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there was a child was born at LS his name was David his family wasn't rich his father was working at burger shot in LS next to Grove Street his salary was 300$ per month they was very poor, in some days they was eating and in other days they wasn't eating due to the low salary, then David's father decided to steal, David wasn't proud of what his father doing, then someday his father went out of the house for something he didn't told his son or his wife, he was going to a drug deal in vinewood in LS but it was a trap the cops came and arrested David's father, David and his mother was very sad, they wouldn't pay the money to free him and David's father was sentenced to 30 years in prison for drug dealing, every birthday David passed it without his father next to him then after David grew up he was very smart and very good at driving cars he was working in a limo corporation but then he decided to create his own limo co and then he created it and the future was looking bright for David.

No.1: don't break server rules (F1 rules)
No.2: don't break FL rules
No.3: always respect the server players and FL members
No.4: always RP with your customer
No.5: if you want to level up then you have to do at least 1 RP, 1 event, 1 activity

Group Tag : [FL]name[rank]
Group Color : #00ff00
Leader : [FL]scoore[L]
Vice Leader : [FL]S-117[VL]

Leader [L] : scoore
lvl 5
Vice Leader [VL] : S-117
lvl 4
HQ : Empty
lvl 3
Chief of Communications [CoC] : Empty
lvl 2
Chief of Service [CoS] : Empty
lvl 2
Limo Driver [LD] : Empty
lvl 1
Communications Worker [CW] : Empty
lvl 1
Newibe [N] : jougou
lvl 0
No.1 - username :
No.2 - account name :
No.3 - nationlaty :
No.4 - languages spoken :
No.5 - in game hours :
No.6 - what is RP :
No.7 - what is DM :
No.8 - why do you want to join us :
No.9 - why should we accept you :
No.10 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who :
No.11 - English proficiency ?/10 :
No.12 - limo driving proficiency ?/10 :
No.13 - RP proficiency ?/10 :
No.14 - do you accept our rules :
No.15 - tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) :


No.1 - username : akyal
No.2 - account name : Jougou
No.3 - nationlaty : Tunisian
No.4 - languages spoken : Arabic / French / English
No.5 - in game hours : 300+
No.6 - what is RP : Roleplay means acting like in Real life ingame. Example, playing as a mafia and talking/acting like one.
No.7 - what is DM : deathmatching means Harming or killing other people without a valid reason.
No.8 - why do you want to join us :as u know i look FL a new group into saes So i wanted To join it for helping To get official soon.
No.9 - why should we accept you : because im loyal player Can say active skilled and helpfull guy i can bring to tf events /rps.
No.10 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who : Ye called Scoore
No.11 - English proficiency ?/10 : 7
No.12 - limo driving proficiency ?/10 : 8
No.13 - RP proficiency ?/10 : 7.5
No.14 - do you accept our rules : Sure
No.15 - tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) : Dont Dm Others / Dont Avoid arrest if cops was chasing u / Dont talk another language in mainchat (English only)


@jougou007 said in FL - Fast Limo:

No.1 - username : akyal
No.2 - account name : Jougou
No.3 - nationlaty : Tunisian
No.4 - languages spoken : Arabic / French / English
No.5 - in game hours : 300+
No.6 - what is RP : Roleplay means acting like in Real life ingame. Example, playing as a mafia and talking/acting like one.
No.7 - what is DM : deathmatching means Harming or killing other people without a valid reason.
No.8 - why do you want to join us :as u know i look FL a new group into saes So i wanted To join it for helping To get official soon.
No.9 - why should we accept you : because im loyal player Can say active skilled and helpfull guy i can bring to tf events /rps.
No.10 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who : Ye called Scoore
No.11 - English proficiency ?/10 : 7
No.12 - limo driving proficiency ?/10 : 8
No.13 - RP proficiency ?/10 : 7.5
No.14 - do you accept our rules : Sure
No.15 - tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) : Dont Dm Others / Dont Avoid arrest if cops was chasing u / Dont talk another language in mainchat (English only)

lougou thanks. for apply this good apply YOU ACCEPTED said leader or vice leader to make test


