Zodiyac Posted August 3, 2020 Author Posted August 3, 2020 ^[Greetings, you've stumbled upon my topic. Here You'll see my CC Activities!]^[ Post formats (for myself) :]:::*Patrol:***Patrol Number:** #**Patrol Type:** **Date:****Cuban Cars Members****Estimated Duration of Working:** **Screenshots:***Roleplay:***Roleplay Number:** #**Story:****Cuban Cars Members:****Other Participants****Date:****Screenshots:***Patrol(impounding):***Patrol Number:** #**Patrol Type:** **Date:****Cuban Cars Members****Estimated Duration of Working:** **Screenshots:***Activity:***Patrol/Activity Number:** #**Activity Type:** **Date:****Cuban Cars Members****Estimated Duration of the activity:** **Screenshots:**:::
Zodiyac Posted August 3, 2020 Author Posted August 3, 2020 Patrol Number: #1Patrol Type: Repairing various vehiclesDate: 03/08/2020Cuban Cars Members NoneEstimated Duration of Working: 30 MinutesEstimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 20Screenshots:::::::
Zodiyac Posted August 4, 2020 Author Posted August 4, 2020 Patrol Number: #2Patrol Type: Repairing various vehiclesDate: 04/08/2020Cuban Cars Members NoneEstimated Duration of Working: 40-50 minutesEstimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 25Screenshots:::::::
Zodiyac Posted August 4, 2020 Author Posted August 4, 2020 Patrol Number: #3Patrol Type: Patrolling/ImpoundingDate: 04/08/2020Cuban Cars Members @MarksManEstimated Duration of Working: 20-25 minutesEstimated Number of Vehicles Impounded: 3Screenshots:::::::
Zodiyac Posted August 5, 2020 Author Posted August 5, 2020 Patrol Number: #4Patrol Type: Repairing various vehiclesDate: 05/08/2020Cuban Cars Members: NoneEstimated Duration of Working: 1 HourEstimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 40Screenshots:::::::
Zodiyac Posted August 5, 2020 Author Posted August 5, 2020 Patrol/Activity Number: #5Activity Type: Roadblock with CC membersDate: 05/08/2020Cuban Cars Members Almost all of them.Estimated Duration of the activity: 30-60 minutesScreenshots:::::::
Zodiyac Posted August 5, 2020 Author Posted August 5, 2020 Roleplay Number: #1Story: It was an extremely busy night for the CC crew - the garage had been opened at LVX and there were a lot of customers with a lot of different problems with their vehicles. I was told to fix a hood of a BMW M3. Marksman asked me if it's repairable or not. Turned out that the hood needed a complete replacement - luckily, we had a new hood for the M3 sitting by the garage and it was not going to be difficult replacing it as there was no other problems with the car itself. So, I opened the hood, unscrewed it and took it off. Then I replaced it with a newer one and when the new hood was on correctly, I showed the vehicle to one of the mecanicos, Leonard. He told me that the lock had been broken and it needed a new lock. I grabbed a new lock from the garage and gave it to Leonard to put it on. When we were done, Marksman thanked us and told us that he will show it to the client. A couple of minutes passed as I suddenly got called to assist a couple of other mechanics that were working on an Alpha. They told me to check the engine and then we discovered that the engine was completely dirty. I took an older rug and cleaned the engine and everything surrounding it. Then Liyones checked the cooling system and found out that it was dirty as well so I went ahead and cleaned it. When the client tried starting the car, he didn't succeed. It turned out that I had wired the engine wrong and I had to rewire everything. When the client tried again, the car started and he was happy. We congratulated each-other for succeeding and went on with our night.Cuban Cars Members: @MarksMan, @Leonard, Mr. MilosevicOther Participants @The-Best1, @LiyonesDate: 05/08/2020Screenshots:::::::
Zodiyac Posted August 6, 2020 Author Posted August 6, 2020 Roleplay Number: #2Story: It was an another night at the garage - this time in our main garage located in SF. A client with a yosemite came in and told me that his trunk had been acting weirdly and was moving opening by itself. I took off the trunk using the required tools ,cleaned it up a bit and then set it back onto the vehicle. This time I made sure that the trunk was correctly set up and ready to go. I noticed that his vehicle was also low on fuel, so I went and took a filled gas-canister and filled the tank up. When everything was fixed, we went to the front and I gave him the payment paperwork which he filled and everything went well. The client left with a happy expression on his face.Cuban Cars Members: @LeonardOther Participants @HatchetDate: 06/08/2020Screenshots:::::::
