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https://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/2188-_king _/ (remove space)
These guys, we used to party around driving a black sultan (the coolest car by the date). Bambook was one of the strongest cops server ever had, in his best times he would solo your "tough" jailbreak without any killarrest and King was simply a cool guy to talk with.
I had better english skills by the time and was first to success in the community "hierarchy" by joining an official gang. But i've always had retarded attitude so not long after they overcame me by joining DE and later SAES. Too sad they no longer play.

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7 years ago, 2011-2012 season, @ILLUSION & @Fluid were talking about SAES at school all the time, so I was curious and asked them what it was, and they invited & introduced me to SAES. Not long after, @Gjones joined us as well and that's how our adventure began.

I played without a forum accounts for a few months since I was a total nub who couldn't speak English. I was asking for an invitation to any gang in mainchat all the time, and people always said ''apply'' and I didn't know what it meant. @Adistar was leading a gang called WSG (West Side Gangsters), they had the parking lot behind LS hospital as a base, it was always crowded and the gang was really active with many people online on a daily basis, so I went there asking for an invite, they said no and I started to DM them all on sight because I was pissed off that they didn't invite me. I was referring to WSG base as War Zone, because I always went there and fought against WSG members :D

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