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Roleplay Number: 285
Participants: @Beckham
Story:I got a call while on patrol.His car broke down when he was on the road.I took my car and went to the area.His car looked so bad.When I asked him how this happened, he didn't answer.And then he said he hadn't taken care of the car in a long time.I looked at the engine first.The car in the middle of the road I couldn't fix it.I pulled the car in his tow truck and took it to an empty area.I just changed the engine.And I changed a few pieces.The car was back to its original state.We agreed with the owner of the car for $ 650.

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Roleplay Number: 286
Participants: @NORI999 and "Karma"
And finally we got our new garage at Bone County , It was my first day working there . Suddenly , a NNB came to our garage and told me that he has a issue in his "Huntley" vehicle , so I invited him to "The Motor Heads" base so i can help him . I took a look on his vehicle and i discovered that his breaks need some oil . So i started working to fix the car breaks ... After 30 minutes , i fixed the Huntley breaks then i got paid by NORI , hand shaked and he left the garage .
ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/yPpXX2e

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~[Role Play Number]~: 287
~[Participants in The RP]~ @NORI999
~[RP Scenario]~:
It was Monday, the first day of the week, I was Daily standing on my desktop working on our Website posting last news and the last models incoming from the factory.
I brought my coffee, And I kept surfing the Internet like 3 hours nonstop, Suddenly my phone ring, It's a National Narcotics Bureau Member, he said '' Hello Mr.Kamillio, I actually need help with my range rover yesterday I did an accident thank god I am okay but the car in a bad situation it works but there is a weird noise I guess the engine is gone and I want to change the Tires if possible''. I accepted the mission and I said '' Hello Officer, Of course, sir any time I am actually not free today but you can bring the car to our garage to fix the issue, Please make sure u come in time I Have Work to do''.
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After 1 hour, The officer came to the base I was waiting for him behind the gate, I told him to park the car in the garage to check the performances and the problem, he parked the car and I tested the car performances, Well it was pretty bad and weird the engine is not working well so I have to change it with a new one.
I moved to the next garage to bring the engine Last model V10. then I told him to take a seat or go to the restaurant since I need a couple hours to finish the time but he decided to stay watching me.
I started the work I replaced the engine, I changed the tires and he told me to add a nitro if possible.
After hard work finally, I finished the tasks the car is ready to go, I asked the officer gently to start the engine to test it, and of course, it works correctly and fine, he told me '' Man you're the best I can't believe it that you did all this work in this time that why I only trust The Motor Heads thank you so much for your work And about the money I will pay like usual in The Motor Heads Bank account and I will give u extra money for ur excellent work''.
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Again I and The Motor Heads proved that we can do all the tasks without any problem and any time and that we are the best on mechanic things and even in racing stuff that why people only trust us and call us the best of the best.

~[Secrenshots]~ : https://imgur.com/a/BNoSFTI

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~[Role Play Number]~: 288
~[Participants in The RP]~ @Dystrex @Scorpyo
~[RP Scenario]~:
It was a normal day, the weather was sunny, I was working on my desktop surfing on the internet, posting our latest news on www.TheMotorHeads.com and reading the people feedback, suddenly I got a notification from an unknown guy. It was actually a message he said '' Hello Sir, I saw your latest models early and I would like If you guys Help me to Modify our cars I am actually an OverDoceCrim Member and we need some modification for our cars we heard you guy brought New nitro Model x15 and we would like if you guys accept our offer''

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well, I accepted the offer since It was a big deal and The Motor Heads had some economic problems. So I told him gently to come to our base in 2 Hours to end the deal and to check the commodity and I asked him to don't come late since we have to repair the businessman car.
After 2 Hours, Thankfully he came to the base and he found me waiting next to the gates, so I told him to park the car and I showed him the location and then I told him to enter the office and wait for the boss to end the deal, then I called Mr.Rodrigo one of the executive team to meet the guy and deal with him about the amount and the payment.