No.1 - username : S-117
No.2 - account name : ali303
No.3 - nationlaty : Egypt
No.4 - languages spoken : english/arabic
No.5 - in game hours : around 500 or 450
No.6 - what is RP : RP is acting like real life
No.7 - what is DM : killing someone for no reason
No.8 - why do you want to join us : because i love limo and i want to help this group and i feel like it will not die
No.9 - why should we accept you : because i'm pro and good at driving limo and shit like this
No.10 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who : scoore
No.11 - English proficiency ?/10 : 9
No.12 - limo driving proficiency ?/10 : 10
No.13 - RP proficiency ?/10 : 8
No.14 - do you accept our rules : yeah
No.15 - tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) : don't DM/ don't marker arrest/ don't avoid arrest
:expressionless: :expressionless:


@master-chief said in FL - Fast Limo:

No.1 - username : S-117
No.2 - account name : ali303
No.3 - nationlaty : Egypt
No.4 - languages spoken : english/arabic
No.5 - in game hours : around 500 or 450
No.6 - what is RP : RP is acting like real life
No.7 - what is DM : killing someone for no reason
No.8 - why do you want to join us : because i love limo and i want to help this group and i feel like it will not die
No.9 - why should we accept you : because i'm pro and good at driving limo and shit like this
No.10 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who : scoore
No.11 - English proficiency ?/10 : 9
No.12 - limo driving proficiency ?/10 : 10
No.13 - RP proficiency ?/10 : 8
No.14 - do you accept our rules : yeah
No.15 - tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) : don't DM/ don't marker arrest/ don't avoid arrest
:expressionless: :expressionless:

master chief thanks.for apply your apply good VERY MUCH YOU ACCEPTED


Nickname: Aziz
Accountname: xVoDkAxX
nationlaty :tunis
languages spoken :Arabe, English , french
in game hours :125:15:40
what is RP :is doing story with some one it's like real life
what is DM :when you kill some one with no reason
why do you want to join us :because active and helpful and i love the limo
why should we accept you :Becaus i like this group and evryone says that is very good and they also say that the members are helpful
did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who :yes @scoore
English proficiency: 7/10
limo driving proficiency: 8/10
RP proficiency:7 /10
do you accept our rules :yes
tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) :don't DM/ don't marker arrest/ don't avoid arrest


@azizbhk123 said in FL - Fast Limo:

Nickname: Aziz
Accountname: xVoDkAxX
nationlaty :tunis
languages spoken :Arabe, English , french
in game hours :125:15:40
what is RP :is doing story with some one it's like real life
what is DM :when you kill some one with no reason
why do you want to join us :because active and helpful and i love the limo
why should we accept you :Becaus i like this group and evryone says that is very good and they also say that the members are helpful
did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who :yes @scoore
English proficiency: 7/10
limo driving proficiency: 8/10
RP proficiency:7 /10
do you accept our rules :yes
tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) :don't DM/ don't marker arrest/ don't avoid arrest

you have 24 hours to write 3 server rules with your own fucking words and do not copy them from me if you didn't write them after 24 hours you will get ~[DENIED]~(red) and until now you are ~[PENDING]~(orange) hang with our members and you will get your answer as soon as you hang with us and btw don't write the same rules write a different rules


@azizbhk123 said in FL - Fast Limo:

Nickname: Aziz
Accountname: xVoDkAxX
nationlaty :tunis
languages spoken :Arabe, English , french
in game hours :125:15:40
what is RP :is doing story with some one it's like real life
what is DM :when you kill some one with no reason
why do you want to join us :because active and helpful and i love the limo
why should we accept you :Becaus i like this group and evryone says that is very good and they also say that the members are helpful
did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who :yes @scoore
English proficiency: 7/10
limo driving proficiency: 8/10
RP proficiency:7 /10
do you accept our rules :yes
tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) :don't DM/ don't marker arrest/ don't avoid arrest

azizbhk123 thanks . for apply you was have pending after you hanged with members FL now YOU ACCEPTED


