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Server lag is making the server unplayable



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Dunno if this is the right forum but as I haven't really seen anybody make a topic about it. Since around last month the server lag has drastically been increased and is now making the server a bit unplayable in some scenarios

Some examples:
Shooting without aiming: https://streamable.com/o0zr6m
Shooting without aiming: https://streamable.com/l4yql4
Shot desync: https://streamable.com/ujbllg
More desync: https://streamable.com/teqspm
Even more desync: https://streamable.com/qxdh8w
Broken animations: https://streamable.com/z7rtao
No hit registration: https://streamable.com/z11k9b
Falling through the road because the driver got shot: https://streamable.com/odobpu

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22 answers to this question

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Is it due to the large amount of players connected to the server? Because some issues have been discussed regarding those repetitive lags, and the quantity of people in it could eventually have an impact on the server's connection quality...?

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When it comes to de-sync, the issue has been around for almost like... ever.

Even when server was actually more stable and less laggy than it is now, you had to shoot 3 meters behind the visible head hitbox to actually headshot a moving target that has high ping, I assume people that turfed against high ping Latin American players can confirm it. Regardless of that, some adapted to the given sync, some others did not and theyre actually right, why would you need to learn how to predict the lag, instead of hitting the actual target?

To the point, a new SAES sync system should be implemented, no matter if the server is laggy or not, but yeah, with the current lag and current sync, de-sync, servers actually unplayable.

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We are looking into making the gamemode less "laggy" however people assume it's the server it's hosted on. It's not...

Its not going to be a overnight fix either, it will take considerable time as our gamemode is like 12 years old now.

You also mention Latin America players, do they realise they are playing on a server hosted in London some 5000 miles away, right?

We are using a mod, no matter how good it is, is doing something the game was never designed for and what makes it worse is a large portion of people are playing on poor equipment, so their game lag and poor fps looks to you as "network lag".

The more stuff you ask to be added etc will unfortunately put more strain on your computer.

As the for a new "sync" system, this has nothing to do with us and "sync" is provided by the MTA mod.

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@Brophy said in Server lag is making the server unplayable:

As the for a new "sync" system, this has nothing to do with us and "sync" is provided by the MTA mod.

I can agree with everything you said Broph, except the sync part. There is ways to improve it, perhaps have the developement team do some research and find ways to improve it. It can be done and it has been done.


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@Soul said in Server lag is making the server unplayable:

@Brophy said in Server lag is making the server unplayable:

As the for a new "sync" system, this has nothing to do with us and "sync" is provided by the MTA mod.

I can agree with everything you said Broph, except the sync part. There is ways to improve it, perhaps have the developement team do some research and find ways to improve it. It can be done and it has been done.


Synchronisation is handled by MTA, regardless of what is sent between the server and client is handled by it.

Sure you could write your own system to handle it via a custom plugin or via scripts, but I couldn't imagine it being any better or quicker than what MTA offers with their netcode and you would still have that custom system rely on people's connection and location to the server.

We could possibly look at adjusting some of the server settings in the mtaconfig file.

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@Brophy said in Server lag is making the server unplayable:

We are looking into making the gamemode less "laggy" however people assume it's the server it's hosted on. It's not...

We are using a mod, no matter how good it is, is doing something the game was never designed for and what makes it worse is a large portion of people are playing on poor equipment, so their game lag and poor fps looks to you as "network lag".

Running with shownetstat does show some packet loss especially in scenarios marked with desync in the main topic. I have pretty good ping, usually around ~20ms on bad days and ~14ms on the good. I can imagine that people with a not so modern computer have trouble running the game and that usually gad the effect of that single player lagging/warping/bugging out. This seems more like a networking issue as its happening server wide at the same time.

@Brophy said in Server lag is making the server unplayable:

Its not going to be a overnight fix either, it will take considerable time as our gamemode is like 12 years old now.

Yea, I think most are aware of this. This topic is mostly to demonstrate how bad it has become in the last few months and to make sure people are aware of how bad it had become lately.

Is there something people can do to help figure out the cause of the problems?

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Firstly we can take a look at any optimisations we can make to sync settings in the mtaserver.conf as it's been about 3 or 4 years since this was last done and other settings may have been improved or new ones added, I will ask MTA about it.

If you can keep an eye out and note down at what particular events occur on the server when it happens, that would be great.

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It would be nice if we could get any updates about the server lag, because it just seems like nothing has changed and it truly is frustrating to play the game and freeze every other 30 mins (a little bit of exaggeration, but just for the sake of my point).

Here are some more examples of server lag, and also two examples of a serious issue (crouch desync/c bug or however you would like to call it) which causes a significant flaw in combat (any attempt to crouch is literally defined as "c bug" hence people try to avoid it as much as possible, for more information see groove's topic)

I am retarded and I can't make the spoilers work properly. Instead of spamming this post with videos I put the links in a pastebin.

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Bump, the issue isn't as bad as it was before, but it's still there.

There are players with unstable internet connections, sudden increases in ping and great packet loss percentages, you could work on something, maybe freezing them or so if packet loss exceeds 10%.

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