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-Part 1-Personal information:

-Real Name: Aziz
-Age: 15
-Nationality: Tunis
-Primary Language: Arabe
-Your english skills: 7/10

-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:194houres

-How long have you been playing MTA: 1 year
-How long have you been playing on SAES: 4 mounths
-How many hours do you play in day: 5h per day

-Previous gang/squads?:

-currently gang/squads?:BBMC
-previous gang/squad/groups:N/A


Dear @PunchLine
Thank you for application ,The our HQ Team, decided to give you a chance, you are ~[accepted]~(lime) meet any one from HQ Team member in game for your test.

good luck
Mokhtar Nori
The Caliph
alt text


-Part 1-Personal information:
Nickname: Lykantn
AccountName: Lykan99
Real Name: Jihed
Age: 18
Primary Language: Arabic & English & French
Your English skills: 9/10
-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:
How long have you been playing MTA: 1years
How long have you been playing on SAES: 3 months
How many hours do you play in day: 4H-6h
-Previous gang/squads?:N/A
currently gang/squads?:N/A
previous gang/squad/groups:N/A


sir @Griffin

Thank you for application , we decide to give you a chance , you are ~[accepted]~(lime) , meet me or any one from HQ team in game for your tests.

Good Luck
The Caliph
alt text


Part 1-Personal information:

-Real Name:Omar
-Primary Language:Arabic-English
-Your english skills:8/10

-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:

-How long have you been playing MTA:1 years
-How long have you been playing on SAES:1 years
-How many hours do you play in day:5hours

-Previous gang/squads?:

-currently gang/squads?:BBMC
-previous gang/squad/groups: Squad:MI-6- ICE-POLICE


~[-Part 1-Personal information:]~(red,red,red,red,red,red,red)

-Nickname: Meliodas-Z
-AccountName: prometeus
-Real Name: Matias Ignacio
-Age: 14
-Nationality: Chilean
-Primary Language: Spanish
-Your english skills:/10 8

~[-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:]~(red,red,red)

-How long have you been playing MTA: 3 years
-How long have you been playing on SAES: 2-3 months
-How many hours do you play in day: I play between 4-8 hours per day.

-Previous gang/squads?: ~[SAFP]~(blue,blue,blue,blue) / ~[ICE]~(cyan,cyan,cyan) / ~[CDC]~(#82154a,#82154a,#82154a)

-currently gang/squads?: N/A
-previous gang/squad/groups: Groups : ~[TMH]~(lime,lime) - ~[SA-RS]~(yellow,yellow) Gang: ~[CDC]~(#82154a,#82154a,#82154a) Squads: ~[SAFP]~(blue,blue,blue) / ~[ICE]~(cyan,cyan)


Mr @Reus

Thankyou for application , after thinking we decide to give you a chance you are ~[accepted]~(green) !! meet me or any one from our HQ in game for test .
Mr. @Meliodas

thank you for application , our HQ decide to give you a chance you got ~[accepted]~(green) , meet me or any one from HQ in game for your tests .

Good Luck
Mokhtar Nori
The Caliph
alt text


-Part 1-Personal information:

-Real Name:Aziz
-Primary Language:Arabic,french,english
-Your english skills:7/10

-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:

-How long have you been playing MTA:3years

-How long have you been playing on SAES:3years
-How many hours do you play in day:8hours

-Previous gang/squads?:

-currently gang/squads?:N/A
-previous gang/squad/groups:N/A


well . Mr.@azizess01

Thank you for application , we decide to give you a chance you got ~[accepted]~(green) . meet any one from HQ team in game for your tests .
Discord : https://discord.gg/GwEt4H

Good luck
Mokhtar Nori
The Caliph
alt text


-Part 1-Personal information:

-Real Name:Kamil
-Primary Language:Polish & English
-Your english skills:9.5-10/10

-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:

-How long have you been playing MTA : Around a year, but played SAMP before
-How long have you been playing on SAES: Not too long, but I played something similar before
-How many hours do you play in day: Depends on a day. I go to school so I don't always have time, but more than 2 hours on busy days. Sometimes I do 6-7

-Previous gang/squads?: N/A
-currently gang/squads?: N/A
-previous gang/squad/groups: N/A

-Part 3-Questions:

-Describe Roleplay: It's like playing a role and doing like a scene between two or more people
-What does mean DM: Is killing someone for no reason. It's a banable offense
-Strengths: Good driver, have planes, team player
-Weaknesses: Not good shooter


-Part 1-Personal information:

-Real Name:Andrew
-Primary Language:English and Jamaican
-Your english skills:/10/10

-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:

-How long have you been playing MTA:started playing it last school year
-How long have you been playing on SAES: begin playing it when i started playing last school year
-How many hours do you play in day: 2 to 3 hours d; depends if i don't have anything planned

-Previous gang/squads?: (SS) SuicideSquad but it was shut down

-currently gang/squads?: none
-previous gang/squad/groups: (SS)

-Part 3-Questions:

-Describe Roleplay: its like real life everyone has a role to play Doctor,FBI,SWAT,POLICE ETC.
-What does mean DM: Death Matched
-Strengths: Combat Shotgun :) close range
-Weaknesses -_- campers


-Part 1-Personal information:

-Nickname: DarkSideR
-AccountName: reeth34
-Real Name: Emre
-Age: 21
-Nationality: Turkish
-Primary Language: Turkish
-Your english skills:/10/8

-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:

-How long have you been playing MTA: 7 year
-How long have you been playing on SAES: 6 year but 2016-2018 inactive but now im back
-How many hours do you play in day: 4-5 hour

-Previous gang/squads?:

-currently gang/squads?: BBMC
-previous gang/squad/groups: Nomad, Rebels MC, GJMC, CripZ, RDMC// BS, FBI, MI-6, DEA,

-Part 3-Questions:

-Describe Roleplay: acting like in real life.
-What does mean DM: Kill for no reason
-Strengths: Drive car, Team play, use weps and good shooting
-Weaknesses : drive plane


After long discussion with our HQ Team we came to a decision,we will give you a chance you are ~[accepted]~(lime) meet me or anyone from HQ Team for your test.
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