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Event Number #172
Event Type: Carshow
LWS/G6: Zaza
Date 06.01.2019
Prize(s): 1st-$1.500.000 2nd-$1.000.000 3rd-$500.000
Winner(s): 1st-Griffin 2nd-Brondy 3rd-Denis
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/malUIcP


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TMH Technicians Working on [06/01/2019 evening]-
TMH Technicians Involved: N/A
Location: LVX
Estimated Duration of Working: 15mins
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 1 vehicle
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BvmeGfS


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TMH Technicians Working on [06/01/2019 evening]-
TMH Technicians Involved: N/A
Location: Near LS police department.
Estimated Duration of Working: 10mins.
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 1 vehicle
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/y7iH3xl


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TMH Technicians Working on [06/01/2019 evening]-
TMH Technicians Involved: N/A
Location: Near ls jail.
Estimated Duration of Working: 9mins.
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 1 vehicle
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xm8HQKB


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Event Number #173
Event Type: Kart Fallout
LWS/G6: Legend
Date 06.01.2019
Prize(s): $1.000.000
Winner(s): [Fox*]Knele
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/DvkBr7f


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Event Number #174
Event Type: Knock RadiO off his NRG
LWS/G6: Zaza
Date 06.01.2019
Prize(s): 2.000.000$ (4 rounds 500.000$ each one)
Winner(s): Skinner (2 rounds), Rondawvv and iani
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JDQf7Rq


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^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 06/01/18 - Evening]

^[~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 6]

^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,]



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Instructors Involved: Villain

Nature of Instructions Provided [Racing/Technical/Both]: Technical

TMH Members Present: Villain @Rocker @Judyess

Participants/Customers: @MortalSupreme @Ortenn

Courses Provided [along with Total Fee]: Technical course || Fee : 2000$ each.

Details: I got a call from new mechanics,Orten and Pewd that they want to know more about car parts so that they can continue their journey as a mechanic.They reached the TMH base at noon and i was waiting for them.Rocker and Judyess wanted to know more to as they are racers,but they want to know about the tampa. I decided to take the tampa as my example and then i started teaching them about the car weaknesses and Strentghs.

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/H5IVus5


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Event Number #175

Event Type: Parkour
LWS/G6: @Legend
Date: 07.01.2019
Prize(s): 5.000.000$
Winner(s): @Royalty
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fw06RHQ


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^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 06/01/19 - Evening]

^[~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 7]

^[~[A]~(green)ctivity type: RoadTrip]

^[~[D]~(green)irection of the trip: TMH Base--->Red County--->Whestone--->Los Santos--->Las Venturas--->Bone County--->TMH Base]

^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse]

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^[Role Play Number : #296]

^[Participants in the RP: Drug Dealer aka Taxi Driver, 2 police officers, fellow Technician and me. Which makes a total of 5 participants others]

^[It was a beautiful Sunday, I was working in the TMH garage to finish a project I was working on lately. Then suddenly in my break, I got phoned by a Taxi driver, who had been in an accident. The company owned cab had been damaged, he asked me if I was free for a quick repair. I told him to visit the TMH garage so I could take a look.]

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^[After a quarter of an hour waiting, the taxi driver finally arrived, he was acting a little nervous. I took a look at the car to determine the damage, the weird thing was that the car looked familiar to me I just couldnt remember. I thought it was a kind of deja vu so decided to ignore it. Once done with the inspection, I decided that only the bumper had to be repaired which wasnt hard. I estimated the duration of the repair to around an hour. So I asked a Taxi driver I would phone him after it was done, so the Taxi driver left.]

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^[I started repairing the bumper, when I suddenly remembered. I had seen in the news this morning, that a Mercedes A class had been stolen after a robbery in San Fierro. This could be a logic explanation for the nervous behavior earlier. I decided not to judge too quickly and decided to look it up. I couldnt believe it I was right, the number plate might be different but I decided to call the police to insure it.]

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^[They sent the closest unit to my location, and 5 minutes later they arrived. I told them everything I knew, and that the man who identified himself as a Taxi driver was returning in thirty minutes. After a more thorough investigation, it turned out to be the car that had been stolen after the robbery. The police team setup a trap, so they could easily arrest the suspect once he arrives to pick up the car. But they needed me to call him directly and tell him to come.]

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^[*I phoned the Taxi.Driver and told him the car was ready, and he could come to pick it up. He told me, he was already nearby so it wouldnt take long before he arrived. So the police unit, set everything ready and we waited. He arrived, and weve been talking a bit about the fixed car, and he finally decided to come in. Once he got in, I stepped aside and the police team took over. They took him into custody for further interrogation and thanked me and we split our ways again.]


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^[-TMH Technicians Working on 08/01/18 - Evening.-]

^[TMH Technicians Involved: Tech.TaJ|TMH; <Cluck> @Tapi and others.]

^[Location: TMH Insta-Garage, LV-LS Highway, SA.]

^[Estimated Duration of Working: 20 minutes.]

^[Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 10-15.]

^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/toQzM9C]

^[Special thanks for Snacks provided by Cluck (@Cluckin-Bell) at the work zone.]


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Event Number #176

Event Type: Grenade LMS
LWS/G6: Filippo
Date: 09.01.2019
Prize(s): 1.000.000$
Winner(s): Ment
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9irG6v9


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^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 09/01/18 - Evening]

^[~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 6]

^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,]



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TMH Takes On - Others
Participants: @Hoodie, @Rubik , @Blade , @batya
Location: RF
Winner: Blade 1st, Rubik 2nd, Batya 3rd
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WWFyl89


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TMH Takes On - Others
Participants: @Hoodie, @Blade , @batya, @Fugitive
Location: RF
Winner: Blade 1st, Batya 2nd, Fugitive 3rd
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sIwYjcr


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[Role Play Number]: 301
[Participants in The RP]: @King01
[RP Scenario]:
It was a sunny day in las venturas when i got a call from a individual that got in a serious accident i quickly rushed to my truck and started heading towards him
When I got there i found the car near a tree the person was ok he came up to me and we talked i went to the car to inspect the damage it was luckily repairable so o hooked it up to my truck and staeted to head to TMH base
When we got there i started to work on it it was damaged but not to much it was repaired in no time we shook hands he paid me what he owed and he left

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xexsSJ8


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Instructors Involved: Brooks

Nature of Instructions Provided [Racing/Technical/Both]: Technical

TMH Members Present: Bidrift/Taj/Colobria

Participants/Customers: Dali/King

Courses Provided [along with Total Fee]: Technical course || Fee : 5000$ each

Details: Today morning, i just recieved a call from 2 customers (King-Dali) when they asked me to learn and teach them technical tips.I didn't want to pass that without calling any of our members because they need to know more stuffs about vehicle etc.. so i had to call Bidrift, Colobria and Taj. The discussion starts right there when i started talking about technical stuff with the guys.After lesson ending, i used to to test them in repairing, i brought a half broken Alpha and asked them to quick repair it. After some hours i just found out that the guys learned it really quick and the Alpha is back better than it was...

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/TNg29r0

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