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Roleplay #36
Personal Roleplay #2
Participants: [SAM] @Hoodie , SAFP| @kellerman
It was the start of a busy morning for me, I had just finished up my last call. Some kid got his foot stuck in the toilet, it was not a pleasant experience. I just got onto the highway and I thought to myself, "No one is around, time to smoke". Generally you can't smoke in a ambulance at all, but I thought I would be safe considering no one was around. I was on the highway for about a minute or two, my ambulance then had a sudden jolt. "FUCK" I yelled "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" I look to my rear-view mirror to see a police car smashed into the back of my ambulance.
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I quickly put out my cigarette and try to eliminate any smell of it. The last thing I want is a patient seeing a paramedic smoke or even smell it on me, it could cost me my job I love. I quickly exited the vehicle and approached the police car, as I got closer I got a uneasy feeling. For some reason I felt this would be bad, or it wouldn't be good I should say. As I near the vehicle to check on the person or persons, a police officer falls out of the car onto the ground.
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"Oh shit, are you okay?" Attempting to muffle my voice to a degree so the patient does not hear me swearing. I kneel down to him and, I begin to assess the situation of how this happened. "Do you remember what happened?" He grunted, looking confused he replied "Yes, my heart" I could smell something funny about this officer of the law, something that smelled odd. I took a moment and assessed what the smell was, I then said to the officer "Have you been drinking, I can smell vodka" He of course replied, "No" and once again mentioning his heart. I wanted to know how this crash happened badly, but I also had a duty to this man to give him medical care.
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I began to examine him, he was silent as the wind while I did this. Not one word came out of his mouth, which was weird. Everything seemed to check out fine, I checked his vitals they all seemed normal. I looked him in the eyes "Are you sure you have not had anything to drink" He shook his head, "No sir" he replied. I had a gut feeling that he was fine, apart from the car being fucked. I decided I would take him to Las Venturas Hospital just in case and allowed him to be assessed by the doctors there.
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I helped him up and escorted him to my ambulance, "Come with me officer...?" Pausing for a moment to allow for him to tell me his name. "Officer, Kellerman" he replied. "Hop in, its nice and comfy for you" I helped him into the ambulance. At this point some rookie cop walked up behind me and just stared at me, I'm not really sure why. All he said was "fuckwit" and walked off, I assume he was talking to the officer. I got into my ambulance and headed for the hospital.
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It did not take long, we eventually arrived at the hospital. My ambulance was still damaged from the crash, I escorted the offer inside and headed off to get my ambulance repaired. I never did find out if he was really drunk or not, the doctors told me later on he had no injuries but refused to disclose if he was drunk. I guess it will remain one of lives mysteries...


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Roleplay #37
Personal Roleplay #2
Participants: [SAM]DJO , Swid
I received a call from a taxi driver this morning and he asked me to come quickly to help him.
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He told me that he crashed on a tree while driving and now he's very injured and needed help.
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After finishing the call, i got directly to the ambulance station and was taken to the scene
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When I arrived, i found the man standing next to his cars asking for help
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I did first aid to reduce his pain and he ride the ambulance and we went to the hospital
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I measured the heartbeat and it was fine but He was suffering from fractures in the hand.
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I dressed it and made him relax. I told him that he could continue his work after a week.
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Personal Event #3
Type: Ambulance Race
Host(s): @Blu
Prize: 1.500.000$
Winner: Bone
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/ztxFHzS

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