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S.A. Elite SEALs - Media Archive Topic


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S.A. Elite SEALs - Discord:

S.A. Elite SEALs - Active Links:

  • S.A. Elite SEALs General/Application Topic: http://saesrpg.uk/topic/2211/s-a-elite-seals-general-application-topic

  • S.A. Elite SEALs Media Archive Topic: http://saesrpg.uk/topic/2230/s-a-elite-seals-media-archive-topic

S.A. Elite SEALs - Archive Links:

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  • Please note that we do not post small things that happen in-game, such as personal training of our members, regular patrolling/stopping store robberies, etc.

  • Please refrain from posting here. Only members are allowed to post here.

  • Please post screenshots in a link, other else in a spoiler.
    If you are a member, use the following format when posting here:

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Information about the event:

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Role-play number:

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Information about the remainder:

22 August
S.A. Elite SEALs event count: 6
S.A. Elite SEALs role-play count: 6
S.A. Elite SEALs remainder count: 11

22 September
S.A. Elite SEALs event count:
S.A. Elite SEALs role-play count:
S.A. Elite SEALs remainder count:

22 October
S.A. Elite SEALs event count:
S.A. Elite SEALs role-play count:
S.A. Elite SEALs remainder count:

22 November
S.A. Elite SEALs event count:
S.A. Elite SEALs role-play count:
S.A. Elite SEALs remainder count:

All the role-plays that are done with more effort(no regular patrolling), members and are involved with other organisations are listed with title and number below:

Role-play #1 - Taking samples from the gang OC - https://imgur.com/a/SpSR6jo
Role-play #2 - Follow up and results from the samples taken off OC - https://imgur.com/a/So9hJn6
Role-play #3 - WA Member jailed after being suspect of dealing drugs - https://imgur.com/a/rGx4qCE
Role-play #4 - Putting Soulfly in jail for transporting illegal bike parts - https://imgur.com/a/rkHvt8P
Role-play #5 - Getting into a fight with crims in a bar - https://imgur.com/a/4Efukra
Role-play #6 - Base inspection B~B - https://imgur.com/a/qxK6Olx

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Information about the role-play:
Title: Taking samples from the gang OC
Scenario: We got a call in from the LVPD to fight a local drugs cartel, although we were at the wrong street we still found a suspicious car, we got a warrant and searched it. It was a OC gang car and we took samples. Tomorrow when we results are in we will go back and handle accordingly.
Participators: SEAL|Faker,Alexie, Alliances
Role-play number: #1
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SpSR6jo

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Information about the role-play:
Title: Follow up and results from the samples taken off OC
Scenario: The follow up and results came in at LVPD, we were sent to handle it.
Participators: SEAL|Faker, StarWars, Alexie
Role-play number: #2
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/So9hJn6

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Information about the role-play:
Title: WA Member jailed after being suspect of dealing drugs.
Scenario: We got information about a Wild Angel member that he was suspected for dealing drugs in SA. We tracked him to the Wild Angels base and took him to the Police department. Once there we took him under investigation and put him in jail to go to court tomorrow.
Participators: SEAL|Faker, Alliances, StarWars, Alexie
Role-play number: #3
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rGx4qCE

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Information about the role-play:
Title: Putting Soulfly in jail for transporting illegal bike parts
Scenario: A biker was transporting illegal bike parts from BC to LV, we were sent to handle it.
Participators: SEAL|Faker, Alliances, Alexie
Role-play number: #4
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rkHvt8P

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Information about the role-play:
Title: Getting into a fight with crims in a bar.
Scenario: After a long shift we headed to a bar to grab a beer. When we got our beers and sat down, three bikers approached us. We ended up getting into a fight as we were too drunk to handle it like gentlemen.
Participators: SEAL|Faker, Alexie, Alliances
Role-play number: #5
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4Efukra
We don't have screenshots from the actual fight, we got too much into it ;)

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Information about the role-play:
Title: Base inspection B~B
Scenario: We met up at the garage of SAPA base to discuss who is going to do what. After that we drove with 3 vehicles to the base of B~B, first, we saw some B~B members standing at the side of the road. Later we went to the gate of the base and we asked for identification after we showed the warrant and we proceeded to look around the base. Halfway we got called by a government official that we needed to stop the search and that the warrant for B~B was been invalid. We stopped and we were going to SFPD to resume our patrol as the inspection was done and B~B is clear & safe.
Participators: SEAL|Faker, Alexie, Alliances, SAPA|Mattias, SEAL-H|Unique, [B~B]Unique
Role-play number: #6
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qxK6Olx

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