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Legend's CC Activities


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Activity (SF Garage RP) #2
CC members involved: Paradox
Other participants: Legend. Danniel
Desctiption: Today I got a call from CC mecanico paradox which got a job to open SF garage. I came in just 20 minutes so we were able to start the duty together immediately. Not that much took us to wait for the first custumer as he showed up in a minute once we advertised it. The one was really hard. I had to take care of his problem. The engine was making much noise every time I tried to start that. Still it was able to work but that's way uncomfortable to drive a car like that. I got closer, opened hood and took a look inside. Still the problem was not recognized.Then I tilted towards the engine and checked it out properly. The most likely cause was the piston rocking from side to side so every time you try to start the engine It gets blocked and vibrates making all that annoying noise. I switched it with another one and checked around once again, this time it did well.
SS: https://imgur.com/gallery/bHLNC5N

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