to come to the caf. So I took my preparation ready. Then I took the way to there. On the half of the way, I've seen 2 guys that were racing with bikes. One of the bikes was OrganiZation Zero's product. I was wondering how he got it because I heard from the leader that we will sell it just to our allies this month. I needed to do something about this. I called flappy to come, waited for him until he came. Then I explained for him the reason why I called him. Then I told him about the plan we are going to do. "It is a simple plan, we are going to follow this guy until he finishes the race. When he finishes the race, Without wondering, we will get to him, I'll get him in the car & you need to guard us, try to not let anyone find out what we will do to him." After this, We did like We aimed to, we got the guy in the car & Flappy drove his bike then we went to the headquarters.


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when I was chilling around Los Santos, Suddenly My phone he was a Comondo da capital member I knew called "James" asking us if we have some guns for sale, however, we agreed about the meeting place, so I've put a lot the crates of guns in the trunk of my vehicle. then, I went to the meeting location, I waited a lot for the guy , after a while, I saw an officer. running towards to me, I tried to Run from him with my vehicle but it doesnt work with the car. Unfortunately, my car was out of fuel. Since I got no weapons, I decided to surender he came to me and he asked me some questions. I didn't answer any one of it. Finally, The guy from CDC came. He got the officer with his sniper. So I thanked him & offered him 10% of the guns for free.


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