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TMH Technicians Working On: @Dankata
TMH Technicians Involved: N/A
Estimated Duration of Working Around: around 12-13 mins
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 1 (almost no players online atm, will import a screenshot for proof)


TMH Technicians Working on: 27/02/2021
TMH Technicians Involved: Togna
Location: LVX
Estimated Duration of Working: from 20:31 to 21:00
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: around 40






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-TMH Racers Take On : @TaJ @Villain @Final324
Type: Race Flag
Participants: GranD,Thamond,Taj,
Location: San Fierro
Winner & Prize: 1st Grand / 2nd Villain / 3rd Killerask


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^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

^[TMH: @TaJ ; @Final324 ; @killerask ; @GranD ; @Lou-2 ; @Villain ]

^[RF: @Nevs ; @Thamond ; @Kalviin ; @Elgen ; @SnailBob ]

^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

^[The Saturday noon was pretty usual for TMH members chilling at base doing their routine tasks until the moment Villain received a phone call by his very good friends from "RF". Nevs from RF rang up Villain to ask for some TMH Services. Its a newly setup organization with quite some vehicles at their headquarters. The vehicles were bought recently, painted in organization colors but didn't really have an inspection or maintenance check ran through them. Nevs wanted to make sure the vehicles were reliable when their "secret activities" are going on. Villain had previously mentioned TMH's reliable work when it came to vehicle maintenance and so Nevs was wondering if The Motor Heads could arrange a quick meet with some of its finest technicians and executives to visit the newly setup NF Base in San Fierro and give all their vehicles a quick check. Villain immediately checked on with TaJ who was fortunately free for the evening and asked the boys to buckle up for the trip. It was then all set.]

^[At around 13:00, TaJ and his members gathered up and got into two vans and headed to the client location in South San Fierro just close to the prestigious ZIP Constructions Base. The TMH members reached it pretty soon and got out of the vehicles to lined up when TaJ asked for the leader on which occasion Nevs walked forward thanking them first of all to get there on such short notice and then explained the deal with the vehicles. The vehicles were bought on quite a cheap deal although there were all less than 5 years old. So nothing bad should have been wrong with them but still a routine check is always good. TaJ assured him quality work and told his members to get on the vehicles in teams of two each. The 6 TMH members checked every vehicle quickly. TaJ ended up replacing just a rusty battery cover for one, and a wire circuit cap for the v10 Cheetah. These preventive measures were also performed by rest of the crew and such future problematic faults were all fixed.]

^[TaJ then walked to Nevs and said "Let's get to the billing?" at which point Nevs walked him to the building gate where TaJ calculated the expenses on a piece of paper that amounted upto 200$ for the expenses of spares installed and around 100$ for traveling and service charges. Nevs paid TaJ $350 quite generously with great remarks about the instant and cheap service. TaJ then reached his pocket to get a card for Nevs and advised him to ring him up directly if any further TMH services are required. After a quick handshake TaJ walked back to the van and hopped in with the rest of the crew to get en route back to the TMH Headquarters.]


^[Click here!]


TMH Technicians Working on: 02/03/2021
TMH Technicians Involved: Togna
Location: LVX
Estimated Duration of Working: from 20:00 to 20:30
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: around 15






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^[Type of event: Knock Beckham Off NRG]

^[Prize: $1.000.000 [ ~[5Rounds (200k Each)]~(green) ]]

^[LWS Helper(s): @FoxZilla ]

^[Winner(s): A.C.AB _ Moha _ Colobria _ Tema _ Reeyzee]

^[ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/mQrwKMm]


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TMH Racers Take On Raceflag -
Type: RF
Participants: TaJ, Veneno-x, kuby, russell.
Location: ALT Base, FC.
Winner & Prize: 1st - kuby, 2nd - TaJ, 3rd - russell.




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-TMH Racers Take On Multiple Competitors-
Type: Race Flag
Participants: Villin,Kuby,Me and idk.
Location: GT
Winner & Prize: I dont remember.


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-TMH Racers Take On Multiple Competitors-
Type: Race Flag
Participants: Villin,Kuby,Me and idk.
Location: TR
Winner & Prize: I dont remember.


