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Linkan's Application for Community Staff


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Your ingame username: linus111560
Your ingame alias: LE>Linkan
Your year of birth: 1997/12/16
Your gender: Male

Nationality: Swedish
Country of residence: Sweden

How long you have been playing SAES: I started somewhere around 2011, cant recall exactly when but I registered in the old forums in late 2011
Qualities you can offer: Well, I am a calm and friendly dude who loves to help out others. I also have some experience with LUA. But dont take that as I can script my own scripts since I never tried it. I can of course troubleshoot and correct errors, and such things, or fix already running scripts, and so on. Never had any good project to learn LUA for full. This might be one? Im the dude who fullfills my work, the typically guy who would preefer to sit and clean-out/sort the whole reports section for fun if i dont have anything else todo. I would say im a good guy with responsibilitys and trustworthy within that. As i have alot of responsibilitys at my work and ofcourse ingame with LE. Im calm and i do not act too fast without enough proofs. When acting im a very calm dude! Alot of experience with dedicated/vps servers using putty on ibuntu softwares. Aswell alot of setting up/fixing with mta servers and alot others. Im quite good at handling stressfully situations. And not to forget im also a fast learner, i usually learn from others by watching and taking instructions
Your weaknesses: Ehm being too nice in situations where i should not be. My biggest weakness is going to be multi-tasking. I cant talk and write at same time as that would make me write what Im speaking instead. I instead is a one thing at a time guy. Im not an asslicker due the reason you probably dont see me helping others ingame nor on discord. That would Ofcourse change if i get the chance to become a Staff

Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): Community Staff

Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, i do

Reason for application: Well, Ive played here for almost 10 years now and I would like to help this community grow, and share my experience with others, and I enjoy myself doing it. Also, as I have some old experience with moderation I would love to use that to help this community get better, and of course share my ideas and thoughts.

Server Memberships: LE , CC , Donor , Centrino , Brothers Of Metal , Might still be in Cunning Stunts too.

Additional information: I am from Sweden and I live in a city called Gvle. Quite in the middle of Sweden. If that bothers anyone, I am currently 22 years old, and I do have a full-time work where I work most of the time between 7-16 each weekday. I usually spend my free time with my gf and having fun with friends outside. Vehicles have a huge impact on me as I love anything with engine in it as its cool stuff. Other than that, i spend a lot of time on my PC which mostly brings me to SAES since this is kinda the only thing i play now days.

Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Yes, might be some legitimate mutes. Other than that, it should all be troll punishments. I might be wrong, but I cant really remember.
Previous (legitimate) bans: Yes, a few as Ive been a cunt back in the days. I can ensure you all I wont ever be banned again.

Do you eat pork: Oh god, yes

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Decent application but reading your "Qualities you can offer", judging by the first part it almost feels like you're applying for the wrong reasons. Gettings accepted would't have meant you'd get access to the things you could've helped with. However if you're actually interested in looking into lua and learning it / developing for the server, I'd suggest you look into PENSource as a first step.

Hopefully we'll be able to see you apply again next time around with better results.
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It's actually because you're a disgusting Swede, I don't need any of your kind in the clan :harriot:

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