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FoxZilla's Application for SAHA


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Your ingame username: mertt
Your ingame alias: FoxZilla
Your year of birth: 2 May 2003 - 05/02/2003
Your gender: Male

Nationality: Turkish
Country of residence: Turkey

How long you have been playing SAES: I'm playing in SAES since 2011
Qualities you can offer: I will present more persuasive and more attractive qualities. First of all, it is the duty of a SAHA to deal with all home-related issues in SAES and I will handle this without any problems. Apart from that, I will help people more and you will be able to see my name constantly in the /checksaha command. In this way, everyone will be able to find SAHA more easily, as well as Discord is very active and I can assure you that I will show my activity in the SAHA-related parts of the discord too. In other words, you will see that I am very active in every subject and everywhere regarding SAHA and I will make the comments on SAHA more positive. I will develop projects for SAES while helping people and doing SAHA work. I will prepare occasional reports as in a text document I have prepared on civil professions that I have done before and inform the authorized persons what we can and cannot do. And make sure you won't regret it.
Your weaknesses: When I start a job, I want to do it in the best way possible and for this reason, when I start something new, I always do that job for a while without a break after a while this job will bore me a little and I will recover after a short while and then it continues as it should be. Other than that, I am a bit of a perfectionist person. Actually, I make everything perfect, but I do this to reduce the risk of making mistakes rather than being perfect. So the bottom line is that I hesitate to make mistakes, so I am very careful and cautious when necessary.

Do you have Discord Installed: Yes I do.

Reason for application: I have been part of this server for years and I have a great interest in SAES since the past. When I was playing here, I didn't know everything because of my age, but over time I learned everything. I started to this server with my brothers, they brought me to a point, then I learned everything and recently I have come an incredible way. The position I'm applying for now is a huge thing. If I manage to get in here everything will be more enjoyable for me. One of the reasons I have been playing with only 3 penalties since 2011 was because I liked SAES so much and wanted not to have a bad impression to SAES members and players. I paid close attention to everything in case I could get banned. And I am very happy to do this now because it has always taken me one step ahead and SAES has always been a lot more enjoyable for me. Now I am very close to my dreams and I believe I can achieve it. That's why I'm preparing this application right now. This is part of my dreams. One of the main reasons I have applied for this is my interest in SAES and its being part of my dreams. I want to strengthen my bond with SAES.

Server Memberships:

  • Jumbo Member

  • San Andreas Studios HQ

  • ZIP Architect

  • Cuban Cars Impounder

  • SAI Cadet

  • ALT Trucker

Additional information: My real name is Mert. I generally like to play games and I don't play various games. In general, the games I play are only few games. One of them is MTA and I play only in SAES in MTA, there are rarely other servers that I join, but I play almost only in SAES and for this reason my desire to become SAHA increases. There are many things that hold me in SAES, so I have never used the SAES bugs until today and I won't use. Also I have tried to help people in SAES and I have tried to help SAES by making some suggestions, but I do not think I am very well known. For this reason, sometimes when I try to be in anywhere I'm getting denied because sometimes they thought I am not at a sufficient level or do not know who I am. And when they give me the opportunity, they don't have a problem on my side and they are happy to work with me just as I am happy to work with them. In general, I may be less well-known in SAES, but I really believe that I am able to accomplish most things if you give it a chance, you will not regret it.

Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I have been adminjailed 3 times in the past. I have been playing for a long time so I don't remember if I had any more punishments.
Previous (legitimate) bans: I didn't get ban before.

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