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Prevent criminals from mark killing at Jail



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Hello there, Sure alot of players will tell me why you did this topic?

Because criminals are mark killing at Jail and we can't defend or do anything. They can't do that

Because they don't give us a chance to defend or kill and it happens alot of times and cop side become so weak.

So, I did this topic for that, You can vote as you want i just want to hear your opinion.
Im sure that all criminals will vote for No

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I honestly believe that marker killing/arresting should be put as rulebreak, sometimes like 4 players stay infront of the marker, and wait for you to come in, as soon as you step in, the interior doesn't load yet, once it loads you find your self dead.

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@x-Liyones-x as i know marker Protection isn't a god mod
i mean when someone shoots you you lost HP but then it get back max so its useless since there is almost 10 Criminals spamming shootgun front of the door

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