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~[Event Number: 120]~(green)

~[Event Type:]~(green) Chicken Kicker

~[LWS/G6:]~(green) @Dufabo


~[Prize(s):]~(green) 1.000.000$

~[Winner(s):]~(green) @Fad





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TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- 10th of December - 12:05.
TMH Technicians Involved: TMH|XpooKs
Location: Around LV
Estimated Duration of Working: 30 minutes.
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: about 10-15 vehicles
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EN5iWbR

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^[~ -=(green)T=-he -=(green)M=-otor -=(green)H=-eads~]

-=(green)[Role Play Number]:=- 303
-=(green)[Participants in The RP]:=- @Aboody @Mechul
-=(green)[RP Scenario]:=-
It was a sunny day, the weather is cool and fantastique to chill around, I was working on my desktop like usual surfing the internet and watching the latest mechanics news, Suddenly my phone rings, It was a guy asking for help he said '' Hello Sir, I am really in need of help, I had an accident with my alpha, I was in my way to ghost town but somehow my car drifts and, and sorry I can't remember what's happened I am really stressed and afraid, It's not my car I just rent it to race versus my friends'', Of course, I accepted the challenge and I called a trainee mechanics named aboody to help me with this mission, then I head to the accident location to check the matter.

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after a while, I finally arrived at the location, Well I saw him waving waiting for me, he looks fine but the car was terrible sadly, So I head straight to him and I asked if he is ok and I told him we gonna solve this it doesnt matter, Then I asked aboody to open the hood to check if we can solve it there or we have to take it to our garage, after some work we finally found that we cant repair it right there since we need huge work to do the tires,engine and oil filter was in a very bad situation, So I took the car with my towtruck and we moved back to our base.

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After a long road, we arrived at the base we head to the garage and we parked the car and without wasting time we started working on this car, I started with the engine and aboody remplaced the tired and In a close moment we finished the work in small amount of time. Of course we were tired and exhausted but Happy that we helped this guy and saved his day.

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TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- 10th of December - 13:05.
TMH Technicians Involved: Tech.Pump|TMH
Location: Around LV
Estimated Duration of Working: 20 minutes.
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: about 10-15 vehicles
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lM2Hrww

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^[~ -=(green)T=-he -=(green)M=-otor -=(green)H=-eads~]

-=(green)[Role Play Number]:=- 304
-=(green)[Participants in The RP]:=- @Vincy
-=(green)[RP Scenario]:=-
It was 8:00 am, I just headed to my work, I opened our site -=(green)T=-he -=(green)M=-otor -=(green)H=-eads and kept watching the latest news, Then, I got a notification on my phone, It was a message from unknown guy, He said '' hello my car is broken, every time I start the engine it doesn't work I really need help I am next to the strip club Bone country I will really appreciate it if you guys help me'', Of course without thinking I accepted the mission and I head to the location to help you guy.

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After a while, I arrived at the location, I found him smoking his cigarette waiting for me, so I headed to him to check what's the matter, I asked him gently to open the hood and try to start the engine to check It, And hell no It's problem in the engine, I couldn't repair it there so we had to take the car to the -=(green)T=-he -=(green)M=-otor -=(green)H=-eads garage.

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I parked the car in the garage and I started my work, I had to change the engine so it was a bit hard mission but nothing impossible after 1 Hour of tryharding I succeed to Change it somehow, and finally, I turned the engine and it works well.
I got paid for my work and again another mission succed for the -=(green)T=-he -=(green)M=-otor -=(green)H=-eads.

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~[H]~(green)oster of the Training: TMH|TaJ|L.

~[N]~(green)ature of Training [Racing/Technical/Both]: Racing.


  • From TMH: TaJ, Harb and Pump.

  • From The Public: Mechul, Judyes and (unfortunately) skerdi.

~[A]~(green)bout the Training [Little Story]: TMH has grown no doubt. But this doesn't means that we forget our roots. Main purpose of TMH had been to produce new racers and motor heads. That continues along with our new clothes and few more cars. TMH, who now had an legal entity of using the Los Santos International Racing Track had thought of hosting a little training after a lot of months, under my own supervision.
Today's training was all about :

  • Apex.

They were told everything theoretically but to clear all their queries, Racer.TaJ|TMH took a vehicle and made em all observe him go into a corner. He did a whole lap and made them see how a "Apex" is supposed to be taken.
Having known to rules such as :

  • No Corner Cutting.

  • Keep it clean and stay professional.

  • The perfect apex you take, the better your corner goes .

  • Don't take it stressful or else it would distract you.

The racers were now setup to go against each other and TaJ. The race started with a flag drop by Arms Assassins friend Epichu. The race went clean for almost everyone unless we consider the little corner crashes, the track being quite narrow. TaJ, having Harb as his co-driver met with an accident at the starting corner which was mainly due to a helper's wrong turn, yet TaJ continued his race few positions back. The race ended with Mechul showing his greatness and achieving 2nd, while the 1st was from TMH as usual.. the Technical division headquarter Pump. He showed that when needed, the techys have enough race knowledge as well. If they can assist the racers, they can beat them too.