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After a while they finally dealt about everything and Mr.Rodrigo asked me to show the customer our commodity, so I told him to follow me and we go straight to the garage, I opened it and I moved to show him the parts, and then after a few minutes, He told us that he likes the parts and he is ready to go, So I took the tow truck and I put the parts behind the car and we started our way to OverDoseCrim Base.

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After 2 hours of driving we finally arrived at the base, I parked the tow truck and we moved straight to the cars I asked him gently to open the hoods so I can equip the nitro, subsequently we moved to OverDoceCrim Office and to their secret place where they put their own money, and then we get paid about 5.000$.
Again we proved that we can finish all the tasks and mission with success and without any problem that why people trust us #TheMotorHeads.

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~[Secrenshots]~ : https://imgur.com/a/BNoSFTI

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Role Play Number: 289

Participants in The RP: @Dystrex

RP Scenario: I was trying to repair a car at the base.Suddenly i heard someone shouting mechanic from outside the base.He was a guy in his fourty who was trying to look like a young racer.He told me that he wanted to make his feltzer look like a racing car.I answered with a yes.I told him to come fetch the car tommorow as we have a big roster and we can do it quickly.He gave me the car keys and went home.I took the car into the garage and i customized it as good as i can.I put spoilers,coloured headlights,new wheels,new seats,nitrous,new engines and most importantly i made it look like a racing car.When he came the next day, he was amazed when he saw the transformation and he gave me my fee and told me that he will recommend everyone our group.He left with a smile like our every other customers

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/q2Bf0Jb

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Role Play Number: 290

Participants in The RP: @Jack1999

@RP Scenario: Lately, The motor Heads has been so busy with accomplishing all the recommended missions and deals from their allies and dealers against their company.
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However, The motor Heads has accepted on completing for Cunning Stunts the deal which consists on fixing their lost cars or vehicles in stunting or racing or drifting. Thats why the director of The Motor Heads sent out James Rivala the perfect to make this mission since he is the mechanic used for the hard missions, he didnt want to disappoint the directors of the allied company.
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Of Corse, one of Cunning Stunts members sent the location of their headquarters exactly in their garage where usually you find the lost vehicles and burned ones. The same member has had a meeting with James. Nevertheless, after James reached the located base.
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Johnny, The member from Cunning Stunts, got questioned a lot of questions from James who is used to such things. Anyways, they got in the garage where they had a look at the cars. To start with, James has chosen to start with the races cars. it was actually, as usual, engine problems, the engine was literally in need to get fixed. Indeed, the engine was well-damaged.
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He needed to get another one from the car he came with. After having the upgradation on the car, it came back to life. So he passed to the others until he reached the last one which had another problem consisting of oil. After finishing with the recommended stuff, James made the price less 20% than the normal one. whatever, he headed back to the headquarters where he informed the Indian director.
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Role Play Number: 290
@Jack1999 said in :: CS :: Media Archive:


^[~ -=(orange)C=-unning -=(orange)S=-tunts -=(orange)R=-oleplay ~]

^[~[A simple event may lead to the death]~(black,orange,orange,orange,orange,orange)]

RP Participants : @NORI999 , @NRG , @XpookS

The Story:

Like Everyday at cunning stunts base meeting my girlfriend Emily and start chilling, drinking and talking with her...
after a short time of drinking we start talking about racing and who has the fastest car and so we can know who has the fastest car all that we need is just to race each other.

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so we was thinking about a good place for showing our speed, and all that we got is a highway in San Fierro city it's was a really hard road with a truckers... after we meet each other in the place that we are going to race in, i told Emily to be carefully but it was really drunk to take care of what I told her..

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and in few moments after starting the race a trucker came out and he was driving on the same road that Emily driving at and his truck crashed in front of Emily car

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it's was really lucky about that because the trucker was driving slowly and Emily was trying to move to the left so she didn't get real damage for both her body and the car. just broked bones in her left legs, and after I asked the trucker to takes her to the hospital and he said yes.

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after that I called my friend xpooks and I told him what happened and I asked him if he can take the car and repair it as soon as possible.

