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Activity #1

Activity Type: Driving around San Andreas, impounding&repairing cars.
Participants: @Lightning @Benny


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Activity #2

Activity Type: Patrol around San Andreas, impounding and clearing the roads.
Participants: @Brondy


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Roleplay #1
Roleplay Name: A small transmission problem!
Participants: @Brondy
Story: It was another calm day at the garage, Brondy was sipping his drink and Durby was cleaning the garage. A call came in and Durby quickly picked up the phone. A called from Santa Flora, San Fierro was calling about his broken down BMW. Durby noted the details about the vehicle. It seemed like the car could run but it made funny noises whenever the owner was driving it. Durby made his way to Santa Flora by bus and picked up the BMW. He drove it to the garage. As he was driving, he used his experience and it was obvious that the transmission was not working well. The gear shifts were not swift and easy. You really had to apply force on the gear stick to shift it into upper gears. Durby arrived at the garage around 11 P.M.

After arriving at the garage, he parked the BMW on the hydraulic lift and went to see the chief, Brondy. Brondy was sleeping in the cabin and he got scared as Durby walked in. After he got up, Durby told brondy about the problem that the car had. After a few checkups, Brondy agreed with Durby and they got to work. They had to take down the entire transmission down to fix the car. It took a long time and a good amount of effort but the work done on the BMW was perfect. As they were done with the car Brondy told Durby that it's always good to test drive the vehicle to assure that no problems were present. So they went on a test drive to test the vehicle, and it was FUN! The problem was probably caused because the owner did not push the clutch all the way in when he was shifting gears and he forgot his foot on the clutch whenever he was just driving. That caused the transmission to burn out. But another problem was solved in the Cuban Cars' garage!


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