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~[Welcome to our Terrorist groupe]~(maroon)

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**DZ Terrorist Groupe DZTG or in French, but best known as "Terrorisme groupe":for short, was a Shia militia known for its activities in the 1980s
the time Sniper was with his brother Zizou traveling from one country to another they saw that there are people in several countries who do things that are haraam "taboo" so we decided to create a organization and buy weapons to beat them and we started recruiting the young people and let them know that these people are not good and that we must kill them and beat them until they remain the good ones and we have did our job until we got to what we now have with our education centers and training places **.

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Main Role :
-Assist the official gangs in the Turfs / Wars
-Assist the official gangs in the Bank Robbery
-Protect the official gangs from the cops
Secondary Roles :
-Selling Weapons & Drugs
-Fight against governments
-Robbing the official squads base
-Always trying to help and protect the muslims

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~[Group Name:]~(red):DZ Terrorist Group
~[Groupe Tags:]~(red)[DZTG]Name<Rank>
~[Founders:]~(red) @Sniper.
~[Motto:]~(red) Blood,The War,No mercy,
~[Color Code:]~(red) #9c3333
~[Our Discord:]~(red) https://discord.gg/c2bzQG
~[BASE :]~(red) Los Santos
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-El Amir
-The Caliph

-Assistant Cliph
-The Soldiers of El Amir

-Suicide Bombers
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-Respect all server rules(who dont respect server rules get kick)

-Respect high Ranker

-Be active

-Do not rage

-Do not insult in the main chat

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~[-Part 1-Personal information:]~(red)

-Real Name:
-Primary Language:
-Your english skills:/10

~[-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:]~(red)

-How long have you been playing MTA:
-How long have you been playing on SAES:
-How many hours do you play in day:

~[-Previous gang/squads?:]~(red)

-currently gang/squads?:
-previous gang/squad/groups:

~[-Part 3-Questions:]~(red)

-Describe Roleplay:
-What does mean DM:
-why should we accept you:
-why do you want to join us:

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-Part 1-Personal information:

AccountName: ziadtarek2
Real Name: Ziad
Age: 16
Primary Language: arabic ,english
Your english skills: 8/10

-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:

How long have you been playing MTA: 4 years
How long have you been playing on SAES: 3 years {i went alot inactive but i came back online ]
How many hours do you play in day: 5 Hours or 3

-Previous gang/squads?:

currently gang/squads?:OverDose Crime [Manager]
previous gang/squad/groups:
Black Syndicate
Organization Zero
Ventrua's Tunings
Black eagle security
San andreas Renting Service
Dynasty Crime Organization
Al - Munazama
SA Academy


I've read the backstory and tbh I didn't like how you used real political groups, information and also adding religion to the story is not good, this is just a game so why you bring that here, good luck but try to change the backstory..


Mr @ziad

Thank you for the appplication , i think we will give you a chance to join with us you got ~[Accepted]~(lime) , meet me or any one from DZ-TG HQ in game for your tests.

Good Luck !!
Mokhtar Nori
Assistant Cliph
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mr @Jamal
Thank you for your interest to joining with our group !! would like to give you a chance to prove yourself , try hang with DZ-TG members and show us your skills ,you got ~[Pending]~(orange,yellow) !

Good Luck !!
Mokhtar Nori
Assistant Cliph

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Part 1-Personal information:
AccountName: Zomba2017
Real Name: ZOBIR
Age: 16
Primary Language: arabic ,english
Your english skills:7/10

-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:
How long have you been playing MTA: 1 yeras
How long have you been playing on SAES: 1 years
How many hours do you play in day: 3 Hours

-Previous gang/squads?:
currently gang/squads?:: N/A
previous gang/squad/groups: N/A


dear @zomba
after every thing i want say thank you for the application . i dont know any think about you but i wanna see your skills in game , so !! got ~[Pending]~(orange) . hang with our members
Best of luck
El Amir
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-Part 1-Personal information:

Nickname: UrBan
AccountName: Halloween741
Real Name: Hazem
Age: 17
Primary Language: Arabic & English & french
Your english skills: 8/10

-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:

How long have you been playing MTA: 2years
How long have you been playing on SAES: 1 years (i stick inactive but im active now)
How many hours do you play in day: 5H-8h

-Previous gang/squads?:N/A

currently gang/squads?:Underground Empire
previous gang/squad/groups:
Wild Angels
Capital Da Comando
Groups: N/A


Mr @UrBan
Thank you for application , after talking with our HQ team we decide to give you a chance , you got ~[accepted]~(lime) , meet me or any one from DZ-TG HQ in game for your tests !!
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Mr @Jamal , after got pending , i guess you are not interested about DZ-TG . so ! the HQ team decided to ~[Deny]~(red) you , you can reapply after 2 weeks
Mr @zomba , i think you are inactive , DZ-TG need active players , you are ~[Deny]~(red) . you can reapply after 2 weeks .

Mokhtar Nori
Assistant Cliph
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-Part 1-Personal information:

Real Name:Mohammed
Age:18 years old
Primary Language: Arabic / English
Your english skills:8/10

-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:

How long have you been playing MTA:1 years
How long have you been playing on SAES: 7 month ago
How many hours do you play in day: 4-5 hours

-Previous gang/squads?:

currently gang/squads?: N/A
previous gang/squad/groups:
Squad : ICE / QRF
Gang : BBMC / RKMC


Mr @XxNetroXx

Thank you for your appplication , i think we will give you a chance to join us. you got Accepted , meet me or any one from DZ-TG HQ in game for your tests.

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El Amir.


-Part 1-Personal information:

Nickname: DaLi
AccountName: messiess
Real Name: oussama
Primary Language:
Your english skills:/10 7.5/10

How long have you been playing MTA: 3 years
How long have you been playing on SAES:1 years
How many hours do you play in day: 1030 hours

-Previous gang/squads?: RDMC and HS
and i left the adove Because both closed

currently gang/squads?: N/A
previous gang/squad/groups:N/A


-Part 1-Personal information:

Nickname: Coffler
AccountName: vnemos2
Real Name: Hossam Wahid
Age: 20 years old.
Primary Language: Arabic.
Your english skills:6/10.

-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:

How long have you been playing MTA: since 2013.
How long have you been playing on SAES: since 2014.
How many hours do you play in day: 5 to 10 Hours .

-Previous gang/squads?: Black Syndicate.

currently gang/squads?: iam a cadet in San Andreas Police Academy
previous gang/squad/groups: BS,IAC


Thank you for your appplication , i think we will give you a chance to join us. you got Accepted , meet me or any one from DZ-TG HQ in game for your tests.

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after discussion with HQ team,we came to a decision.
Your application is ~[Denied]~(red),you can re-apply after 1week.

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-Part 1-Personal information:

-Nickname: Aspect
-AccountName: firas19
-Real Name: firas
-Age: 17
-Nationality: tunisian
-Primary Language: Arabic
-Your english skills:/10: 8/10

-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES: a year

-How long have you been playing MTA: i've been playing MTA a year ago.
-How long have you been playing on SAES: i've been playing SAES a year ago.
-How many hours do you play in day: i play 3 to 4 hours a day

-Previous gang/squads?: SAPA.

-currently gang/squads?: TST
-previous gang/squad/groups: no plans.


Thank you for application , after talking with our HQ team we decide to give you a chance , you got accepted , meet me or any one from DZ-TG HQ in game for your tests !!

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