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after few days he finished repairing it and I take it and went to the hospital that Emily is in and I surprise her with the car

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^[~ -=(green)T=-he -=(green)M=-otor -=(green)H=-eads~]

**~ -=(green)[Role Play Number]:=- 291
**~ -=(green)[Participants in The RP]:=- @JoseFrags
**~ -=(green)[RP Scenario]:=-
It was 10:05 am, I was sitting on my office working and doing my daily work, suddenly my phone rings, It's One of the -=(red)Underground empire=- member, He said ''-=Hello Mr.Jack, I heard that you guys brought new commodity and new parts, I am actually excited to check them and I am really Interested in Nitro and New engine and I think that you guys posted that you brought new parts So I would like If you guys help me to improve my infernus car and iI am ready to pay=-''.
Of course I accepted the missions and I told him to come in time so we can talk more about the deal and the payment thing.

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After a while, He came to the base and I was waiting for him next to the gate smoking my cigarette.
I told him to park his car and Follow me to the office to talk more, I told him -=Okay sir, as u saw in our website we posted that we brought the new commodity we have new engine V10 and new nitro x15 but you know it's last model so It's expensive and I would like to inform you from now on that we dont accept exchanges and such stuff the payment is cash.=-
I thought he wont accept since it is expensive but somehow he said ye I am ok with this deal.

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Well after that, we moved to the garage parts to show him the commodity, He likes it and he told me to start the work asap.
So I we brought the car to the next garage to test the performances, then I started equiping the new engine V10 and replacing the new Nitro Speed x15.
After a hard work, I finished the work and I figured that the car needed fuel so thankgod we have a refuel station in our base so I helped him to refuel the car and then he paid me cash 20.000$ for my work and he gone.

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-=(green)Once again, The Motor Heads proves that they can finish any deal without any problem and any task and mission without any issue and that why people trust us and we never fail in our challenges.=-

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Role Play Number: 292
Participants in The RP:
RP Scenario: I just left home to go to my job. I sat on the driver seat then kept my way to the workplace. I had to finish off jobs which I already had to. Client's car had something engine issue. After observing quickly, then started to work on. There was something wrong with steam pipes, it wasn't easy at all to change all pipes. I had to remove pipes one by one, then should change with new ones. Anyways, wasn't an easy job but I had to do. Took four hours but it was finally done. Everything was alright, I delivered the car back to the client. We talked about the cost, for everything its just $500. The client was happy to hear it.
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/qPstjik

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Role Play Number: 293
Participants in The RP: @Kurupted
RP Scenario: Kurupted, a racer, was quiet worried about his vehicle for being ready or not, or if anything was wrong with it, so he called the Mechanic Bidrift to check out his vehicle and repair and look after the problems it has. The mechanic did check the wheels as a start up thing, fortunately, they were all fine, so he checked the engine and it was quiet dirty so he moved away all the dust so it gets on its best working way. But all of sudden, the costumer pretended to be testing the vehicle yet he escaped and didn't pay the check.
ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/9zc8GKL

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Role Play Number: 294
Participants in The RP: @Kurupted
RP Scenario: The mechanic Bidrift received a call from the truck delivery garage due to some issues on one of their trucks, so he went there as soon as possible. One of the trucks got a problem on its link so the mechanic had to check for the problem. It was a object stuck over there somehow, so he had to get it out in a attentive way so he doesn't break the whole link. Since then, the truck was working well and the mechanic got paid as a fee of 5$
ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/pjOHIr0

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Role Play Number: 295
Participants in The RP: @Kurupted
RP Scenario: Some driver did an accident on the street. Luckily, he was fine, so he had only to look for a mechanic. While the mechanic Bidrift was driving around Las Venturas, he saw that guy. So he went to him and asked him if he was okay, and he was. The guy asked him to repair his vehicle due to the accident. Bidrift was very excited and happy to help that guy out with that car, so he took it to his workshop garage to take a look on it and fix it. He actually had to change the hood and the engine and repair some parts such as the oil tank etc.. That would cost that guy a lot since there are a lot of things to fix. After repairing, the mechanic left the vehicle on the garage until its owner comes to take it after paying the repair.
ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/pyR2Ekk

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