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vektor's Application for Community Staff


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Your ingame username: vektor
Your ingame alias: vektor
Your year of birth: 1997
Your gender: Male

Nationality: Turkish
Country of residence: Turkey

How long you have been playing SAES: 7 and half year
Qualities you can offer: I'm patient in any issue. Nothing bothers me so i don't get mad and think clearly and carefully before taking any action. I sort any issue on time and never leave it behind. My communication skills also good , i talk with anyone till they got the point. I have seen alot on this server and i know what is right and what is wrong and it will help me with my decisions in any report/issue that i'm going to sort. Also i'm a good team mate , always cooperating and helping my team.
Your weaknesses: I think i was abit drama queen in the past but not anymore i guess (not sure). Also i dig into issues that i shouldnt be part of.

Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): CS

Do you have Discord Installed: Yes

Reason for application: Since i'm retired from all positions , i have nothing to do. I have alot time to help people around and keep the rules in order. I think i have enough experience to deal with these things. I want to use it on community purpose.
Server Memberships: SWAT Member , SAPD Honorary , LWS Honorary , HLS Honorary , CS Honorary

Additional information: My name is Deniz. I'm 23. I'm studying English Language and Literature for 2 years. I spend most of my time home/gym and outside with friends ( since corona out its only home). While i'm home , i'm spending my time on pc playing games. I'm part of this community for years and having alot of fun. I served alot on groups with managing and improving them but at the end i'm retired already. Now just hanging around and chating with oldies also playing other games.

Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Only adminjailed once.
Previous (legitimate) bans: No

Do you eat pork: Yes but only bacon and sausage.

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Thank you for your interest in joining the CS team.

On behalf of the management team we'd like to thank you for your interest in joining CS staff. We have reviewed the applications for the position of Community Staff and have chosen to proceed with a few of them. We regret to inform you we will not proceed with yours.

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