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Participants: @ICE-Immigration-Customs-Enforcements
San Andreas now days, at a bad days cause the new elections and the criminals, My friends were patrolling around Los Santos, as some Criminals jumped with there weapons and cars on them and damaged the car my friends escaped cause they were only 2, and the criminals were alot, My friends escaped and called me, they waited me in tennis yard in Los Santos, I jumped in my Sanchez and drove to them, The car shaped was bad, and they can't return back to the department with this bad condition, So I fixed the engine, as it was bad and getting out bad smoke, and fixed the whole car, I finished and he payed me and gone away

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Participants @jojofromjory

Story: As I was chilling around at my rench I get a call from a cop asking me for assistance as soon as possible. As I get shocked as he yells on the phone and says HELLO IS THIS THE MECH??? I say Yes sir how can I help you? He stars explaining about how his car broke down and he sounded like he was in the tears.. I asked him to send me his location as I reach him and find out that his car was nothing but out of fuel he was so furious that his car wouldn't work anymore as I calmed him down and let him know that there is nothing wrong with his car but he only needs to refuel it. I took his car to the nearest gas station as I helped him refuel and the Job was done!!.

Screenshorts: https://imgur.com/a/aAa0yf4

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Participants in The RP: @Nishki & @Raf0

RP Scenario: While i was smoking outside TMH base, I've received a call on my personal phone. It appeared that it was one of my oldest friend. He asked me if i can repair his NRG-500 as he would like to participate in the bike race which will happen soon, so i told him to come immidiately. When he arrived, i opened for him the base.We had a short talk about what he needs exactly and then i told him to have a seat and take a free drink.
I took the required tools and started fixing it. I started firsly with changing the rear tire as it was popped due to a crims who was want kill him. After that, asked me to fix the engine cables as they were releasing dark smokes. Right after that, i asked the customer to come and have a look, he was so exciting with his modern bike. He paid us and then he took his bike and went away.

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/xKdO8cR

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