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~[E]~(green)vent Number: 242

~[E]~(green)vent Type: Team Deathmatch @Jefferson Motel

~[L]~(green)WS/G6: Mr @Blu

~[D]~(green)ate: 19/04/19

~[P]~(green)rize(s): $1,000,000

~[W]~(green)inner(s): Yoko

~[S]~(green)creenshot(s): Click here!


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~[Type:]~(green) Race 1
~[Participants:]~(green) Icecold, Terry, Rover
~[Location:]~(green) Los Santos
~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/SawKkB9

~[Type:]~(green) Race 2
~[Participants:]~(green) Icecold, Nyx , Bartman
~[Location:]~(green) Los Santos
~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/LhsPsx5


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~[Type:]~(green) Race 1
~[Participants]~(green): Nishki, Doxxen, K1fman
~[Location:]~(green) San Fierro
~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/z2bx2mc


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Participants in RP: @Rainy
Story: Like every day, I was sitting in the garage waiting for a job to do. Suddenly a man named Rainy came racing car driver. He wanted to help him check his car and I do his V8 and AWD before he races tonight. First of all, I started to fix the engine, the main part of the car, and then I fixed the rear door of the car. When I finished this, I immediately started installing Nitro and put him AWD and V8 and those things that help him win the race. Everything was fine and the whole car was ready for the race.
He paid me a good amount of money and then took his car and left to equip himself for this race
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nD2KhbM


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TMH Technicians Working on: 21-04-2019
TMH Technicians Involved: Beckham
Location: LV Cross & LS
Estimated Duration of Working: 20min
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 33 Vehicles
creenShot(s)/If Any: https://imgur.com/a/oJ8hV6Q


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^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 21/04/19 - Evening]

^[~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 7.]

^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,]



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^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 21/04/19 - Evening]

^[~[T]~(green)ype of Activity: Special Roadtrip!]

^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse, Click Here Sir!]

^[Thanks to everyone for participating!]


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TMH Technicians Working on [23/01/2019 evening]
TMH Technicians Involved: Just me
Location: LV-LS Highway//LVX.
Estimated Duration of Working: 2Hours.
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 4 vehicles.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Veqy1Z2


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TMH Technicians Working on: 21-04-2019
TMH Technicians Involved: Only me
Location: LV-X
Estimated Duration of Working: 25-30min
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 21 cars, 4 trucks, 3 motocycles.


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Participants: Baggy

Story: It was a warm morning when i decided to take one of my cars into the workshop to start tuning the engine.

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When all of a sudden a young man entered my workshop, he was interested in my car and offered to buy it for a price that was way higher than the market value.
I asked him why he wanted the car so bad , he told me that he always has been a big fan of my engine tunes and that he wanted to start racing with the best kind of engine.

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After knowing the kid wanted to become a street racer i sold it to him. I also offered him that if there is anything wrong with the engine in the future he can always call me.

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Participants in The RP: CIA and TMH
RP Scenario:

It was long day of being on duty. By the end of patrolling some strange sounds began to occur out of the engine, as the car stopped to react at pushing accelerator. I stopped the engine instantly in order to prevent serious damage, therefore a mechanic was called in order to get the cruiser towed down to the TMH garage, as it is famous for its well-skilled technicians.
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I met one of the technician, as we went down for a little chat.
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He inquired me about the details , as he glimpsed at the engine and figured what the issue was. The resourse of the engine had worn off.
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He said that it is possible to mend it, but also he suggested me to swap the engine to the new one. The most important thing is, more powerful engine. As the straight-six engine was sort of 'weak' at pursuits.
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So, we both came to the right conclusion of getting a V6 in there with some modifications, as there was such an engine stored in the garage. A 3.5 liters 294 HP engine of a ford explorer. That was the most matching engine for such a police cruiser. I went to the rest area, as the work was taking about 2 hours.
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After two hours everything was ready as we went to test it out at the freeway. The car was really quick. I had such the feelings as if it was the new car.
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We went back to the garage and after having small conversation about the cost of service, I paid the money and disappeared..


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~[Type:]~(green) Race 1
~[Participants:]~(green) Taj, Donut, TaaviLaudur
~[Location:]~(green) San Fierro
~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/uyOckNb

~[Type:]~(green) Race 2
~[Participants:]~(green) Joge, Donut, Karim
~[Location:]~(green) Tierra Robada
~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/SQl1gut


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TMH Technicians Working on: 25-04-2019
TMH Technicians Involved: Only me
Location: LV-X
Estimated Duration of Working: 35-40min
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 47 Vehicles
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/dYFKE4D


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~[TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]-]~(green,teal) 25-04-2019
~[TMH Technicians Involved:-]~(green,teal) Only me
~[**Location:-]~(green,teal) LV Warehouse (next to LVx)
~[Estimated Duration of Working:-]~(green,teal) 10 mins
~[Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired:-]~(green,teal) 14
~[Screenshots:-]~(green,teal) http://imgbox.com/g/UZVTZodrGy

~[Short Story:]~(green,teal) I was hanging with some fillas @LV x talking about a new TMH Production (New cars coming from our own Garages with cheap prices) and I received a phone call about a lot of damaged cars. It look like a challenge for me to fix all this cars in little time.
I got in my Towtruck and drove to the location, it wasn't far tho but anyway he showed me his 14 damaged cars.
I started my stopwatch and began fixing all the cars ... I fixed them all in 10 mins and that was hell of a job for me ! It was a great deal after all ^^


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Event number: #245

Event type: Chicken Shooter

LWS: Brondy

Date: 26-04-2019

Prize: 1.000.000

Winner: Laggiaze

Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/dTq8Xck


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~[Event number: #247]~(green)
Event type: Eliminate KARIM
LWS: @Star
Prize: 1.000.000
Winner: Radio
Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/lAHy5qa

~[Event number: #248]~(green)
Event type: LMS
LWS: @Star
Prize: 1.000.000
Winner: Radio
Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/zyu5ywS

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TMH Takes on the Raceflag



@Bagetto said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Helpers' Media Archive (For Wannabes):

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Role Play Number: 2
Participants in The RP: @PewD
RP Scenario:
Me and PewD was just casually chilling an afternoon, like any other. We were bored and decided we should take a friendly race, both of us felt like we could use a little practice and some action.
We decided to start at LV-X and go around all of Las Venturas, may the best racer win. Though not that long into our race, we heard sirens and when I looked back, I could see PewD had been stopped and pulled over by a cop. I instantly pulled my breaks, stopped and thought about what to do for a while, deciding I could not let PewD go down for this.. Never leave a man behind. I made a U turn and went back to him as fast as I could. I hit the cop with my car knocking him down. I got out of the car to see how badly the cop was hurt, but to my surprise he was still conscious. He reached for his gun and left me no choice but to kill him.
We rushed back into my car and left the place as fast as we could, trying to remain calm.

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/oMvLVSu

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