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~[D]~(green,green,green,green,green,green,green)ate and Time: 13/3/2021, 19:15h
~[N]~(green,green,green,green,green)umber of Members Online: 7
~[S]~(green,green,green,green,green,green)creenShot(s)/If Any:

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~[D]~(green)ate and Time of activity: 13/3/2021, from 19:20
~[T]~(green)ype of activity: Road Trip
~[P]~(green)articipants: Taj ( @TaJ ) , Villain ( @Villain ) , Ozz ( @Ozz ) , Grand ( @GranD ) , BOB ( @BOB ) , Dankata ( @Dankata ) , Togna
~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any:






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^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 20/03/21 - Afternoon]

^[~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 12]

^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,]

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Event Type: Race Track Tournament

LWS/G6: Johnny English

Date: 20/03/2021

Prize(s): 8.000.000$

Winner(s): zeel

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/JXHNaZI


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TMH Racers Take On Several Opponents -
Type: SF Bridge - TMH Base.
Participants: VeX, Ares, Sahin, Thamond, Villain.
Location: South Los Santos.
Winner & Prize: 1st - Villain
Screenshots: Click here for video! For screenshots, click the spoiler below:




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Date : 20/03/2021

Title : The first step towards the worldwide level ( TMH & Max Verstappen )

Story :

Max Verstappen, a famous Formula One racing driver made an accident while he was preparing for his race, his car was crushed, and he had a race after a couple of days.

So he called the best mechanics in the state, TMH, they were more than happy to fix the racer's vehicle, a mechanics was dispatched to the scene.

Upon arrival, they have seen that the vehicle wasn't in the best shape, he towed it back to the TMH garage, starting to work on it.

A couple of mechanics were taking care of it. Firstly, they changed the broken front bumper and sides, then they've connected the vehicle to a car scanner, checking the engine and the transmission, the engine was a bit old, and damaged, so they unscrewed the old one, and brought a brand new one, applying it instead, screwing it afterwards, and the transmission was fine, they've taken a look as well on the brakes, adjusting them a little.

And finally they changed the oil for the vehicle, and fueled it, and took it back to to the track, the client was happy and satisfied, and paid TMH.

On the race day, he won the first place, and decided to get a deal for TMH, making them known worldwide for their trust and fast services.

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TMH Technicians Working on: 19/03/2021 from 21:07 to 21:50
TMH Technicians Involved: Togna
Estimated Duration of Working: about 50min
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: around 40





Date: 21/03/2020

Participants: Orten ( @Orten1 ), Blaze ( @BlaZe ), Togna

Backstory: I was chatting around with an @All-Load-Trucking associate, Orten, about engine issues and the various ways to fix them while suddendly a red lowrider car appearead at the gate of TMH headquarters. I immediatly went to the driver and asked what he needed, he prontly explained that his engine had been having issues to him for some days. We asked him to leave the car so that we could take it into the garage and give a look at it, Orten immediatly reaised that the engine had taken some serious damage, for unknown reasons, and so we had to switch it. Unluckily we had run out of spare engines that could fit that kind of car but Orten remembered that at his company base there were some in great condition. So we explained the situation to the driver and decided to tow the car to ALT's base. When we arrived we fastly unscrewed the old engine and mounted up the new one. After a run test everything was working great and the driver was happy about the efficiency and quality of our work. We arranged the payment and later went back to relax.







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Date : 23-03-2021

Title : Battery curse

Story :

23-03-2021 I get up in the morning, I did my morning things as always and I was in a rush cause I realized that I am too late for work. finally, everyone is done, I took my car and I went to my garage .

when I was organizing my tools a client came in front of my garage and he told me that his new battery is dead and he cannot go to his work. So I brought my auto-transfer truck and we went together to bring his car to my garage, anyway his car became in my garage and I started by checking the old battery I noticed that the battery isn't dead but her connections were putting wrong. Firstly I removed the old cables from your battery by loosening the bolts on both cable ends with a wrench then I Took both cables off the battery posts, starting with the negative cable. Secondly, I disconnected the negative cable from the engine block. I removed the positive cable from the solenoid. Finally, I cleaned both battery posts with a wire brush and everything is done, I finished my work, the battery back in the right way .

when I have done from the car I called my client to get back his car .. it was an easy mission for me that's why I asked him for a nominal amount .

see you soon ! to be continued ....

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alt metni
TMH Technicians Working on: 23.03.2021
TMH Technicians Involved: Ares
Location: LVX
Estimated Duration of Working: 12 Minutes
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 12
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1lQ7eZM


alt metni
TMH Technicians Working on: 15.03.2021
TMH Technicians Involved: Ares
Location: LVX
Estimated Duration of Working: 15 Minutes
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 9
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/iNNtU4d

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