  • Instructions :



  • Illustrations :



  • Race time :



In case Screenshots are bugged, CLICK HERE!

- We, at TMH, would like to thank everyone that joined our first ever Racers Training since spawn. We hope to see you guys at the many more upcoming trainings.

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TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- 10th of December - 17:25.
TMH Technicians Involved: TMH|XpooKs
Location: Around LV
Estimated Duration of Working: 19 minutes.
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: about 10-15 vehicles
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hcuEauX

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^[~ -=(green)T=-he -=(green)M=-otor -=(green)H=-eads~]

-=(green)[Role Play Number]:=- 304
-=(green)[Participants in The RP]:=- @Dystrex
-=(green)[RP Scenario]:=-
It was a cold day, I was working at my office at 11;00 AM, I was scrolling up/down on our site to check the news and the feedback from our costumers, Then I had a phone call, It was a businessman called Mr, Jay, he said '' Hello Michael, I saw your new commodity, And I am really Interested in new wheels.'', Of course, I accepted the deal and I told him to meet me up at our base in 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, He came in the time, of course, I told him to follow me to the meeting room, then we started talking about the deal he said '' Hello, Can you please show me the new tires, I have a range rover 2016 Model and I would like to change it tires thank you''.

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We moved to the Garage parts, and I started showing him the parts, he stand thinking for a while then he liked them, and he asked me gently to start my work if possible, so we parked the car in the next garage, then I started my Work, I begin with the first tire until I finished the latest one, and the car finally is ready to go it's beautiful and cool with the new tires.
The customer told me '' Thank you very much, Michael, I appreciate it man, That why I trust The Motor Heads service and mechanics Thank you once again " then he moved away with his car and I went back to my office to finish the work

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[Role Play Number]: 305
Title:Exchanging car parts #1
[Participants in The RP]: @Pancy @Zodiac
[RP Scenario]: Zodiac and i were going to TMH base when we got a call from Pancy. He told us to come to his location so that he can explain his problems with this car. When we reached there i saw him with a super gt.He told me that he bought the car for cheap as the seller had already sold the original parts and then added some shit parts in it.He asked us to put the original parts in it and then we can negotiate about the price

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TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- 10th of December - 05 20
TMH Technicians Involved: TMH|Kuruptedd
Location: Around San Andreas
Estimated Duration of Working: 20 minutes.
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: about 9 vehicles

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TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- 11th of December - Noon.
TMH Technicians Involved: Tech.TaJ|TMH.
Location: ThC HQ (personal appointment).
Estimated Duration of Working: 10 minutes.
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: about 4-6 vehicles
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Z2tJ2Zd

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@Kurupted said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive:

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[Role Play Number]: 305
Title:Exchanging car parts #1
[Participants in The RP]: @Pancy @Zodiac
[RP Scenario]: Zodiac and i were going to TMH base when we got a call from Pancy. He told us to come to his location so that he can explain his problems with this car. When we reached there i saw him with a super gt.He told me that he bought the car for cheap as the seller had already sold the original parts and then added some shit parts in it.He asked us to put the original parts in it and then we can negotiate about the price

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^[alt text]
TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- 11th of December - 15:37
TMH Technicians Involved: TMH|XpooKs / TMH-H|@Zodiac
Location: LVx
Estimated Duration of Working: 15 minutes.
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: about 10-15 vehicles
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8i59yC3

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A New Opportunity to Catch ~ The Project A-101

Another day has begun. I had tons of questions on my mind to answer and I knew that I was short on time. However, this situation did not stand that long. I just made myself a cup of coffee and decided to forget about the unknown questions that I couldn't answer and just listened to the rhythm of my job.

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I've just arrived in my workplace. Before my shift starts, I've checked my daily routine list and past jobs that are not completed yet. My superior just reminded me about one project that I used to take a look at it. I told him if there is no necessary stuff to do I'll come back at you. After that, I just went downstairs and headed to the garage to see if there is any emergency work left to do. Definitely, there was no necessary job to do in the garage so I decided to think about my superior's idea.

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I told him to give me more specific details about the project then we swiftly started to chat. After a while, we talked a lot about the project and he told me if we commence to asset the jobs right now possibly it could take a couple of months to finish. I told him that; "I'm going to think about the situation and I'll call you tomorrow."

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Rest of the day was fine, I did some necessary research and helped my colleagues with ordinary stuff. Once I completed my shift I left the workplace and headed back to home.

To be continued, it just a introduction
Screenshots :https://imgur.com/a/wniLkfM

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~[#Event Number 122]~(green)

~[Event Type:Car Show ]~(green)

~[LWS/G6: @Sam]~(green)

~[Date 11.12.2018]~(green,green)

~[Prize(s): 3 Winners: 3M first. 2M second. 1M third.]~(green)

~[Winner(s): dali:Judoka:rubik ]~(green)





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