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-TMH Racers Take On [ @duff]-
Type: RaceFlag
Participants: @mimyy @street @Petrow
Location: Red County
Winner & Prize: 1.street 2.mimyy 3.petrow


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-TMH Racers Take On [ @duff]-
Type: RaceFlag
Participants: @mimyy @street @Petrow @rasta
Location: Bone County
Winner & Prize: 1.duff 2rasta 3.petrow


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-TMH Racers Take On [ @duff]-
Type: RaceFlag
Participants: @mimyy @street @Petrow @rasta @NubBob
Location: San Fierro
Winner & Prize: 1.nubbob 2.duff 3.mimyy


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~[-T]~(green)MH Racers Take On [ @Amazing ]-
~[T]~(green)ype: RaceFlag
~[P]~(green)articipants: @Arone @IceCold @Nicoo130903
~[L]~(green)ocation: San Fierro Bridge
~[W]~(green)inner & Prize: 1.Icecold 2.Amazing 3.Arone


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~[-T]~(green)MH Racers Take On [ @Amazing ]-
~[T]~(green)ype: RaceFlag
~[P]~(green)articipants: @Arone @IceCold @Freddy @RenQ
~[L]~(green)ocation: Los Santos
~[W]~(green)inner & Prize: 1.Icecold 2.Amazing 3.Arone


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~[-T]~(green)MH Racers Take On [ @Amazing ]-
~[T]~(green)ype: RaceFlag
~[P]~(green)articipants: @Arone @IceCold @Kratos @RenQ
~[L]~(green)ocation: Los Santos
~[W]~(green)inner & Prize: 1.Icecold 2.Amazing 3.Arone


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Participants: @Shadro
I got a call from my friend Shadro That his car got crashed while he was driving to home, from Bone County and going to Terira Robada road, I went to get my things and my car from the garage in Bone County and went to him Fixed his car, as the engine fired and get smoke out and he couldn't move with it I changed everything with new one and went back to the garage to the work again


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-TMH Racers Take On [ @duff]-
Type: RaceFlag
Participants:@mimyy @IceCold @Freddy
Location: Red County to Las Venturas
Winner & Prize: 1.nubbob 2.duff 3.mimyy


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-TMH Racers Take On [ @duff]-
Type: RaceFlag
Participants:@mimyy @Libnik @Unbiased
Location: Las Venturas to Red County
Winner & Prize: 1.nubbob 2.duff 3.mimyy


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-TMH Racers Take On [ @duff]-
Type: RaceFlag
Participants:@mimyy @OwenDlash @samcro
Location: Bone County to Las Venturas
Winner & Prize: 1.nubbob 2.duff 3.mimyy


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Participants: Bubu

I was chilling around with my motorbike, then I find a biker guy who was using freeway and I was kinda looking for some illegal things then I decided to go to that biker to offer a race to groove street at the first he laughed a bit and called me like a princess he was kinda making fun of me and I offer a race for keys and we started to race from bone county to groove street, he was kinda leading the whole way but I kept motivating my self like race wasn't end you can do this at the last corner I catch him and passed and I became a winner end of the race then he also arrive the groove street and I laughed at him and asked him like who got the balls now, after a while, he gave me his freeway keys and went away.



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Race: 1
Participants: Rivals, manny, Petrow
Location: SF
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Ls3cebN

Race: 2
Participants: Rivals, Hotfire and me
Location: LV
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ctJOecE

Race: 3
Participants: Rivals, Petrow, Bartman
Location: LV


-TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- 09.02.2020
TMH Technicians Involved: @AdemBygt
Location: Event G6 Area
Estimated Duration of Working: 15 Minute
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 12 Car

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-TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- 09.02.2020
TMH Technicians Involved: @AdemBygt
Location: LVX
Estimated Duration of Working: 45 Minute
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 27 Car

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  • 4 weeks later...

-TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- 09.02.2020
TMH Technicians Involved: @AdemBygt
Location: LV-LS Highway
Estimated Duration of Working: 1 Hours
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 10 Car

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TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]: 2020-02-19
Location: Las Ventarus
Estimated Duration of Working: 10 minutes..





-TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- 19.03.2020
TMH Technicians Involved: @AdemBygt
Location: Traveling around
Estimated Duration of Working: 15 Mintues
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 7 Car

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-TMH Racers Take On []-
~[T]~(green)ype: Raceflag
~[P]~(green)articipants: kaewoN, Axestos, Zan, M7
~[L]~(green)ocation: ALT base
~[W]~(green)inner & Prize:
:first_place_medal: 1. Axestos
:second_place_medal: 2. JoGe
:third_place_medal: 3. Zan

~[S]~(green)creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QlxzaN4


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TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]: 2020-03-23
Location: Las Ventarus
Estimated Duration of Working: 10 minutes..


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Roleplay: Fixing a Firefighter Fire truck
Participants: @Darude
A friend called me to help him fixing his car I went to the garage and got my suppliments and went to him his Fire truck don't throw water an that's a big problem I jumped to check it and see that's it want to get a new board that open the hole of the water, I opened the trunk to stop the truck engine and started fixing it, I forgot about the board thing, I left him and went to the garage and got it and went to him and fixed this hole then we tried to fix the engine of it and it's got right and done with it then he gave me 20$ service and 80$ Board price then I went back to the garage


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Participants: @Martin @Huffleruff
While I was eating the dinner and going to sleep Two men come to me with baby blue Hotring racing, They asked me If I can fix this car I scanned it and found the engine wires are got cutted by the heat of the fan, I took my things and started fixing the engine and the fan batteries and started changing the wires and ,Scanned the car again and found, a big problem in the engine fan that cutted the wires by it's heat I went to our Store and started searching about the fan And found it and changed the last one by a new one and everything went good and better I gave them the car in a good condition and I took my money and slept.

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