tokiits Posted July 28, 2020 Author Posted July 28, 2020 Hello there! This will be my Cuban Cars topic, where I will share my activities.Format for my activitiesPatrol Format:Patrol Number:Activity Type & Date:Cuban Cars Member:Duration of work:Participants:Information:Screenshots:Roleplay Format:Roleplay Number:Activity Type & Date:Cuban Cars Member:Participants:Information:Screenshots:Event Format:Event Number:Event Type & Date:Screenshots:
tokiits Posted July 28, 2020 Author Posted July 28, 2020 Patrol Number: #1Activity Type & Date: Repairing & 7/29/2020Cuban Cars Member: N/ADuration of work: 50 MinutesParticipants: N/AInformation: Repairing cars around Las VenturasScreenshots:::::::
tokiits Posted July 29, 2020 Author Posted July 29, 2020 @dope said in dope's CC Activities:Roleplay Number: 1Date: 29.07.2020.Cuban Cars Membres: @AdemBygtParticipants @tokiitsStory:Screenshots:The day started in our mechanic job place. I was cleaning my instruments whenwe had a call, witch the other mechanic answered.Then we both talked about the customer, what he said, and planned our work.After done talking and planning, we headed to TowTruck.And then we drove to the place, where the car was broken down.When we arrived, we got out and checked the car, how it was looking from outside and inside of the motor.When that all was done, it was time to hook up the car.The other mechanic, he hooked the hook onto the car's front bumper.When it was hooked up, we were ready to go.After the small drive, we arrived to Cuban Cars workshop place.Then we dropped off the car and waited for Cuban Cars member Adem to pick it up and deliver it into the Cuban Cars workshop place.Cuban Cars member Adem slowly delivered the car into the workshop place, where everything can be done and fixed.We both pushed the car onto the lifter and started checking the engine and talking about it what should be fixed.After talking and investigation of the motor, I headed to talk with Cuban Cars member Adem.After some time, Adem came and checked the motor.At this point, Adem checked mostly everything in the motor and he assumed that the "strap" and "rollers" needed to be checked as well the "charger".So, as Adem told, the "strap and "rollers needed to be checked, as well the "charger". So me and the other mechanic started working. The other mechanic named Tokiits, he checked the "strap" but me "rollers".After checking, Adem came and asked us, what is the problem? We told him, that the "strap" is still in a good condition but the "rollers" are dead and they need to be changed. The "charger" was fine.Then, I asked him, if the "rollers" are on the spot in Cuban Cars workshop and he told me that he will check it.Some time went by and he came back and told me that they are available right here on the spot.He told me to go get them at the office, so I went to find them.When I came into the office, there were a lot of things wandering around, but when I deeply looked around, I finally found the new "rollers".After finding the new "rollers" I went back to the car.For that time, Tokiits was checking the motor what should be taken off so we would be able to change the "rollers" so we discussed it.After discussing, we headed to the car's motor and started doing our things. First, we removed some parts that was near the "rollers" so it would be easier to get closer.The first parts were removed and after that, Adem came and lifted the car up, so we would be able to see if everything is good under the motor.The car got lifted up and we both mechanics checked the motor and everything else if it was in a good condition.After checking, I and Tokiits both discussed if everything was okay and therefor, yes it was.Then Adem came and lifted the car back down.After lifting the car, I and tokiits changed the new "rollers" with the old ones.When the "rollers" got changed, we wanted to test it, if the engine works, so we did. Tokiits got into the car and tried to start the motor. At first, it didn't work but for that, I checked and fixed up a little mistake we both made.When I fixed the mistake, tokiits tried again and the engine started and everything was working fine.After fixing and everything was working great, we took the car and dropped it off at the same location.::::::
tokiits Posted July 29, 2020 Author Posted July 29, 2020 Patrol Number: #2Activity Type & Date: Repairing & 7/29/2020Cuban Cars Member: N/ADuration of work: 45 MinutesParticipants: N/AInformation: Repairing vehicles around Las VenturasScreenshots:::::::
tokiits Posted July 29, 2020 Author Posted July 29, 2020 Roleplay Number: #2Activity Type & Date: Roleplay & 7/29/2020Cuban Cars Member: @AdemBygtParticipants: @BrandoGInformation: It was Wednesday evening, when we whit mechanic Brando take a break, to get something to eat, we finished our meal, and we're ready to go back to work, we was almost in the car, and got called by mechanic Adem, when we have to go back to garage, because we got new customer, we went back to the garage and saw mechanic Adem standing there, and waiting for us, we went to mechanic Adem and asked him, whats wrong whit car, he explained us when customer want to us change he's car tires, and he got some problems whit fuel injector, we started whit tires, we put domcrat on sides of the vehicle, to be sure, It will not fall on one side, when we will take out the tire. We take the wrench and unscrew the tires off, we carefully putted down tires, to make sure, we're good to keep working further, after all tires was taken off, we took new ones, It was luckly when we have already new tires on the place, we carefully put in the new tires, and tighten them, to make sure, they will not fall out, after tires was tighten, I asked again mechanic Adem what we have to check, he said fuel injectors, and when we have to be carefull from pipes, we moved to fuel injector, I asked my partner to pop the hood, so I can see it, It wasn't looking bad, but wasn't looking good, so I checked if it was working, I turned on engine, took long screwdriver and putted the end of screwdriver against the back of the fuel injector, after that, I was carefully listening if I hear constant clicking sounds, but sadly I didn't hear nothing, and that means, It was broken, I asked mechanic Adem, If we have new one one the place, he said check that box, there is one, I checked the box, there was new fuel injector, we took out old fuel injector, and carefully placed new on, and car was good to go.Screenshots:::::::
tokiits Posted August 5, 2020 Author Posted August 5, 2020 Patrol Number: #3Activity Type & Date: Repairing vehicles & Cleaning roadsCuban Cars Member: @BeckhamDuration of work: 28 MinutesParticipants: N/AInformation: Repairing vehicles around Las Venturas and cleaning roads from vehiclesScreenshots:::::::
tokiits Posted August 5, 2020 Author Posted August 5, 2020 Patrol Number: #4Activity Type & Date: Repairing & 08/05/2020Cuban Cars Member: N/ADuration of work: 45 MinutesParticipants: N/AInformation: Repairing cars around Las VenutrasScreenshots:::::::
tokiits Posted August 5, 2020 Author Posted August 5, 2020 Activity Type & Date: Road trip & 08/05/2020Cuban Cars Member:::::::Information: Road trip whit Cuban CarsScreenshots:::::::
tokiits Posted August 10, 2020 Author Posted August 10, 2020 Patrol Number: #5Activity Type & Date: Impounding and Patrolling & 08/10/2020Cuban Cars Member: @RainyDuration of work: 30 MinutesParticipants: @CheerInformation: Impounding vehicles around San AndreasScreenshots:::::::
tokiits Posted August 12, 2020 Author Posted August 12, 2020 Patrol Number: #6Activity Type & Date: Impounding and Patrolling & 8/12/2020Cuban Cars Member: @ParadoxDuration of work: 23 MinutesParticipants: N/AInformation: Patrolling and Impounding cars around Los SantosScreenshots:::::::
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