Pump Posted February 25, 2020 Author Posted February 25, 2020 Greetings lads, here I'll be posting my Cuban Cars' activities.I'll be using this format for patrols::::Patrol Number:Date of patrol:Cuban Cars Member(s):Screenshots:Duration::::I'll be using this format for roleplays::::Roleplay number:Roleplay story:Participants:Screenshots::::I'll be using this format for events::::Event number:Event price:Event's winner:Event's hoster::::
Pump Posted February 25, 2020 Author Posted February 25, 2020 Roleplay number: 1.Roleplay story: 25/02/1989, one day exactly after the sorrowful event, the incident which has been all around the world's news.The international races' organisers were awfully let down & many popular racers around the world were shocked, there was a race, an international, it was in the worst location ever, unfortunately, the weather was too stormy but the racers couldn't let this chance go, it is the only opportunity for them to reach out to James_Alaska since he was the first when it comes to points, he had 250 points, he approximately won 6 races which is the record for such a man, yet since he was injured, Jiro_kirasemi, who was the second on the list can make it up if he wins this race, anyways, before the race, knowing the fact that it is too risky, Mr.Kim, one of the managers of the race suggested that they do a voting if they wanna take the race or no, the voting went 6 with, 5 against, 2 neutral.The race was being implented.On the fourth lap, Jiro had made a mistake while driving just to assure the win of the race which sadly costed him his life in the sixth lap since he didn't change tires while it was so necessary in this location.Now, everyone is talking about it, around the world, his car was so damaged, this car was so severly damaged which is clearly called "Severe Damage", "Severe damage is just like it sounds: very heavy damage. This includes broken axles and bent or twisted frames.In a severe damage situation, air bags have almost always deployed. Examples include if your car has rolled over, or a complete side of the car is damaged."This car was as damaged as possible yet, Jiro's son, Achelivier who is a professional racer wanted it fixed by any means, he looked everywhere for the best & expert mechanic who can do something about it, someday, whilst at it, someone told him that Mr.Nico_Alcabane can fix it which is why Jiro's son asked for the location of the garage. Two days after, he found it,he was so shocked to find a little garage whilst peeps kept kept describing his work as something extraordinary. Whatsoever, Mr.Nico fully agreed to try fixing it as it is his honor since he was the original creator of the car appearently because he was working at Ferrari before. Anyways, The car looked so ugly, everything was troubled, the battery was dead, dead battery is usually caused by reduced amps or electrical currents which naturally decrease as the battery loses its ability to maintain a charge.A damaged alternator, battery temperature sensor, or other charging system components can expedite this issue. Its best to replace your car battery every 50,000 miles or three years, even if its not showing signs of damage. That's why, Nico replaced the battery with another one he got, it is the best battery he has ever created. In addition, the car tires were flat, that's why he teared them, he kept them totally rotated. The most common problem that would happen if he drives it again would be, Alternator Failure which has the responsibility for supplying a charge to your battery to keep it in peak condition.When an alternator breaks, it will eventually cause the battery to wear out prematurely and other starting issues. Check your recommended service intervals and replace the alternator before it breaks to avoid this hassle. He replaced the engine filter, he even replaced the PCV Valve. Then the car looked better, he painted its color again with some help of one of his friend, the car looked brand new but the engine now, the hardest & the most troublesome problem.The engine wasn't working nor functioning. he wanted to fix it somehow since this engine was so powerful, yet the damage was just too severe. He tried every single method he has learnt, when he was about to give up, the engine worked, it was a moment of satisfactory, Nico felt that he could be something in this world after figuring out a way to fix such a car, it took him more than 2 months to fix such a car but since it is a racing car, he needed to add Some equipments, after all, Nico's little business will be representing this car from now on since none have ever took the job, anyways, Jiro's son paid the man as already dealt then he headed out with the car to the race area where he liked to try it out, He felt like it was so cool, he liked it more than ever, he felt it was new.2 days later, he had an international race & he came in the first spot hoping to make his father proud.Participants: Myself, @Judy & @Jesse421Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GUp1tgv
Pump Posted February 25, 2020 Author Posted February 25, 2020 Patrol Number: 1Date of patrol: 25/02/2020Cuban Cars Member(s): @Judyes @Gal @Elegant.Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cakswQ5Duration: 1 hour.
Pump Posted February 28, 2020 Author Posted February 28, 2020 Patrol Number: 2Date of patrol: 25/02/2020Cuban Cars Member(s): @CrashScreenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SK43ywVDuration: 1 hour.
