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Elyeso' Application for CS


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Your ingame username: elyeso
Your ingame alias: [B~B]Elyeso
Your year of birth: 1995
Your gender: Male

Nationality: Tunisian

Country of residence: Tunisia

How long you have been playing SAES: Since August 2011. Been inactive between 2014-2015 and the last year

Qualities you can offer: Loyalty ,Honesty ,Problem-Solving and team-working .

Your weaknesses: Playing as a cop.Yeah that's seems weird, but catching laggers is not my thing

Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): Community Staff

Do you have Discord Installed: Yes

Reason for application: I'm within SAES community for almost 9 years. I want to try taking new responsibilities by helping new players understand how the server works and dealing with rule-breakers who ruin the fun for others.

Server Memberships: [B~B] ex-leader ,CLO Coronel .

Additional information: My name is Elyes I just got my bachelor degree in mechanical design using CAD softwares and currently I'm working with a French company located in sousse.I like to play video games and going to the GYM also I'm a huge fan of my local football team l'Etoile and Chelsea FC.

Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: few mutes for speaking tunisian on mainchat (blame master)

Previous (legitimate) bans: No, I'm not a trouble maker.

Do you eat pork: No.

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Your weaknesses: Playing as a cop.Yeah that's seems weird, but catching laggers is not my thing

:clap: Unfortunately we only want the finest of cops within the Community Staff team.

Extremely low effort application.

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