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[LWS-STAFF] Pazoo's LWS Events


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Hello Lads and welcome to my Lightning world sports events topic, here u can observe and examine all the events that have been hosted by me or invented as a new event concept

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Allow me to the outset to identify myself clearly so you can acquire some additional information about my adventure in this server so what we are waiting for!!! let's initiate: Greetings, My name is Selim and I'm known as Pazoo in the server. I've been performing in SAES for almost 2 years and a half if my memory didn't betray me but yeah it's been a long time ago since I joined the community and this period was punctuated by a lot of actions. At first, I was obsessed with the criminal side and I felt like I possess a sort of relationship with it that led me to apply to my first gang which was UE. Shortly, I joined 2 gangs UE and Z that I altogether had fun with but here comes an interesting thing which is the gang that I'm presently taking a part in (AA). This gang was the main factor that led me to be the person that I am right now and I'm really proud of my affiliation to it. Added to that I joined several groups that supported me to broaden my knowledge and to gain some experience to achieve this point by applying here. Plus I think that I have all the requirements that fulfill all the needs of LWS since I'm good at multitasking and building because I had some experience with the construction panel so its familiar to me and interestingly I found myself mastering it. Furthermore, I can help with the new events that I can invent with my creativity and imagination. Eventually, I hope that you understood the gist of what I'm talking about and Thank you for allocating some of your time to read my topic.
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~[E]~(red)vent number:
~[T]~(red)ype of Event:
~[L]~WS helper(s):

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#1 Shoot the Nade: Shortly, This event Concept is similar to 'Tennis Nade'and it's a 1 versus 1 event. But the Twist is that the tennis net has been replaced with a line to separate the 2 rivals and to enable the passage of the nade to both sides while standing still inside the circle. Leaving this circle without returning to it in a few seconds will result in a kick and the participant should use the sniper to shoot the nade to his enemy in order to kill him.

#2 Guess the mixed color: This event is quite simple like any other guessing game but the difference here is that the participants are required to guess the appropriate color obscurely. The 2 colors will be given by the hoster and on the assumption of mixing those last 2 with each other, players must guess what would it give in return.

#3 Forklift Drag race: you may think that this event is just a race with forklifts. Well, that's almost true but there's a special trait in this event that made it more entertaining which represented in lifting both of the LWS and the hoster with the forklift and going straight ahead to the finish line while trying to keep them on the vehicle as much as possible by controlling it. Both of the LWS and the hoster must step on a particular side without moving.
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The total number of events: 15

Money spent/used: ~[18.000.000]~

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Event number:#10
Type of Event: Guess the mixed color (New Type)
LWS helper(s): Zombie
Prize: 1.000.000 (4 rounds= each round 250k)
Winner(s): Itzmozha,Redlive,Amara,Vitoo
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HEEH3rL

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Hello Lads, I just want to publicize that from now on I'll be posting my activity here as an LWS-STAFF while using the following format:
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LWS Staff Member Probationary Activity.

Event Number:

Type of Event:

Hoster :



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LWS Staff Member Probationary Activity.
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Event Number #1
Type of Event: Last man standing at Jefferson motel
Hoster : Gonza
Prize: 1.000.000 $
Winner(s): Nicky
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/GWGIun4
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