Zodiyac Posted August 6, 2020 Author Posted August 6, 2020 Roleplay Number: #3Story: A busy day for the CC Crew!First off, I was assigned to work on a client's sabre. The sabre's front bumper needed a replacement and the exhaust system needed to be worked on. I acted fast, since we had gotten a call that some huge visitors would come and take a look of our garage. I quickly took off the old bumper and replaced it with a newer one. When I started working on the exhaust, I noticed that the filters needed some extra wiring work. When that was finished with, I got up and we tested the vehicle. The vehicle did well, everything was in-tact and the client thanked me.The mecanico, Leonard got some exiting news - The government of SA was going to drop by the garage to see how we are doing. We got out to greet them and to our surprise, they came with a rhino for us to repair. We put our best efforts into repairing the rhino - I set out to fix the driver's hatch and the others worked on the engine. When I finished with the hatch, I checked the lints and the drive sprocket and they seemed to be in a good shape. The main part was cleaning the rhino though, as it was pretty dirty. I got to clean up the front and the back plates when the military came and took the rhino. We told them that we had repaired the major parts that needed a fix and that everything should be fine now. They thanked us and wished us good luck. We later on reported our done duties to our supervisors, Adem and Leonard and they were very pleased. We managed to get a big raise because the government officials liked how we handled the work. We were all very happy with the results and tiredly went home to rest.Cuban Cars Members: @AdemBygt, @Leonard,Other Participants @Liyones, @The-Best1, @Nishki, @dope , @Genius and myself (special thanks to the government!)Date: 06/08/2020Screenshots::::The first part:The second part::::
Zodiyac Posted August 7, 2020 Author Posted August 7, 2020 Patrol/Activity Number: #6Activity Type: Cleaning the roadsDate: 07/08/2020Cuban Cars Members @AdemBygtEstimated Duration of the activity: 40 minutesScreenshots:::::::
Zodiyac Posted August 9, 2020 Author Posted August 9, 2020 Patrol Number: #7Patrol Type: Impounding / PatrollingDate: 09/08/2020Cuban Cars Members @JudyesEstimated Duration of Working: 30 minutesScreenshots:::::::
Zodiyac Posted August 10, 2020 Author Posted August 10, 2020 Roleplay Number: #4Story: I had just came back from a shift when a man called me to come and repair his vehicle. It was a yosemite with a broken headlight and some engine failure. I needed the extra cash so I headed down to the said location. When I arrived, I saw the man waiting there. I got out of the car and the man thanked me for coming. I took a brief look and with the right tools, fixed the faulty components. I asked him about the car and why he needed it to be fixed this soon. He started telling me how he needed it for a drug delivery and then I froze - I realized that he was a cartel member. I started explaining how I shouldn't mess with these kinds of jobs and then he pulled a gun on me. He told me that if I'd finish he'd give me a bigger amount of what he promised to give me. I had to accept because I had no other choice. When I finished fixing the yosemite, I went in the warehouse with him where he gave me the promised amount of money. I thanked him and got out of there as fast as possible.Cuban Cars Members: NoneOther Participants @AhronDate: 10/08/2020Screenshots:::::::
Zodiyac Posted August 11, 2020 Author Posted August 11, 2020 Patrol Number: #8Patrol Type: Repairing various vehiclesDate: 11/08/2020Cuban Cars Members NoneEstimated Duration of Working: 40 minutesScreenshots:::::::
Zodiyac Posted January 6, 2021 Author Posted January 6, 2021 Patrol Number: #9Patrol Type: Impounding / Clearing roadsDate: 06.01.2021Cuban Cars Members @RickEstimated Duration of Working: 40 minutesScreenshots:::::::
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