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nCov's CC Activities


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RolePlay: #5

RolePlay Story: One day, while drinking my coffee in my office, my phone rang and a request for help came. After eating at the hamburger, a professor called me and got into his car and realized that his car was not working. then the professor first wanted to see if he had any other problems, and he couldn't. Then he asked me for help and immediately got into my car and went to the professor's place. After a long time I came to the teacher and the hamburger shop attendant opened the doors for me and entered the hamburger parking lot. After entering the parking lot, I parked my car and went to the teacher and he told me about the incident. After telling me about the incident, while looking at what the problem was, the teacher came and went to the toilet. At that time I tried to repair the car, but couldn't because I couldn't fix it. Then I hooked my own car to the professor's car, took it to a CubanCars mechanic and started repairing there. I repaired the car in a short time as I had items in the CubanCars repair shop. After I fixed the car, I talked to the professor and said I fixed the car. The professor was very happy about this and gave me some money and went home.
Participants: @Lou-2


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