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TMH Technicians Working on: 17.03.2021
TMH Technicians Involved: Ares
Location: LVX
Estimated Duration of Working: 10 Minutes
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 16
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/CgAOovJ


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TMH Technicians Working on: 23.03.2021
TMH Technicians Involved: Thamond
Location: LVX
Estimated Duration of Working: 30 Minutes
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 20

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TMH Technicians Working on: 26.03.2021
TMH Technicians Involved: Ares
Location: LVX
Estimated Duration of Working: 12 Minutes
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 15
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pm0wBcf


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TMH Technicians Working on: 26.03.2021
TMH Technicians Involved: Ares
Location: LVX
Estimated Duration of Working: 15 Minutes
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 18
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pmteVCf


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TMH Technicians Working on: 26.03.2021
TMH Technicians Involved: Ares
Location: LVX
Estimated Duration of Working: 10 Minutes
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 16
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/opHfhuW


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^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 27/03/21 - Night (GMT)]

^[~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 16]

^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,]

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TMH Technicians Working on: 28.03.2021
TMH Technicians Involved: Ares
Estimated Duration of Working: about 10 min
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 9


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Date: 2nd of March, 2021
Participants: TMH|Franklin & [ThC]HardBass
Backstory w/ screenshots:

It was a nice sunny day outside, I had my hands covered in oil from working so hard that day, I finally got some free time to smoke a cigarette, enjoying the beautiful view from The Motorheads Headquarters, as I put a cigarette in my month, starting to light it I already heard a car getting closer from nearby, I already knew I had to get back to work. Oh well, what a day I thought to myself as I was putting my cigarette pack back in my pocket with a frown on my face.

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As I was putting my cigarette pack away I started walking towards the gate to welcome our customer, he was driving a Remington that seemed severly damaged, I immediately guessed in my head that it was a criminal, I've work with plenty before so I thought it wouldn't be a big deal.

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I welcomed the customer inside The Motorheads Headquarters and showed her where to park her vehicle so I could take a look at it, she parked the vehicle, stepped out and headed towards me, we started having a little chat about what happend with the vehicle, she told me she was in a car crash which I know wasn't true, because that much damage couldn't have come from a car crash, the vehicle was probably present in a turf-war of some sort as it had bullet holes in the windshield aswell.. I didn't say anything about it to her, just went on with my work.

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I first took a brief look at the vehicle, walking a circle around it, it seemed like a decent vehicle, but of course it needed a bit of tuning and a repair.

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I went off to work, I told the woman to get a cup of coffee from our machine, but she didn't want to.. she just kept obsorving me which made me feel uncomftarble but even tho I went on with my work, firstly I carefully removed the back bumper from the vehicle and afterwards safely attaching a newer one to it.

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After that I replaced both front doors of the vehicle as they were both severly damaged, very much destroyed..

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After I've replaced the front doors I went on with replacing the windshield which was full of bullet holes, when I was doing so I also noticed an AK-47 in the vehicle below the seat, which shook me a little bit, but I tried not to give too much of an reaction so the customer wouldn't notice that I saw it.

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After I've done that my job was complete, the vehicle looked as great as ever!

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I stepped over to the woman, telling her how much she owed us, she didn't say a word she just paid me the money in bills.

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After she has paid me, she didn't even say a word.. not even a Thank you.. I felt pretty used, but I still got our money in the end, I waved her goodbye as she drove off into the sunset.

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TMH Technicians Working on: 02.04.2021
TMH Technicians Involved: BOB
Estimated Duration of Working: about 1h
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 6

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TMH Technicians Working on: 03.04.2021
TMH Technicians Involved: n/a
Estimated Duration of Working: approximately an hour
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 21
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/YJal4lh


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-TMH Racers Take On: -
Type: Race Flag
Participants: @zeel @Kuby @MoDeL
Location: San Fierro
Winner & Prize: 1st @zeel 2nd @Kuby 3rd me

-TMH Racers Take On: -
Type: Race Flag
Participants: @zeel @Kuby @MoDeL
Location: San Fierro
Winner & Prize: 1st @Kuby 2nd @zeel 3rd me

-TMH Racers Take On: -
Type: Race Flag
Participants: @zeel @killa @MoDeL
Location: Las Venturas
Winner & Prize: 1st @killa 2nd @zeel 3rd @MoDeL


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