No.1 - username : Catalin
No.2 - account name : catalin002
No.3 - nationlaty : Romanian
No.4 - languages spoken : Romanian, english, french
No.5 - in game hours : 50
No.6 - what is RP : is doing story with some one it's like real life
No.7 - what is DM : when you kill some one with no reason
No.8 - why do you want to join us : i like limo
No.9 - why should we accept you : because i like this group
No.10 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who : Scoore
No.11 - English proficiency ?/10 : 7
No.12 - limo driving proficiency ?/10 :8
No.13 - RP proficiency ?/10 : 8
No.14 - do you accept our rules : yes
No.15 - tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) : don't DM/ don't marker arrest/ don't avoid arres


@catalin002 said in FL - Fast Limo:

No.1 - username : Catalin
No.2 - account name : catalin002
No.3 - nationlaty : Romanian
No.4 - languages spoken : Romanian, english, french
No.5 - in game hours : 50
No.6 - what is RP : is doing story with some one it's like real life
No.7 - what is DM : when you kill some one with no reason
No.8 - why do you want to join us : i like limo
No.9 - why should we accept you : because i like this group
No.10 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who : Scoore
No.11 - English proficiency ?/10 : 7
No.12 - limo driving proficiency ?/10 :8
No.13 - RP proficiency ?/10 : 8
No.14 - do you accept our rules : yes
No.15 - tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) : don't DM/ don't marker arrest/ don't avoid arres


feel free to reapply when you learn F1 rules and what is DM and RP


No.1 - username :perlo
No.2 - account name :perlo0
No.3 - nationlaty :england
No.4 - languages spoken :english . espanol.
No.5 - in game hours :50
No.6 - what is RP :Roleplay means acting like in Real life ingame. Example, playing as a mafia and talking/acting like one.
No.7 - what is DM :deathmatching means Harming or killing other people without a valid reason.
No.8 - why do you want to join us :bec its good group and i love this group and i like limo driver and i hope join bec this group have good members .
No.9 - why should we accept you :i ma loly and i can help this group and i have good skills and i love limo and this group and i am good in driving car and i listen to leader and VL and HQ this group and [admin].
No.10 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who :no one
No.11 - English proficiency ?/10 :8
No.12 - limo driving proficiency ?/10 :9
No.13 - RP proficiency ?/10 :9
No.14 - do you accept our rules :yes
No.15 - tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) :dont avoid arreste and no DM and dont and no Marker arrest .


@perlo said in FL - Fast Limo:

No.1 - username :perlo
No.2 - account name :perlo0
No.3 - nationlaty :england
No.4 - languages spoken :english . espanol.
No.5 - in game hours :50
No.6 - what is RP :Roleplay means acting like in Real life ingame. Example, playing as a mafia and talking/acting like one.
No.7 - what is DM :deathmatching means Harming or killing other people without a valid reason.
No.8 - why do you want to join us :bec its good group and i love this group and i like limo driver and i hope join bec this group have good members .
No.9 - why should we accept you :i ma loly and i can help this group and i have good skills and i love limo and this group and i am good in driving car and i listen to leader and VL and HQ this group and [admin].
No.10 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who :no one
No.11 - English proficiency ?/10 :8
No.12 - limo driving proficiency ?/10 :9
No.13 - RP proficiency ?/10 :9
No.14 - do you accept our rules :yes
No.15 - tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) :dont avoid arreste and no DM and dont and no Marker arrest .

Perlo thanks . for this apply this good apply very nice perlo YOU ACCEPTED said to me or HQ to make tests .

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