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^[@Medo12 You failed to pass our voting phase. Re-apply after 2 weeks if still interested.]
^[@Olivier1TN You failed to pass our voting phase. Re-apply after 2 weeks if still interested.]

  • 1 month later...

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^[ Thanks all for comming to Summerland!]

^[ Watch this topic for an impression! https://saesrpg.uk/topic/22783/q-dance-saes-summerland-v3-2-7-november-20pm-server-time/2]

  • 2 weeks later...



^[@Freezoom , please join our discord first ( https://discord.gg/Z3FuBZm ) in order to join Q-Dance. After you joined our discord, you can meet @Turbo ingame for your test. Good luck!]


  • 1 month later...

Account name: mojtabar
Ingame name: [SWAT]Guard
Your age: 17
Do you got access to a construction panel? (zip, lws, etc.) If yes, which: Yes, ZIP
Show us 1 party you've build to convince us (including imgur link): https://imgur.com/a/M4hlqWW



  • @Guard , you're ~[Accepted]~(green)! Congratulations! Read the rules and the information on discord towards your job as Stage Builder. Have fun at our group!

  • @Tweaks , you're ~[Pending]~(orange). please join our discord first ( https://discord.gg/Z3FuBZm ) in order to join Q-Dance. After you joined our discord, you can ask @Turbo for your test. Good luck!

  • @Freezoom you failed doing your test. Therefor youre ~[Denied]~(red). Re-apply if still interested

  • 2 weeks later...


  • @Avengr , you're ~[Accepted]~(green)! Congratulations! Read the rules and the information on discord towards your job as Party Hoster. Have fun at our group! Please meet me at Q-Dance discord for more info and explination

  • @Medo12 , you're ~[Pending]~(orange). I noticed you even produce music yourself, good job! You can ask @Turbo or @FoxZilla for your test. Good luck!


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  • @SpeeD1Tn ~[PENDING]~(orange), please join our discord server first ( https://discord.gg/Z3FuBZm ) in order to receive your test. After you joined our discord you can PM @FoxZilla or me on discord for your test. Good luck!

  • @Matt0 ~[PENDING]~(orange), please join our discord server first ( https://discord.gg/Z3FuBZm ) in order to receive your test. After you joined our discord you can PM @FoxZilla or me on discord for your test. Good luck!



  • @SpeeD1Tn you passed your tests. You're ~[accepted]~(green). Congratulations & welcome to the team!

  • @Assassin-C , sorry for the late answer, but you're ~[pending]~(orange). Please join our discord first ( https://discord.gg/Z3FuBZm ) in order to join Q-Dance. After you joined our discord, you can PM @FoxZilla or @Turbo on discord for your test. Good luck!

  • @Liyones , we know you are back since a short while. We would like to see you getting a better reputation on the server. You are ~[denied]~(red) for now. But no worries, you will get there one day. Please apply after 2 weeks from now if still interested. Try to get a better reputation on the server and come back stronger!

  • @Matto You failed your test. You're ~[denied]~(red). Please learn how to use Mixxx before applying and saying you use Mixxx. Reapply after 2 weeks if still interested.

  • @Medo12 You failed your test. You're ~[denied]~(red). Please learn how to use Mixxx before applying and saying you use Mixxx. Reapply after 2 weeks if still interested.

  • 1 month later...


  • @Liyones , sorry for the late answer, but you're ~[under-review]~(blueviolet). You can PM @FoxZilla or @Turbo on discord for your test once you are not part of Radio SA. Good luck!

  • 2 weeks later...

^[alt text]

  • @Liyones ~[DENIED]~(red), after a conversation within the Q-Dance team we sadly decided to deny you for now. Feel free to apply within 2 weeks, if still interested.

  • @Orten1 ~[DENIED]~(red), after a conversation within the Q-Dance team we sadly decided to deny you for now. Feel free to apply within 2 weeks, if still interested.

  • @ugabuga ~[PENDING]~(orange), please join our discord server first ( https://discord.gg/Z3FuBZm ) in order to receive your test. After you joined our discord you can PM @FoxZilla or me on discord for your test. Good luck!

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