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^[~[A Biker in need is served well at only a TMH Garage.]~(black,green,green,green,black)]

~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 241.

~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: [BBMC]DarkSideR ( @DarkSideR ); TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ).

~[R]~(green)P Scenario: A tiring day for TaJ, after all the racing fun earlier, he was now at TMH Garage in Los Santos East. The light breeze from beach side always excites him and that is why he simply loves working at that particular garage. While another such time, A biker came into the garage. He seemed very much tired and horrified for some reason. His only worry was that his bike wasn't working all of a sudden when he began the journey back to BBMC HQ from a county nearby to LS East. Supposedly, he had been pushing the heavy motor-ed bike from the county towards here, the TMH Garage. TaJ then welcomed him and made him have a seat and offered him some water. After this, the biker asked TaJ to check what was some problem with the bike and accordingly TaJ got on the search. Upon the inspection it was found that the bike was having a sparkplug failure. This seemed like a small part but often acted as a nervous system for the machine. Therefore upon approval from the Biker, TaJ replaced it with a new one and the bike's health was once again top notch. The revvs had came back alive and hence the exhausted biker was now very much happy that his hardwork of pushing had come to a happy end. TaJ then quoted him a certain amount of bill which he then paid and went his way back to BBMC HQ.

Special thanks to BBMC for participating!


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^[~[Calm down sir, you'd be served more quicker than you desire!]~(black,green,green,green,black)]

~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 242.

~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: [TT*]Green ( @Green ); TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ).

~[R]~(green)P Scenario: Indeed an tiring day for TaJ, as just after the happy BBMC Biker went his way, came a very "tight-scheduled" person from Thuga Thugs. The criminal told how his vintage personal vehicle recently met with an accident when his wife was driving it. Being a very busy person, he could not take time to get it repaired but due to heavy pressure from his wife to get it repaired he had came to TMH Garage in Los Santos. He was yet again low on time and hence did not even begun a detailed talk with TaJ and asked him to simply "go and fix it quick please". TaJ then took out few minutes to quickly inspect the vehicle. It was found to be having some Engine parts failure. The vehicle's radiator unit was completely broken which was being the cause for the heavy smoke. TaJ then asked the person if he can replace it for a little heavy bill and replaced upon the "just do it!" by the customer. Up-on car's smoke getting fixed, yet another thing took TaJ's attention which was the heavily rotten Tires. TaJ then asked the person to get them replaced for safety persons and upon yet another "fix it braah", TaJ installed new tires ASAP. The vehicle was back to basic shape in just around a hour. The person was very happy and that is why he paid the total quoted amount along with a big tip for TMH.

Special thanks to TT for participating!


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~[I]~(green)nstructors Involved: Racer.Reggi|TMH ( @Reggi ).

~[N]~(green)ature of Instructions Provided [Racing/Technical/Both]: Racing.

~[T]~(green)MH Members/Helpers Present: None

~[P]~(green)articipants/Customers: [INKAS]Duo & Skinner.

~[C]~(green)ourses Provided [along with Total Fee]: Racing - Apex and Proper use of Nitro. Fee: Void -Trial Classes
~[D]~(green)etails: There was a couple guy's racing about SA and not doing so well so they got in contact with TMH Institute for a helping hand. I met up with them near the car shop to explain a few things and then we got the course underway.

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It was gonna be a simple 2 step process. Once I picked the perfect car I started to explain the process of the apex. I explained how and when you wanna accelerate and when you should hit the breaks. It was late and dark out so we took a few laps around SA.

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After a few lessons, they started to get the hang of it.. We finished the class and i sent them on there way.. After a while even started to see some race wins. Was a good victory for TMH Institute.

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Role Play Number: 243.

Participants in The RP: @Pump
RP Scenario: I was, as usual, trying to improve & update some materials I don't use in My garage at a Sunday night. Suddenly, I didn't expect it but someone knocked on the door of the garage. I went to open the door, A customer who is used to buy everything related to cars from Us "The Motor Heads" came in, we had a conversation:
-Hello James, I'm really sorry to disturb you in this time but it's an urgent case. I passed to "Michael", I didn't find him there.
-No need to worry, Anyway, I was working Can I know what's the problem, Please.
-I need my car tomorrow for a really urgent meeting in Los Santos, I don't know why the engine isn't working.
-Okay, I'll be checking it right now, you can have a coffee there.
-I'm really grateful, thank you.
-You're welcome.
I got the keys of the car from the man, It was exactly as he described, an Engine's problem. I opened the hood of the car, It was full of "Oil" Smoke was coming out of the engine. It was full of problems. I grabbed all of the materials, Then I started doing my job. Within 2 Hours, I tried it, I drive it to the coffee where I gave him the keys.
ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/6pgOC9v

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Role Play Number: #244
Participants in The RP: Solo RP.
RP Scenario:
There was a big party last night with the members of TMH and that was in Las Venturas, but my apartment is located in Los Santos. So, I had to get to my apartment somehow because I had some stuff to do tomorrow. But, I was over the legal DUI Limit and I couldn't drive the car by law, but.. I did it anyway. Luckily there wasn't any cop patrolling nor I didn't get caught. Even tho the car was fully customized, it had a V8 Engine, NOS and so many more upgrades that help us to win races and so on.
I finally reached home and accidentally left my garage open and my car keys inside my car without the doors being locked. I went to bed and next thing I see in the morning... My Jester is gone, I was so worried and didn't know what to do.
I contacted the leader of our Technical division and she gave me some advice.. She told me to get our tow truck and just cruise around the town and see if I find it. I cruised around the town for several hours until I got hungry and decided to go in one of these Burger joints.. Guess what was there waiting, my Jester! I quickly attached it to my towtruck and sped home. Luckily the thief was inside eating and did not see me. But, once I find out who that thief was.. I will beat the living shit out of him. I arrived home with the tow truck & the Jester and decided to check if anything harmful was done to the car, luckily no and the car was in good condition. This situation could've gone a lot worse.

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