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^[Alligator Fight Club Information]

Date of creation: 25.03.2020
Director of Organization: Vadim "Lumen" Petro
Office Adress: Los Santos "ls uber orange home"
Type: Corporation, Joint-Stock Company
Tag: [afc]

Organization is the mixed martial arts promotion with an building and changing structure, from the director to shareholders, referees and fighters, viewers. AFC is looking forward to sign contracts with San Andreas radio and TV stations. It's not just another underground club.

Contacts and information:
Telegram - t.me/saesalligator



^[Championship Information]

Championship lasts for a month and it's separated to exact amount of fights that counts from the number of fighters. Speadsheet with a schedule of fights would be placed every month in current topic once we pick enough fighters. ~[Here is a few notes]~(red):

  • So is it about fighters, could I come alone? No, your team have to include 2 people = trainer and fighter.

  • Also AFC organization takes care of hiring medics and security to upcoming event.

  • AFC provides referee that is controls whole fight, he could stop the fight in case of violations.

  • We are working via paid battle attendance(~[$$$]~(green)), cost of tickets values from how important and huge fight is. You'd get notification about incoming fight 30 mins before it starts in our Telegram Channel.

  • We are working at opportunity to let you view it for free via some TV or Radio in San Andreas. AFC will agree on a partnership soon we believe.

  • Every team ~[have to]~(red) attend to "trashtalk" when you supposed to meet face-to-face your opponent and say everything that you think about him, place where we will invite SA reporters and make the news about upcoming fights based on this.

^[Salary & Rewards]

  • Fighter Team - ~[150.000]~(green,green)$ for winning team where ~70% takes the fighter and 30% takes traineer. ~[75.000]~(green)$ for team that lost the fight, 70/30 works here too.

  • Referee - ~[25000]~(green)$ per fight.

  • Medic - ~[25000]~(green)$ per fight.

  • Security - ~[60000]~(green)$ to a squad from 3 guards per fight.

Champion award - by the end of season that lasts one month champion will be granted by ~[5.000.000]~(green)$ and any vehicle/helicopter that he wants locked to him.
~[Note]~(red): vehicle is time-limited award, if you don't defend your title it goes to other champion, this is your belt.

^[What could be counted as violation that could cause ~[disqualification]~(red)?]

  • Fighter doesn't fight and runs by circles in ring;

  • Figher hits the referee accidentally more than 5 times;

  • If team doesn't listen to the referee;



^[You could become a part of us! Shareholders, how does it work!?]

A shareholder can be a person, company, or organization that holds stock(s) in a given company. A shareholder must own a minimum of one share in a companys stock or mutual fund to make them a partial owner. Shareholders typically receive declared dividends if the company does well and succeeds. Also called a stockholder, they have the right to vote on certain matters with regard to the company and to be elected to a seat on the board of directors (you must have minumum 8 shares to pretend).

Single share cost at 25.03.2020 - 31.03.2020: ~[1000000]~(green)$

  • So what are dividends I get if I bought one? Let us describe, you will get extra ~[10%]~(red) from the single share you bought. For example if you bought one share for ~[1000000]~(green)$ we'll repay you ~[1100000]~(green)$ after ~[30-days]~(red) or you also availible to choose daily payments and recieve ~[36.666]~(green)$ per day(+10%/30). ~[Note:]~(red) you are not allowed to buy more than 2 per month!

^[Organization Members]

  • Managers:

Director - Vadim Petro @Lumen
Head of Security Service - CheGun Shishani @chegun

  • Referee:

  • Medics:

  • Security:

~[Recuitment is opened]~(green) currently, you should leave an application in this thread, example will be placed at the end of information topic.

^[~[Shareholders 49/100%]~(green)]

Vadim "Lumen" Petro - owns 51% of shares, only 49% is availible for sale currently. Example:

  • Name of Shareholder - % bought - type of payment - date - AFC payout every month/day ($$$)

  • Name of Shareholder - % bought - type of payment - date - AFC payout every month/day ($$$)

  • Name of Shareholder - % bought - type of payment - date - AFC payout every month/day ($$$)

  • Name of Shareholder - % bought - type of payment - date - AFC payout every month/day ($$$)

  • Name of Shareholder - % bought - type of payment - date - AFC payout every month/day ($$$)


^[Application to Join]

What's your name: (RP full name with nickname in-middle)
Are you member of a squad/gang:
~[Career objective: (referee, medic, security)]~(navy)
~[Why should we take you, whats your advantages:]~(navy)
~[How's your team named:]~(red)
~[Who is your traineer: (full RP name)]~(red)
~[What could you tell us about yourself?:]~(red)

If you are just trying to get ~[employe job]~(navy) you should remove ~[fighter's part.]~(red)

^[Want to become partners? Contact us and we discuss it.]

with best regards, Director of AFC Vadim "Lumen" Petro.


@AdemBygt said in Alligator Fight Club | Official Page:

Will you fight crocodiles? , animal enemies ... Good luck.

Thank you, we could become partners and do more stuff together in further with your fight club.
or pick up the best fighters from both clubs later few months and make huge event that SA never seen before, cya on the streets!

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