Pump Posted February 28, 2020 Author Posted February 28, 2020 Roleplay number: 2.Roleplay story: It was a morning of a busy day for the mechanic who became so popular recently after making the impossible possible by fixing Jiro's car, anyways, He has been working & making business from that event, he is so known in San Andreas with his great work & perfect performance, anyways, the journey started with one of the best clients who was Mr.Simer who is an ordinary man who just started a business of cars, a company to sell racing cars & parts of unique cars.Whatsoever, the task was about upgrading an ordinary car to a race car which is basically a hard task, nevertheless, Nico got the deal as he had experienced such stuff before this task which made the manager of the company come to Nico before anyone else.Anyways, the car he wanted was a model of Ferrari roma which is one of the strongest cars that was out in 2020 & there are always things to know about this car which are new to cars' world & the best of them is that this car has a boot, not a hatch The Roma offers 272-litres of space for your monogrammed matching leather luggage set, or 345-litres if you fold the back seats down.Thats right, those miniscule back seats (acknowledged by Ferrari by calling the Roma a 2+, rather than a 2+2) flop forward to create a useful amount of space. Alternatively, keep them upright and you can use them to stash stuff you need access to on a long journey, secondly this car, it has some kinda new key which is almost something so unique for such a cars, its keys are totally cool & nothing like the normal all that counts is it helps Ferrari owners show off without having to mention that they drive a Griogio Titanio Roma every five minutes.First thing Nico started with is adding badges since it is important to this car not that important because it is the first car that you can delete budges from. The interior is surprisingly cohesive, first ferrari car to be cohesive since Ferrari is famous for loading a shotgun with buttons and firing it at the dashboard, switches falling where they may. However, with the Romas complete interior overhaul its built something that feels more cohesive than any other modern Ferrari.The 16-inch digital instrument cluster is pretty much the largest weve seen. As well as the engine of the Ferrari is so powerful & strong, yet Nico wanted to change it to make the car even more perfect. The chosen & he most powerful production engine resides in a Bugatti Chiron. The most fuel-efficient engine takes residence in a Volkswagen XL1.But both of the vehicles these engines are mounted to are so expensive and exclusive that their impact will never really reach us. We rounded up what we believed were the best engines not necessarily the most powerful or advanced, but engines that made an impact on the automotive landscape. Some on this list were made for 70 years, and some were produced for less than a decade. So he made some calls & he got the engine, he installed it fully into the car, three days passed, the car was fully changed but he changed its color, it is one black car, it is so beatiful & amazing, the last touch was to intact the Carbon Body Parts he has been Swapping out heavy-metal body panels for lightweight carbon fiber is another great way to upgrade your ride.The less excess weight you're packing around, the quicker you'll be around the track, and in some cases, adding extra venting (like in the case of the carbon fiber hood seen here) can even help improve the overall efficiency of the cooling system.The man came back to Nico's garage to find the car waiting for him, it was so cool, everything inside it was well organised, everything was cool, James was paid a huge amount of money, he denied an invatitation to work in the man's company.Participants: @SpeeD1Tn & @Jesse421Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ehCOqgu
Pump Posted March 8, 2020 Author Posted March 8, 2020 Patrol Number: 3Date of patrol: 06/03/2020Cuban Cars Member(s): @ExileDuration: 20 Minutes.:::Screenshots: :::
Pump Posted March 8, 2020 Author Posted March 8, 2020 Patrol Number: 4Date of patrol: 08/03/2020Cuban Cars Member(s): @Draven & @SWT & @Anas_Duration: 25 Minutes.:::Screenshots: :::
Pump Posted March 8, 2020 Author Posted March 8, 2020 Roleplay number: 3.Roleplay story: It was one good day, all things were going smoothly, Nico was at his garage making what he usually does, fixing/upgrading some cars & working on a new project which can get him some new costumers & get his business known all around the world, whatsoever, Mr.Nico had an urgent call, it was from one of his preferable clients, he had some cars' troubles & he could not handle it, he is on Las Venturas highways currently & he is asking Nico to come have a look & see what he can do about it especially that the client really needs the car since he has a meeting, urgent one. As fast as possible, Nico got to his truck & tried locating the car & the man in order to get it to the garage where he can see what is the problem etc... & what he can do about it, he reached the location where he found the man waving & waiting for the mechanic to take on the car. After fixing the car on the truck, he went back to his garage where a long discussion was made. The car's problem was at its tires, it is dangerous and one of the biggest issues that people have with their tires is that they wear out which has happened to this man. you cant expect tires to last forever after all, whatsoever, Nico got to his work, he has changed the tires of the car which costed the costumer a ransom of 5.000$ then he went on his own way & nico continued working on his project.Participants: @K2rhym & @DeathboyScreenshots: https://imgur.com/a/FrbbCuy
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